AirPal InService Training Guidelines and Post Training Discussion Points
Training Guidelines and Post Training Discussion Points
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SUPPORT DOCUMENT AirPal Air Assisted Lateral Patient Transfer System In-Service Training Guidelines and Post Training Discussion Points PURPOSE: The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for previously trained staff to train new staff to safely transfer patients using the AirPal Air-Assisted Lateral Patient Transfer System. Operation of the system is simple and straightforward. These guidelines will reinforce good methods and safety steps to protect the patient and caregiver alike. Prior to in-service training, staff who are new to the operation of the AirPal Air-Assisted Lateral Patient Transfer System should complete the online Learning Module available at:
INDICATIONS FOR USE: Staff should review the indications for use. The AirPal Air-Assisted Lateral Patient Transfer System is primarily used for lateral transfers from bed to stretcher. Since forces like shear that act against a patient during transfer are dramatically reduced with the AirPal System, the transfer device is particularly suited to patients with burns, open wounds, and those patients with skin management issues. Other indications:
Dependent patients. Patients weighing up to 1,200 lbs. Patients whose body weight and size pose a significant risk or issue to the patient or staff during performance of routine care.
In general, air assisted lateral patient transfer devices overcome many of the drawbacks of floor or ceiling lifts that have been configured for lateral patient transfer. Since the transfer pad can travel with the patient, additional transfers of the patient can be easily accommodated. The AirPal Air-Assisted Lateral Patient Transfer System has several unique features that distinguish it from similar devices: Extended Handles: Allow use of siderails during transfer and help to maintain posture by extending the caregivers reach. Stabilization Bands: Help to center patients who are slightly off-center during inflation and allow greater control during transfer. Protective Liners: AirPal’s specially designed protective liners extend over sidewalls to provide extra protection from soiling and fluids. The unique snap system secures the liner in place so it does not move or bunch up when positioning your patient on the Transfer Pad. Disposable versions of the liners also have the same features. Medical Fabrics: AirPal utilizes medical fabrics with special characteristics to address skin management concerns. The patient surfaces are double layered so that seams are covered and patients are further protected from shear.
Manufacturer's Specifications are Subject to Change
SUPPORT DOCUMENT AirPal Air Assisted Lateral Patient Transfer System In-Service Training Guidelines Step-by-Step Instructions 1. Refer to the User’s Manual located on the handle of the Air Supply if you have any questions concerning the operation of the system. 2. If available, secure a sanitized durable protective liner (Sani-Liner) to the Transfer Pad using the snap system. (AirPal provides an optional protective Sani-Liner for each width of Transfer Pad. Additionally, disposable Sani-Liners are available.) 3. Place the Transfer Pad beneath the patient to be transferred using a log rolling technique or patient appropriate procedure. 4. Position the surface to be transferred to next to the patient. If possible, lower the surface to be transferred to by no more than two inches. Secure all surfaces with wheel locks or braking system. Raise the siderails on the opposing sides of the transfer surfaces. 5. Place the patient’s arms down by their sides with the legs uncrossed and positioned evenly at the foot end of the Transfer Pad. Observe that the patient is centered on the Transfer Pad (slightly off-centered patients can be corrected during inflation by tugging up on the handle closest to the patient.) Secure the patient safety straps, being sure to leave a slight amount of slack. The extra slack will be taken up when the device is inflated. 6. Plug the AirPal Air Supply into a grounded AC receptacle. Attach the AirPal Air Supply hose end to the foot end of the Transfer Pad. The hose end should fit snuggly and be attached with both snaps to ensure it is secure. (TIP: attach the hose end to the attachment point facing the surface to be transferred to.) 7. With an attendant next to the patient, the AirPal Air Supply can be powered on. Reassure the patient that the Air Supply will make a noise similar to that of a vacuum cleaner, and that it is normal. 8. With attendants facing each other opposite the surfaces the patient will be transferred across, both attendants should firmly grasp the handles. The handles extended reach will allow transfers with the side rails engaged and while maintaining a proper upright posture. The receiving side initiates the transfer by slightly leading the patient’s upper torso and pulling towards themselves in a smooth fluid motion. (Note: Do not overtly bend your back. Instead use the length of the handles to extend your reach.) 9. Center the patient on the receiving surface. With an attendant next to the transferred patient, turn off the AirPal Air Supply. Raise all siderails on the receiving surface. Verify that the patient is in comfort. 10. The transfer is complete. Proceed to discussion and review checklist.
Manufacturer's Specifications are Subject to Change
SUPPORT DOCUMENT AirPal Air Assisted Lateral Patient Transfer System In Service Training Discussion and Review Checklist SAFETY: Discussion Points:
Tick Mark:
Refer to the attached User’s Manual (located on the Air Supply) if you have questions prior to transfer. If there is a gap wider than six inches – a transfer bridge is required. Surfaces are secured with brakes and/or wheel locks. Patient is centered on Transfer Pad with legs oriented to the foot end and arms down to the sides of the patient. Patient Safety Straps are secured around patient prior to transfer. Opposing side rails are deployed prior to transfer . Equipment is free of obstructions/hose can move freely during transfer Minimum of two staff present for transfer. Air Supply is not powered on without an attendant for the patient. All side rails are secured after transfer.
OPERATION: Discussion Points:
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Patient is informed of the procedure and Air Supply motor noise. Differences in height between transfer surfaces is verified as less than 2 inches. Surfaces are determined to be level. Air hose end is properly inserted and secure – both snaps are used. Patient is centered – slightly off center patients can be adjusted with a slight tug upward on the handle closest to the patient during inflation. Transfers are initiated with a smooth even pulling motion. Patient is transferred by leading upper torso. Caregivers maintain posture during transfer and utilize extended handles. After transfer, check patient’s comfort.
CARE AND CLEANING: Discussion Points:
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Used Transfer Pads and protective liners should be wiped down with a germicidal solution prior to storage. Single use protective liners need to be disposed of. The Air Supply power cord needs to be looped and stored on the Air Supply handle. Inspect all equipment prior to storage – note required repairs/replacements. Training Record: Date: __________________
Name of Staff Member Trained: ______________________________________________________________ Name of Trainer (Staff Member): ______________________________________________________________
Manufacturer's Specifications are Subject to Change