Ambulatory Monitoring Inc
PVT-192 Users Guide and Reference Manual Rev 1.1
Users Guide and Reference Manual
49 Pages

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PVT-192® User’s Guide And Reference Manual Rev 1.1
731 Saw Mill River Road P.O. Box 609 Ardsley, NY 10502 Phones: (914) 693-9240 and 1-800-341-0066 Fax: (914) 693-6604 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Web site:
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PVT-192® User’s Guide Introduction ... 2 Getting Started With PVTCOMM ... 5 System Requirements ... 9 Windows Software For The PVT-192 ... 9 Installing PVTCOMM for Windows Version 2.61 ... 11 Running PVTCOMM... 12 Entering Supervisory Mode Using The PVT-192... 12 Field Setup Of The PVT-192 ... 14 Introduction To The Field Testing With The PVT-192 ... 19 Altering The PVT-192 Parameters In The Field ... 20 Quick Set Up Instructions For Testing A Subject With PVT-192 ... 24 Sample Instructions To Subjects ... 25 Using the PVT-192/Computer Interface ... 25 Clearing The PVT-192 Using The PVTCOMMW Interface ... 26 Initializing The PVT-192 Using The PVTCOMMW Interface ... 29 Downloading Data From The PVT-192 To Your Computer ... 39 Checking Memory Free On The PVT-192 Device ... 42 Setting The Low Level Password On The PVT-192 Device ... 44 Error Messages During Computer Interface With The PVT-192 ... 46
Introduction Human reaction time (RT) has been used by psychologists and physiologists as an index of motor performance. Continuous reaction time performance over a relatively short time period can reveal changes in performance ability caused by fatigue or drugs. Therefore, reaction time performance is also useful as an indicator of general psychomotor impairment. The PVT (Psychomotor Vigilance Task)-192 was designed and built by CWE, Inc., Ardmore, PA, with consultation from UEP staff Dr. Dinges, Dr. Kribbs, and J. Powell. Ambulatory Monitoring, Inc. of Ardsley, NY currently sells the PVT-192 commercially.
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The PVT-192 is a fully electronic, computerized test-presentation and data capture system for simple visual or auditory reaction time. The stimulus presentation strategy employed for both modalities is to maintain the stimulus until the subject responds, as opposed to presenting brief fixed-length stimuli. When using visual stimuli, and LED millisecond counter display acts as both stimulus and performance feedback display. In the auditory-only mode, there is no overt performance feedback. The device allows the user to vary all major task parameters to suit different applications. All response data is stored in non-volatile RAM with an independent backup battery, and data may be copied to a computer via a serial port on demand. Nearly every aspect of response behavior is recorded, such as unstimulated responses and other inappropriate responses. Although the PVT-192 is a stand-alone device as regards field data collections and parameter setting, the user will also need a computer, serial cable and software to download the data stored in the device and to clear the data memory at the end of a protocol.
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Power for the PVT-192 is provided by an internal 8-cell rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery pack or an external AC adapter/charger. The PVT (Psychomotor Vigilance Task)-192 was designed and built by CWE, Inc., Ardmore, PA, with consultation from UEP staff Dr. Dinges, Dr. Kribbs, and J. Powell. Ambulatory Monitoring, Inc. of Ardsley, NY currently sells the PVT-192 commercially.
The PVT-192 is a fully electronic, computerized test-presentation and data capture system for simple visual or auditory reaction time. The stimulus presentation strategy employed for both modalities is to maintain the stimulus until the subject responds, as opposed to presenting brief fixed-length stimuli. When using visual stimuli, and LED millisecond counter display acts as both stimulus and performance feedback display. In the auditory-only mode, there is no overt performance feedback. The device allows the user to vary all major task parameters to suit different applications. All response data is stored in non-volatile RAM with an independent backup battery, and data may be copied to a computer via a serial port on demand. Nearly every aspect of
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response behavior is recorded, such as unstimulated responses and other inappropriate responses. Although the PVT-192 is a stand-alone device as regards field data collections and parameter setting, the user will also need a computer, serial cable and software to download the data stored in the device and to clear the data memory at the end of a protocol. Power for the PVT-192 is provided by an internal 8-cell rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery pack or an external AC adapter/charger.
Getting Started With PVTCOMM The figure below shows a display of PVTCOMM upon start up. Several Toolbar buttons were added for commonly used functions. * The Files submenu contains the following item: Exit. * The PVT submenu contains items the following items: Clear, Initialize and Download, Memory Free and Set Password. * The Configure submenu contains the following items: Port and Save. * The Diagnostics submenu contains the following item: Loop Test. * The Help submenu contains the following items: About and Contents.
The following section discusses the preliminaries necessary to work with PVTCOMM leading up to the initialization process will be broken down as follows:
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1.) Physical Description of the PVT-192. 2.) System Requirements 3.) Installing PVTCOMM * Windows Software for the PVT-192 * Installing PVTCOMM for Windows Version 2.61 4.) Running PVTCOMM
Physical Description of The PVT-192 The PVT-192 device is enclosed in a plastic case measuring 21x11x6 cm overall and weighing 658 gm (1.45 lbs). On the upper surface there are two pushbuttons (RIGHT and LEFT), and two displays. The smaller display is a 4-digit LED numeric display, which is used as the visual reaction time stimulus and also provides performance feedback. The larger panel is a 16character LCD alphanumeric display that is used for prompts, log-on, warnings and parameter settings.
The pushbuttons on the RIGHT and LEFT are used to respond to the stimuli during a test, and to move a cursor on the LCD display during log-on or parameter setting. All the other switches and connectors for the PVT-192 are grouped on the end panels of the case. The items located on the ‘near’ end panel are: * Battery charger/AC adapter socket * LED charge indicator lamp
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* 9-pin male “D” connector for serial input/output * Power on/off switch
Located on the ‘far’ end of the panel are: * A pair of 1/8th inch stereo phone jacks for connecting headphones when using auditory stimuli * Volume control * Present control of headphones a 3/32 inch ‘mono’ phone jack to connect to an external response switch.
Current production versions have 4-digit serial numbers that display when the unit is turned on. Additional items for use with the PVT-192 are: 1.) An AC adapter/battery charger (120v AC input) – supplied 2.) Serial cable for link to IBM-compatible computer– supplied 3.) Remote pushbutton switch on 2.5 m cable – optional accessory item.
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4.) One or two stereo headphones - 1/8” stereo phone plug – optional accessory item purchase locally.
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System Requirements Before installing, make sure your computer is equipped to run PVTCOMM. Here's a list of the minimum requirements for running the software: Available Serial Communications (COM) Port 166 MHZ Pentium or faster processor 32 MB RAM Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP 10 MB available on hard drive 1 MB Video Card (800 x 600 resolution minimum)
Windows Software For The PVT-192 INSTALLING PVT-192 COMMUNICATIONS AND ANALYSIS SOFTWARE: If your computer is configured to automatically play inserted CD’s, then the installation procedure will begin automatically once the CD has been inserted into the drive. If the setup procedure doesn’t begin automatically, choose the START button. Then choose RUN. In the field provided, enter D:SETUP.EXE (assuming D is the drive designation for your CD ROM drive.) Follow the instructions presented during the installation procedure. The following is a preview of what the user will see when loading the PVT Package Setup Program from CD ROM in a Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP environment: PVTCOMMW and REACT WELCOME: Welcome to the PVT Package Setup Program. This program will install the PVT package on your computer. It is strongly recommended that you exit all Windows programs before running this Setup program. Click Cancel to quit Setup and then close all programs you have running. Click Next to continue with the Setup program. WARNING: This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law. INITIALLY: The User will see the following prompt:
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Type your name below. You must also type the name of the company or institution you work for. Enter your name and your company/institution name. CHOOSE DESTINATION LOCATION The screen will display the destination directory, and advise the user of the following: Setup will install PVT Package in the following directory: programfilesamipvt To install in this directory, click Next. To install to a different directory, click Browse and select another directory. The user may choose not to install PVT Package at this time by clicking Cancel to exit Setup. SELECT PROGRAM FOLDER The screen will display the following: Setup will add program icons to the Program Folder listed below. You may type a new folder name, or select one from the existing Folders list. Click Next to continue. Program Folders: AMIPVT Existing Folders: - Will list all the Folders currently on your computer in alphabetical order. START COPYING FILES The screen will display the following: Setup has enough information to start copying the program files. If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin copying files. Current Settings: Setup Type: Complete Target Folder: C:Program FilesAMIPVT User Information: Name: Company:
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DECOMPRESSING FILES, ETC. The computer will decompress and copy the files to your computer, in the Folders you have chosen above. SETUP COMPLETE The screen will display the following: Setup has finished copying files to your computer. Before you can use the program, you must restart Windows or your computer. * Yes, I want to restart my computer now. * No, I will restart my computer later. Remove any disks from their drives and click Finish to complete setup. At this time, the files will have successfully loaded from the CD ROM to the hard drive. The icons displayed will be: The PVTCOMM link for setup and download of the PVT device:
and The REACT software for PVT data analyses:
It is suggested that the icons be dragged or copied to the desktop in order to have the programs easily accessible.
Installing PVTCOMM for Windows Version 2.61 This program contains the building blocks for the user to establish parameters for initialization of and download from the PVT-192 device. The following are the options once the PVTCommW program is opened: File
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File: Contains the Exit feature. PVT: Contains the following features: Clear Initialize Download Memory Free ~ Set Password Configure: Contains the following features: Port Save Preparation for a subject reaction time trial may be done with or without a connection to a computer. The following section covers operations using the computer interface. Please see above for use and programming of the PVT-192 device in the field.
Running PVTCOMM Clicking on the Windows Start button, selecting Programs, selecting AMI folder, then selecting PVTCOMM and finally clicking on the PVTCOMM icon can start the software. You may wish to drag the PVTCOMM icon (see figure below) on your desktop, making it easier to start your program.
Double clicking (or single click if you are going through the Windows Start button) on the PVTCOMMW icon will bring up the PVTCOMM program.
Entering Supervisory Mode Using The PVT-192 In order to access the PVTCommW selections, the PVT-192 device must be in Supervisory Mode. In addition, the device must be well charged, so it is recommended that the user give the device time to charge prior to attempting to set up parameters or to initialize. When the PVT-192 is switched on, identifying information is displayed in the larger alphanumeric screen. The first screen reads “PVT-192” and the software ROM version
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number, e.g. “rev 2.51.” This is automatically replaced with the second screen, which gives the PVT-192 unit’s serial number, e.g. “1057.” Next, the main Menu screen is shown: Select Test
NOTE: The LEFT button on the PVT-192 is used to move the cursor. The RIGHT button on the PVT-192 is used to select the option. Select Setup by pressing the LEFT button, which will move the cursor to Setup, and accept the cursor position by pressing the RIGHT button. The next screen will display: Access < 0123456789QER The Supervisory Mode access code is identical for all PVT-192 devices. This code has been entered by the manufacturer, and may only be changed by special order. The Supervisory Mode access code is: 31267
To enter the Supervisory Mode access code, use the LEFT button to move the cursor to the first number, then press the RIGHT button to accept the digit. Note that the cursor always moves to the right, so that if you go past the item you wanted you must go all the way around the display line to get back to it. If you hold the LEFT button down the cursor will move continuously. Continue as above until the 5 digits of the Supervisory Mode access code are displayed on the top line of the LCD display. Then move the cursor to Q (QUIT) and press the RIGHT button. This completes entry, and the device will display: Supervisory Mode.
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If a mistake is made, the E (ERASE) selection will wipe out the characters selected so that the user may begin entry again. The R (RETURN) button will display the previous Menu, abandoning the current entries. Each time a function (i.e. clear, initialize, download, memory free or set password) is performed on the computer by the user, the PVT-192 device will default back to its select screen. If additional functions are required (e.g., a Clear following a Download of the data), the PVT-192 device must be returned to Supervisory Mode via use of the access code at the device Select Setup menu. This completes entry, and the device will display: Supervisory Mode.
Field Setup Of The PVT-192 The PVT-192 is fully programmable in the field. In order to access the selections for Initialization and testing, the PVT-192 device must be well charged, so it is recommended that the user gives the device time to charge prior to attempting to set up parameters or to initialize. When the PVT-192 is switched on, identifying information is displayed in the larger alphanumeric screen. The first screen reads “PVT-192” and the software ROM version number, e.g. “rev 2.51.” This is automatically replaced with the second screen, which gives the PVT-192 unit’s serial number, e.g. “1057.” When in the field, the parameters to be programmed into the PVT-192 may be done on the device itself. At the PVT-192 device main Select menu screen:
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NOTE: The LEFT button on the PVT-192 is used to move the cursor. The RIGHT button on the PVT-192 is used to select the option. Select Setup and the next menu appears as:
This access is protected by a 1-4 digit access low level (non-supervisory) password code. This password can be set when the PVT-192 device and the computer are interfaced, and the computer is in the PVTCommW program. It is recommended that an easily remembered password be used if altered by the user. NOTE: The default password is 123. Should the device’s battery drain, an altered password entered by the user may return to the default of 123.
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To enter the access code, use the LEFT button to move the cursor to the first number, then press the RIGHT button to accept the digit. Note that the cursor always moves to the right, so that if you go past the item you wanted you must go all the way around the display line to get back to it. If you hold the LEFT button down, the cursor will move continuously. Continue as above until all access password code digits are displayed on the top line of the LCD display, then move the cursor to Q (QUIT) and press the RIGHT button. This completes entry. The E (ERASE) selection will wipe out the characters selected so that you can begin entry again. The R (RETURN) button will display the previous Menu, abandoning the current entries. Once the PVT-192 recognizes and accepts the access password code, it will enter: Select Setup PARAM
NOTE: Test PARAMETER and CLOCK settings may be done directly on the PVT-192 in the field, or in the laboratory when interfaced with a computer. Following setting of the CLOCK parameters, the PVT-192 device will revert back to the Select Setup Menu. This allows the user to select Setup items again without re-entering the low-level password access code. Therefore, it is recommended that the CLOCK features be set before the PARAMETER features. CLOCK Under this selection, the user may examine and/or modify the current settings of the PVT clock and calendar. NOTE: The PVT-192 device WILL NOT reject meaningless entries for the time and date. Therefore, when altering the time and date in the field, the experimenter must be very careful to make accurate entries. “Q” should follow each entry in order to move to the next parameter. If a mistake is made during entry, “E” will erase the entry and allow the user to re-enter the correct digits. If the proper time-stamping of test data is important to the experimenter’s investigator (e.g. to control for circadian influences, etc.), frequent checking of the clock data is encouraged. To check the date and time, when in the CLOCK mode, the user may enter “Q” at each selection to skip through the parameters, and alter those which are incorrect. Hour > 0123456789QER Enter the hour (2 digits) using 24-hour clock time, and then Q. Minute > 0123456789QER
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Enter the minutes (2 digits) and then Q. Month > 0123456789QER Enter the month (2 digits) and then Q. Day > 0123456789QER Enter the day (2 digits) and then Q. Year > 0123456789QER Enter the year (2 digits) and then Q. Following entry of all of the above items, the PVT-192 device will revert back to the Select Setup menu. This allows the user to select Setup items again without re-entering the lowlevel password access code. PARAM Under this menu, the user may examine and/or modify the eleven Test Parameter items used by the PVT-192. If the user simply presses the RIGHT button (which rests on the “Q”) when each item is displayed, the current value will be retained. On items, which require an alphabetic entry, the LCD screen displays the whole alphabet in 3 segments. To see the next segment of the alphabet, select the “+” symbol. Then select individual characters until done. The “Q” symbol accepts the entire entry. The “E” symbol erases it and starts over. The device displays: Study - Enter 2-8 letters to identify the study about to be recorded > ABCDEFGHIJ+QE (first alphabet segment – move to second with +) > KLMNOPQRST+QE (second alphabet segment) > UVWXYZ_ +QE (third alphabet segment) Enter the study name and then Q. Mood - Enter any word or phrase up to 8 letters. This will be displayed on the pre and posttest analog mood scale. > ABCDEFGHIJ+QE (first alphabet segment – move to second with +) > KLMNOPQRST+QE (second alphabet segment) > UVWXYZ_ +QE (third alphabet segment) Enter the mood word or phrase and then Q.
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E Initials - Enter up to 3 letters to identify the Experimenter or test administrator. > ABCDEFGHIJ+QE (first alphabet segment – move to second with +) > KLMNOPQRST+QE (second alphabet segment) > UVWXYZ_ +QE (third alphabet segment) Enter the Experimenter’s Initials and then Q. S Initials - Enter up to 3 letters to identify the Subject. > ABCDEFGHIJ+QE (first alphabet segment – move to second with +) > KLMNOPQRST+QE (second alphabet segment) > UVWXYZ_ +QE (third alphabet segment) Enter the Subject’s Initials and then Q. Subject - Enter up to 4 digits to further identify the person to be tested. > 0123456789QER Enter the Subject ID number and then Q. Trial – Enter up to 3 digits to identify the Trial sequence number for a particular subject. > 0123456789QER Enter the Trial number (using 2 digits – e.g., 02) and then Q. ISTmin ms – Enter the minimum or lower boundary of the Inter-Stimulus Interval, in milliseconds. The smallest value permitted is 1 second (1000 ms). Since the LED stimulus display remains illuminated after a response for about a second, in practice it is necessary to use a minimum ISI value long enough to allow distinguishing one stimulus from another, e.g. at least 1500ms. > 0123456789QER Enter the minimum ISI in ms and then Q. ISTmax ms - Enter the maximum or upper boundary of the Inter-Stimulus Interval, in milliseconds. Note that the MAX ISI must be a larger value than the MIN ISI or the PVT192 will indicate an error. > 0123456789QER Enter the maximum ISI in ms and then Q. NOTE: IST min and IST max provide limits to the inter-stimulus interval, between which the PVT-192 will randomize its presentation of stimuli. For constant inter-stimulus intervals, make IST max 1 millisecond greater than IST min.
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TTT sec – Enter the Total Test Time for each trial, in seconds. This does not include the time taken for pre and post-test Mood Scales. A typical value is 600 seconds (10 minutes). > 0123456789QER Enter the total test time, in seconds, and then Q. Task Code – Enter visual, auditory or both (Visual and Auditory combined). The standard test is “V” – Visual-only – using the LED display as stimulus and performance feedback display. Vis Aud Both Handedness – Enter the subject’s dominant hand. Left Right/Ext When the review and/or modification of the Parameters values are completed, the PVT-192 will revert to the initial Select menu.
Introduction To The Field Testing With The PVT-192 When beginning a series of reaction time trials, at the main Menu screen: Select Test
NOTE: The LEFT button on the PVT-192 is used to move the cursor. The RIGHT button on the PVT-192 is used to select the option. The Test menu has the following features: Select Test REAL
REAL – will start a trial of the PVT-192 with the parameters already set on the PVT-192 device. See instructions above if these parameters must be changed in the field. All the responses made during a real test are logged and timed. The pre and post-test mood word will be presented. The numbers for successive trials will be automatically incremented. Of course, the data collected from the subject will not be meaningful or useful unless the subject understands the task procedures and is motivated to perform as well as possible at all times. Distractions or competing stimuli should be avoided. If the trial is compromised in any way, and the experimenter wishes to discard the trial, TURN OFF THE PVT-192’S POWER before the end of the reaction time portion of the test. This will prevent the data being stored or the Trial Number from incrementing. NOTE: When analyzing the raw data from individual sets of trials, please note that the first reaction time in a set should be discarded from the analysis. This reaction time value is a standard that the PVT-192 automatically enters, and does not reflect the subject’s actual
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