Chiltern Invadex
TransAqua Shower Chairs User Guide May 2011
User Guide
28 Pages

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Chiltern Invadex Shower Chairs
User Guide
Shower Chairs TransAqua
user guide
Self propelled & Attendant propelled models TransAqua
93/42 EEC
Chiltern Invadex TransAqua Shower Chairs
User Guide
Shower Chairs
Chiltern Invadex Shower Chairs
User Guide
Contents Assembly Instructions - Attendant Propelled...2 Disassembly Instructions-Attendant Propelled..4 Assembly Instructions - Self Propelled ...6 Disassembly Instructions - Self Propelled ...8 Safety Considerations ...10 Cleaning and Maintenance...17 Parts Guide - Attendant Propelled model...18 Parts Guide - Self Propelled model...20 Seat Options ...22 Warranty...24
These products carry the CE mark under the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC and have been designed to the highest standards with safety, strength and quality in mind. This guide should be throughly read and understood prior to use of your Chiltern Invadex Shower Chair.
To obtain a copy of this guide in large print, please contact us on 01869 365500.
Chiltern Invadex TransAqua Shower Chairs
User Guide
Assembly Instructions Attendant Propelled Model Note: Follow the drawings carefully to ensure correct orientation. 1
Holding the left hand side frame assembly of the shower chair (1) push the cross bar (2 ) into place. Make sure the holes align.
3 Locate the right hand side frame (3) on the cross bar, make sure the holes align and snap home the grey securing pins (4) from the front. Safety Note: Check to ensure the securing pins are fully inserted. Apply brakes on rear wheels (5).
4 5
7 8 Place the backrest (6) over the spigot (7) at the rear of the shower chair (make sure the orientation of the backrest is as shown). Push the backrest into the frame assembly until the holes are in line and snap home the grey securing pins (8). Safety Note: Check to ensure securing pins are fully inserted.
Chiltern Invadex Shower Chairs
User Guide
12 10
9 11
Fit the armrest (9) in the socket (10) and pin (11) and tighten locking knob (12) repeat for other side.
FITTING COMMODE PAN CRADLE Fit the commode pan cradle (if supplied) prior to fixing the seat, as shown on page 11.
13 14 Snap on the seat (13) ensuring correct orientation, centralise the seat in the frame.
Tip the chair backward to visually check all clamps are secured.
There are 2 lots of snap-on fixings on the underside of the seat, 2 at the front and 2 at the rear of the seat (3 fixings at the rear on the extended seat option) (14). Safety Note: Put one hand at front of seat and one at rear to avoid trapping fingers under armrest
Fit footrests (15) into sockets.
Chiltern Invadex TransAqua Shower Chairs
User Guide
Disassembly Instructions Attendant Propelled Model Apply brakes on rear wheels (1). Remove footrests (2)
5 Remove the seat, releasing the clips by grasping the front of the seat while holding down the armrest (3), you may need assistance when removing the seat.
Slacken the armrest locking knobs (4) and remove both armrests (5) by lifting
Remove the grey securing pins - 2 at the rear (6) and 2 on the lower crossbar at the front (7).
Chiltern Invadex Shower Chairs
User Guide
Remove the backrest by lifting upwards (8).
Remove the right hand side frame (9) from the cross bar.
Remove cross bar (10).
Chiltern Invadex TransAqua Shower Chairs
User Guide
Assembly Instructions Self Propelled Model Note: Follow the drawings carefully to ensure correct orientation.
2 3 Locate the right hand side frame (3) on the cross bar, make sure the holes align and snap home the grey securing pins (4) from the front. Safety Note: Check to ensure the securing pins are fully inserted. Apply brakes on rear wheels (5).
4 5 6
8 Place the backrest (6) over the spigot (7) at the rear of the shower chair (make sure the orientation of the backrest is as shown). Push the backrest into the frame assembly until the holes are in line and snap home the grey securing pins (8). Safety Note: Check to ensure securing pins are fully inserted.
Chiltern Invadex Shower Chairs
User Guide
12 10
Fit the armrest (9) in the socket (10) and pin (11) and tighten locking knob (12) repeat for other side.
FITTING COMMODE PAN CRADLE Fit the commode pan cradle (if supplied) prior to fixing the seat, as shown on page 11.
Snap on the seat (13) ensuring correct orientation, centralise the seat in the frame. There are 2 lots of snap-on fixings on the underside of the seat, 2 at the front and 2 at the rear of the seat (3 fixings at the rear on the extended seat option) (14).
Tip the chair backward to visually check all clamps are secured.
Safety Note: Put one hand at front of seat and one at rear to avoid trapping fingers under armrest.
Chiltern Invadex TransAqua Shower Chairs
User Guide
Disassembly Instructions Self Propelled Model Apply brakes on rear wheels (1). Remove footrests (2)
1 2
Remove the seat, releasing the clips by grasping the front of the seat while holding down the armrest (3), you may need assistance when removing the seat.
4 Slacken the armrest locking knobs (4) and remove both armrests (5) by lifting
Remove the grey securing pins - 2 at the rear (6) and 2 on the lower crossbar at the front (7).
Chiltern Invadex Shower Chairs
User Guide
8 Remove the backrest by lifting upwards (8).
Remove the right hand side frame (9) from the cross bar.
Please note: Wheel rims can be removed where space for access is limited.
Remove cross bar (10).
Chiltern Invadex TransAqua Shower Chairs
User Guide
Safety Considerations All Models
• These products are designed for use as shower commode chairs,
they are not intended to take the place of a wheelchair. As such, in order to maintain the safety of users and/or carers these products must not be used outdoors or to negotiate steps and stairs.
• The backrest must be used at all times when the chair is occupied. • Armrests should be used at all times when the chair is occupied. • The swing out, removable footrests are designed for resting feet on, not for standing on, or full weight bearing.
• Ensure the cross member clips are always in place before using the chair, as shown below left.
• The chair should be inpected for defects before every use and removed from use should any damage be observed.
Self Propelled Model
• Tyres are solid and do not require inflating. • Check that the wheel and castor fixings are secure. • At all times when transferring onto the shower chair and when the chair is stationary, ensure both brakes are in the on position. Brake shown here in the off position, to engage push lever fully forward, as shown below right.
Chiltern Invadex Shower Chairs
User Guide
To fit a commode pan (if fitted with cradle) SAFETY NOTE: To avoid the possibility of trapping, do not slide the commode pan on or off the rails whilst someone is sitting on the chair.
1 Remove the seat 2 Clip pan holder onto front and rear cross bars as shown
3 Replace the seat
4 Slide pan onto cradle from rear of chair
Chiltern Invadex TransAqua Shower Chairs
User Guide
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 1
Standard seat
Removing the seat
• Release the clips by grasping the front of the seat while holding down the armrests, as Fig 1.
Snapping on the seat
• Safety Note: Put one hand at front of seat and one at rear to avoid trapping fingers under armrest, as Fig 2.
Snap on the seat ensuring correct orientation as Fig 3 (Fig 4 for extended seat option), and centralise the seat in the frame. Tip the chair backward to visually check all clamps are secured, as Figs 3 and 4. Fig 4
Visual Check
Extended seat
• The backrest cover must be fully attached (clips and straps) as shown below.
• Always ensure clips on the backrest are in place before sitting on the chair.
Chiltern Invadex Shower Chairs
User Guide
Adjusting the armrests
• If the (optional) adjustable armrest is fitted, adjust and lock in position as shown.
• The armrests swing out and can be removed for easy transfer, as shown below.
• To remove the armrest slacken the armrest locking knob (A) and lift the armrest upwards from the rear of the armrest pad, as shown.
• Ensure the armrests are locked before use, with the aid of the locking knobs (A) above.
• Armrests should be used at all times when the chair is occupied.
Chiltern Invadex TransAqua Shower Chairs
User Guide
Chair height adjustment - castors
(to be carried out by qualified personnel only)
• Remove the castors using a short reach 8mm Allen key (available from Chiltern Invadex).
• Reassemble with the leg extension pin in position, as shown.
• If the castors are replaced at any time, the bolts should also be replaced at that time. Locktite treated bolts are available as spare parts. Please contact Chiltern Invadex for details. Important safety notes: All adjustment pins used must be of the same length. Use only one adjustment pin for each castor. Use thread locking fluid* to lock the assembly securely. Ensure the spacer face fits flush with the frame and that there is no gap between the spacer and the frame. *Chiltern Invadex recommend Bondloc B243
Rotating the angle and adjusting the height of the footest 1. Loosen the Allen bolts as Fig 1 using a 6mm Allen key (available from Chiltern Invadex). 2. Rotate the footrest to the desired angle as Fig 3 (to suit the user). 3. To adjust the height of the footrest loosen the footrest locking knob, reposition the footrest at the desired height and retighten the locking knob, see Fig 2. 4. Retighten the Allen bolts using a 6mm Allen key (available from Chiltern Invadex). Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Chiltern Invadex Shower Chairs
User Guide
Applying braked castors
• Check that castor fixings are secure. • Ensure that at least two castors are braked before a user transfers to or from the chair.
Applying wheel brake
Releasing wheel brake (optional if straight steering castors are fitted.)
Applying straightline steering device (optional)
Releasing straightline steering device (optional)
• Depress the lever to apply the straight line steering device, and release as shown above.
Chiltern Invadex TransAqua Shower Chairs
User Guide
Chair height adjustment - Self propelling wheels (To be carried out by qualified personnel) Note: Adjusting the self propelling wheels will require adjustment to the position of the brakes.
• Slacken the 4 clamp screws with a short reach 6mm Allen key (available from Chiltern Invadex)
• Slide the bracket and wheel assembly up or down to the desired height • Re-tighten the 4 clamp screws to secure wheel in place Torque upto 35Nm • The frame longitudinals must be horizontal after height adjustment (below right)
Check level
• Check the gap between the tyre and the frame to ensure the wheel is tracked correctly.
500mm (20") wheel 560mm (22") wheel 610mm (24") wheel
gap = 28mm gap = 44mm gap = 38mm
wheel gap
• Wheel base adjustment To change the wheelbase length e.g to set the wheels back for increased stability, undo the four screws on each clamp and remove each wheel assembly in turn. Rotate the large wheel clamp 180 degrees and retighten the 4 screws.
Chiltern Invadex Shower Chairs
User Guide
Cleaning and Maintenance It is recommended that your shower chair is serviced annually by Chiltern Invadex or an authorised, competent service agent, in addition: 1. Regularly inspect all parts of the chair for defects. Any defective part should be removed promptly. 2.Clean the seat using a damp cloth and a mild cleanser. Always read the manufacturers instructions prior to applying the cleanser. Using Sodium Hypochlorite on the seat A solution of 0.1% Sodium Hypochlorite should have no adverse effects on the cleaning of chairs covered in PVC. However, when using a solution of 1.0%, care should be taken to rinse the chairs thoroughly with clean water after application. Over a period of time bleaching may occur, but the integrity of the product will remain unaffected. 3.Dry off the shower chair after use. 4.Do not oil or grease any parts. 5.Keep the castors free from limescale, soap residue and hair by cleaning after use in the shower. Caring for stainless steel Stainless steel has excellent corrosion resistance, but it is not stain or rust proof. Regular maintenance will keep stainless steel clean and free of contaminants. In mosts applications stainless steel will not rust or stain even after many years of service, but when used in certain environments such as concentrated chlorine or other corrosive elements stainless steel requires proper care and maintenance. 1. Clean stainless steel frequently with soap and water. Any cleaner safe for glass is usually safe for stainless steel; apply with a cotton cloth. 2. Use a coating such as a good wax to help safeguard the stainless steel. 3. Remove discolouration or rust spots as soon as possible with a brass, silver or chrome cleaner. Irreversible pitting will develop under rust that remains on stainless steel for any period of time. Apply a mild cleaner such as Ajax or an equivalent with a wet cotton cloth in the direction of the grain of the finish. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. 4. Do not use abrasives such as sandpaper or steel wool on stainless steel. 5. Do not clean with mineral acids or bleaches. 6. Do not leave stainless in contact with iron, steel or other metals. 7. Do not store near any chlorine product. 17
Chiltern Invadex TransAqua Shower Chairs
User Guide
Parts Guide - Attendant Propelled item
HF Welded Seat Assemblies 450mm (18”) Seat flat padded 450mm (18”) Seat medium horseshoe 450mm (18”) Extended seat medium horseshoe 450mm (18”) Seat large horseshoe 450mm (18”) Extended seat large horseshoe 450mm (18”) Seat medium aperture 450mm (18”) Seat large aperture 525mm (21”) Seat flat padded 525mm (21”) Seat large horseshoe skirted 525mm (21”) Extended seat large horseshoe 525mm (21”) Seat large aperture Skirted seats for use with Clos-o-Mat 450mm (18”) Seat medium horseshoe skirted 450mm (18”) Seat large horseshoe skirted 450mm (18”) Seat medium aperture skirted 450mm (18”) Seat large aperture skirted 450mm (18”) Extended seat medium horseshoe skirted 450mm (18”) Extended seat large horseshoe skirted 525mm (21”) Seat large horseshoe skirted 525mm (21”) Seat large aperture skirted 525mm (21”) Extended seat large horseshoe skirted Pram Handle backrest assembly stainless steel (18”) Pram Handle backrest assembly stainless steel (19”) to suit Clos-o-Mat Palma Vita Pram handle bracket assembly stainless steel (21”) M8 x 15 Hand Wheel Straight armrest stainless steel assembly Straight adjustable armrest stainless steel assembly Tube locks 7/8” x 1” grey Braked grey plastic castor assembly Braked grey plastic castor assembly for use with 25mm, 50mm leg extension pins Directional / lock castor grey series 851 assembly Directional / lock castor grey series for use with 25mm, 50mm leg extension pins Leg extension pin (1”) 25mm stainless steel Leg extension pin (2”) 50mm stainless steel Footrest (LH) assembly stainless steel 18 degree Footrest (RH) assembly stainless steel 18 degree Side frame assembly (LH) stainless steel Side frame assembly (RH) stainless steel Cross member (18”) 450mm stainless steel c/w 2 clips Cross member (19”) 475mm stainless steel c/w 2 clips to suit Clos-o-Mat Palma Vita
2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 14
part no
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
211-01000 211-01001 211-01005 211-01002 211-01006 211-01003 211-01004 213-01000 213-01002 213-01006 213-01004
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
211-01007 211-01008 211-01009 211-01010 211-01011 211-01012 213-01008 213-01010 213-01012 211-00505 211-00535
1 4 2 2 4 4
213-00501 CH0208 211-00500 211-00512 002-00010 202-00520
4 1
202-00521 202-00519
1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1
202-00522 211-00507 211-00508 211-00503 211-00504 211-00502 211-00501 211-00506 211-00536