SYSTEM 3 PRO Application - Operation Manual March 2006

Application - Operation Manual

108 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...IV BEFORE PROCEEDING ...V 1. CONTROLS AND ADJUSTMENTS ...1-1 Dynamometer...1-1 Positioning Chair ...1-4 Seat Back Brace...1-6 The Control Panel ...1-7 Controller ...1-11 Dynamometer Attachments ...1-12 The Combination Ankle Attachment (for All Ankle Patterns and Knee: Tibial Internal/External Rotation) ...1-14 2. OPERATION ...2-1 Considerations for Safe Operation of Your Biodex System...2-1 General Operating Instructions (Mechanical) ...2-3 The Setup Mode (Sample Procedure) ...2-4 The Isokinetic Mode (Sample Procedure) ...2-6 The Passive Mode (Sample Procedure) ...2-8 The Isometric Mode (Sample Procedure)...2-10 The Isotonic Mode (Sample Procedure) ...2-11 The Reactive Eccentric Mode (Sample Procedure) ...2-13 Additional Considerations ...2-15 Proper Testing Technique ...2-16 3. SETUP AND POSITIONING FOR STANDARD TEST AND EXERCISE PATTERNS ...3-1 Knee Extension/Flexion ...3-2 Ankle Plantar/Dorsiflexion (Seated) ...3-6 Ankle Inversion/Eversion ...3-10 Hip Abduction/Adduction (Lying on Side) ...3-13 Hip Extension/Flexion (Supine) ...3-16 Shoulder Extension/Flexion (Seated)...3-19 Shoulder Abduction/Adduction (Seated) ...3-22 Shoulder Internal/External Rot. in Modified Neutral Position ...3-25 Shoulder Internal/External Rot. in 90-Degrees of Abduction ...3-28 Shoulder Diagonal (Seated) ...3-31 Shoulder Diagonal (Standing) ...3-34 Elbow Extension/Flexion ...3-37 Forearm Pronation/Supination ...3-40 Wrist Extension/Flexion ...3-43 Wrist Radial/Ulnar Deviation ...3-46 4. USING ThE OPTIONAL CLOSED ChAIN ATTAChMENT ...4-1 Parts & Components ...4-1 Introduction ...4-1 Setup Procedure ...4-2 Upper Extremity Exercise...4-4 Lower Extremity Exercise...4-4 Applications ...4-5 Technical Information ...4-8 5. REFERENCE MATERIALS...5-1 Suggested Test Speeds...5-1 Legal Precedents ...5-2 Biodex Data Admitted as Medical Evidence in Court ...5-2 6. APPENDICES ...6-1 EMG/Analog Signal Access Interface ...6-1 Maintenance ...6-3 System Specifications ...6-4 General Product Warranty ...6-6 - III -  TABLE OF CONTENTS
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