2 Pages

Power Cord  QUICK START GUIDE FOR SYNERGY AR-9800  Generator  RF  Probe Connector  UNPACKING: Carefully unpack and inspect all components for shipping damage. Save the packaging for later transport of the device. The footswitch is provided separately. The probe is provided separately and is in sterile packaging.  Probe  Users must read the SynergyRF User’s Manual and ApolloRF™ Probe DFU prior to using these devices. The User Manual and DFU provide the indications and contraindications for use, warnings, symbol definitions and the full list of product instructions. These documents can be found on Arthrex.com.  Setup  1 Place console on a flat, dry surface  2 Connect power cord to console  3  4  Connect power cord to outlet  Suction Tube Footswitch Cable Connector  5  Power on console  Footswitch  6  Allow console to fully initialize  Attach probe via connector to console  Main Screen Display APOLLO 90  APOLLO 90  Ablate Power Settings 7 For suction probes, attach suction tube  8 Attach footswitch if desired  Coag Power Settings  9 Change settings using touch panel display  Device Recognition Indicator  Footswitch Icon  Menu Button
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File Name: Arthrex - SynergyRF - Rev B.pdf

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