Crowcon Detection Instruments

Gasmaster III Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual Issue 2 Oct 2014

Operation and Maintenance Manual

48 Pages

Crowcon Gasmaster  Installation  2. Installation Please read this first Before commencing the installation and commisioning of your Gasmaster system, please read through the following information which will guide you through the whole process. The installation instructions contained in this section are for a pre-configured Gasmaster. For instructions on installing and commissioning gas and fire detectors, please follow the user manual instructions supplied with the detectors. Alternatively contact Crowcon for advice. To complete the installation of your Gasmaster system you will need to use the Operator panel and Menu. Full instructions can be found in section III. Operation, you are advised to familiarise yourself with the operator buttons on the front panel and the menu structure, see page 25. Some configuration steps may require you to enter Supervisor mode. Crowcon advises that personnel familiar with installing and commisioning gas and fire detection systems carry out this part. If you have purchased a Gasmaster 1 Please follow the instructions in this section but ignore the reference to additional channels. If you have purchased a non-configured Gasmaster 4 Please follow the installation instructions for a pre-configured Gasmaster 4. Additional information on setting-up your Gasmaster system can be found in section III. Operation. Step-by-step instructions The installation and commissioning of your Gasmaster system is presented in easy to follow instructions. A summary table of contents detailing a typical sequence of installation steps is shown below. Depending on your configuration some or part of each step may be omitted. Note: two batteries are shipped separately from the main unit to prevent potential damage during transit. These should be installed as shown in section 2.2.  Warning: Gasmaster is not certified for use in hazardous areas, but may be connected to detectors and/or alarm devices which are installed in a hazardous area. Instructions for field devices must be closely observed when installing a Gasmaster system. 2.1 Before installation 2.2 General 2.3 Mounting 2.4 Cabling requirements 2.5 Installing gas and fire detectors 2.6 Installing output devices 2.7 Connecting mains power 2.8 Connecting input devices 		2.8.1 Two wire 4-20mA devices 		2.8.2 Three wire 4-20mA devices 		2.8.3 mV bridge pellistor detectors. 		2.8.4 Heat/smoke detectors 		2.8.5 Environmental Sampling Unit (ESU) 		2.8.6 Flame detectors 		2.8.7 Remote inhibit and accept/ reset inputs 2.9 Connecting output devices 		 2.9.1 Audible visual alarms 		 2.9.2 Common relay connections 		 2.9.3 Channel relay connections 		 2.9.4 Analogue outputs 		 2.9.5 RS485 communications 2.10 Applying power 2.11 Battery back-up time/ power calculations 2.12 Commissioning 		 2.12.1 Commissioning mV pellistor detectors 		 2.12.2 Zero adjustment and calibration 		 2.12.3 Testing fire channels 		 2.12.4 Testing ESU channels  3
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