
AirPal Patient Transfer System Questions & Answers Oct 2014

Questions & Answers

6 Pages

AirPal® Patient Transfer System Questions & Answers 1. How does the AirPal Patient Transfer System promote Safe Patient Handling more effectively than similar products? It has become generally accepted that air-assisted lateral transfer pads create many efficient safe patient handling benefits. AirPal's product line is the broadest offering on the market with nine available widths in the PVR reusable standard 78” length line (18, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 39, 50") and four available widths in the SPS disposable line (28, 34, 39, 50”). Additionally, AirPal offers 47” ShortPads™ (Reusable widths: 28, 30, 32, 34, 39, 50”, Disposable widths: 34, 39”) that are perfect for specialty patient positioning applications like Labor and Delivery, drop table procedures, or the Operating Room. An air-assisted lateral TransferPad™ has an underside that is perforated for air release. The device is attached to an air supply which forces a constant flow of high volume/low pressure air which causes the device to inflate a semi-rigid surface for patient transfers or positioning. Upon inflation, excess air escapes out through the perforations on the bottom of the device and a "cushion" of air is formed upon which the patient is moved almost effortlessly. The technology itself is efficient in terms of reducing the number of staff required for a lateral transfer; the device has been shown to reduce the amount of exertion required for transfer by up to 90%. In general an AirPal TransferPad solves many problems and offers higher operational efficiencies. The product is portable and requires little room to store, reduces lifting requirements, aides patient comfort, is easy to use, requires little training, and is suitable for MRI and X-Ray transfers (Note: MRI requires 25’ air hose). TransferPads have a demonstrated ability to reduce the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) associated with repetitive lifting stresses thus reducing caregiver injury related costs. Of equal importance, air-assisted TransferPads use technology to bring greater patient comfort to the lateral transfer process. Over the last 30 years AirPal has steadily applied new innovation to make the air-assisted lateral patient transfer process even better. SKIN MANAGEMENT: Realizing that caregivers have skin integrity concerns about leaving patients on any surface for an extended length of time, AirPal uses a doubled layered surface to reduce friction and shear. In the PVR Premium-Value-Reusable line, Airpal uses advanced four way stretch fabrics on all patient contact surfaces. In the SPS Single-Patent-Stay line, Airpal employs an independent polypropylene cover to minimize friction and shear.  AirPal Patient Transfer System Q & A Manufacturer Specifications are Subject to Change  Page |1
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