
CleanSpace Guide for Equipment Cleaning, Storage and Testing Guide


9 Pages

GUIDE FOR EQUIPMENT CLEANING, STORAGE AND TESTING This guide describes CleanSpace Technology’s procedures for cleaning, disinfection and sterilization, storage, inspection and testing. Refer to the CleanSpace Respirator User Instructions that came with your CleanSpace device for specific information on product assembly and use. Refer to the latest information from regulators such as US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US, CDC, NIOSH/CDC), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) regarding selection, use, maintenance and cleaning of personal protective equipment for biohazards. QUICK GUIDE: This is a summary of the Schedule for cleaning and testing the CleanSpace System. Please read this document in full for details. CLEANING  FILTER REPLACEMENT  INSPECTION  TESTING & SERVICING  See Risk Level Scenarios. See Risk Assessment Schedule. Prior to use: Wearers should inspect Monthly: Run the Flow Test and Alarm Level 1 (LOW): Clean after use or Level 1 (LOW): Replace monthly equipment for damage or missing parts Test. In between wearers. Level 2 (MED): Replace weekly before use. Regular Level 2 (MED): Clean after use or Level 3 (HIGH): Replace after exiting Annual: Use an authorized technician* Use between wearers. the contaminated area/Shower Prior and after cleaning: Inspect equipment to perform an Annual Equipment Level 3 (HIGH): Clean after exiting the for damage or missing parts before use. Check decontaminated area/shower In Storage: Using the CleanSpace Charging & Storage Station or a Sealed Clean Container Prior to Clean – Wipe down parts. Insert new filter prior to use. Inspect equipment for damage or missing Run the Flow Test and Alarm Test. use parts If Charging & Storage Station/sealed Store respirator without the Filter Inspect equipment for damage or missing Run the Flow Test and Alarm Test. Monthly container used: No cleaning required parts Every 3mths Calibration If Charging & Storage Station/ sealed Store respirator without the Filter *Use an only trained and authorized technicians to perform an Equipment Service Annual container used: Clean annually at service. (Clean, Inspect, Run Test and Service Check). For more information contact CleanSpace customer support ( 1.1  CLEANING, DISINFECTION & STERILIZATION  This guide is intended for single or multi-wearer use of the CleanSpace Powered Respirator System (CleanSpace HALO, CS3000) and its accessories. If you use the equipment as a single user only where decontamination of biological hazards are not required refer to the User Guide for cleaning instructions. Note: The process listed in the table below applies for all CleanSpace equipment used for reprocessing between wearers or between uses where biological contaminants are a risk. It is advised that you clean the respirator after every use or follow the hygiene practices established by your employer for specific hazards or applications. The respirator (electronic device) should be cleaned separately from the Mask/Head harness). Hoods and covers should NOT be washed using the instructions below. When cleaning, non-powered non-latex gloves should be worn with adequate face/eye protection. Guide to Cleaning Agents or Wipes that are compatible with CleanSpace devices ▪ To avoid skin irritation from residue, non-neutral cleaning or disinfectant agent (including alcohol) should be rinsed off thoroughly and the component dried either naturally or with a disposable cloth before being worn.  1|Page IMPORTANT: CleanSpace Respirators are designed to be used with CleanSpace masks and filters to complete the respirator system. Occupational use of respirators must be in compliance with local industry health and safety standards. For example, by United States regulation employers must establish a written respirator protection program meeting the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Respiratory Protection standard 29 CFR 1910.134 and any applicable OSHA substance specific standards. OSHA 1910.134 states that employers shall ensure that respirators are inspected, cleaned, and correctly stored under manufacturers recommended storage conditions.
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