DUFNER Instrumente GmbH
DUFNER MICTEC Fan retractor Tip 26942-41 Reprocessing Instructions
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Aufbereitungsanweisung nach DIN EN ISO 17664 Reprocessing instructions as per DIN EN ISO 17664/Istruzioni di preparazione secondo DIN EN ISO 17664 Artikelnummer/Article No./Articolo N°:
Produktgruppe/ Product $30-30080-00 group/ Gruppo di prodotti:
Bezeichnung/ MICTEC Fan retractor angleable, tip Description/ curved, Ø 5 mm, 340 mm working length Denominazione:
Semi-critical A Classification: The products are supplied in a non-sterilized state and may only be used after prior cleaning/disinfection and sterilization. Effective cleaning/disinfection is an essential precondition for effective sterilization of the products. Sterilization while the product is still in its supply packaging is not permitted. Ensure that only processes which have been sufficiently validated as regards equipment and product are used for cleaning/disinfection and sterilization and that the validated parameters are adhered to for every cycle. In addition, observe the legal regulations valid in your country and the hygiene regulations of the hospital or clinic. Because of the product design and the materials used, no defined limit can be specified for the maximum number of reprocessing cycles that can be carried out. The service life of medical products depends on uses they are put to and the care exercised when using them. Before being returned for repair, defective products must have first undergone the entire reprocessing procedure.
Allgemeines/General information/Informazioni genera
Vorbereitung am Einsatzort/Preparation at the place where the product will be used/Preparazione sul luogo d'i Remove rough contamination from the instruments directly after use. Do not use fixation media or hot water (>40°C) as this leads to fixation of residues and may influence the effectiveness of cleaning. The instruments must be taken apart and/or opened when being reprocessed.
Transport/Transport/Traspor The instruments should be securely stored in a closed container during transport of the instruments to the place where they will be used in order to avoid damage to instruments and contamination of the environment.
Vorbereitung zur Dekontamination/Preparation for decontamination/Preparazione per la decontamina Instrument have to be opened or if it`s possible dismantled.
Vorreinigung/Precleaning/Pulizia preliminar Immerse the instruments in cold water for at least 5 minutes. If possible, take the instruments apart and clean them with cold water and a soft brush until no more residue is visible. Rinse cavities, drillholes and threads for at least 10 seconds using a water jet (pulsed mode).
Reinigung manuell/Manual cleaning/Pulizia manua Machine cleaning should always be preferred
Reinigung maschinell/Machine cleaning/Pulizia a macchin For instruments that can be taken apart: place the disassembled parts of the instruments onto the receptacles on the trolley for minimally invasive surgery equipment. Place non-attachable and non dismantable instruments in an opened state into a sieve tray on the slide-tray trolley. 1. Prerinse for 1 minute with cold water 2. Draining 3. Prerinse for 3 minutes with cold water 4. Draining 5. Wash for 5 minutes at 55°C with 0.5% alkaline cleaner or, if enzymatic cleaner is used, at a cleaning temperature of only 45°C 6. Draining 7. Neutralize for 3 minutes with warm tap water (>40°C) and neutralizer 8. Draining 9. Rinse for 2 minutes with warm tap water (>40°C) 10. Draining
Desinfektion/Disinfection/Disinfezione Carry out machine-aided thermal disinfection as per national requirements regarding the A0 value (see ISO 15883)
Trocknung/Drying/Asciugatur Drying of the exterior of the instruments using the drying cycle of the cleaning/disinfection device. If necessary, additional manual drying can be carried out using a lint-free cloth. Dry the instrument cavities using sterile compressed air.
Montageanweisung/Installation instructions/Istruzioni per il montag -
Funktionsprüfung, Pflege und Instandsetzung/Function test, care and maint./Prova di funzionamento, cura e manutenzione Optical inspection for cleanness; Assembly of the instruments, care and function test. If necessary, repeat the reprocessing process until the instrument appears clean to the eye.
Verpackung/Packaging/Imballaggi Standard-compatible packaging of the instruments for sterilization as per ISO 11607 and EN 868.
Sterilisation/Sterilization/Sterilizzazione Sterilization of the products using the fractionated pre-vacuum process (as per ISO 13060 / ISO 17665), taking into account the applicable national requirements 3 pre-vacuum phases with a pressure of at least 60 millibars Heating to a sterilization temperature of at least 132°C; max. 137°C Shortest hold-time: 4 min
DUFNER Instrumente GmbH - Föhrenstraße 9 - 78532 Tuttlingen - www.dufner-tuttlingen.de
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Aufbereitungsanweisung nach DIN EN ISO 17664 Reprocessing instructions as per DIN EN ISO 17664/Istruzioni di preparazione secondo DIN EN ISO 17664 Artikelnummer/Article No./Articolo N°:
Produktgruppe/ Product $30-30080-00 group/ Gruppo di prodotti:
Bezeichnung/ MICTEC Fan retractor angleable, tip Description/ curved, Ø 5 mm, 340 mm working length Denominazione:
Drying time: at least 10 min The following testing instructions, materials and machines were used as part of validation: Cleaning agent: Neodisher FA; Dr. Weigert; Hamburg (alkaline) Endozime, Ruhof (enzymatic) Neutralizer: Neodisher Z; Dr. Weigert, Hamburg Cleaning/disinfection device: Miele G 7736 CD Slide-tray trolley: slide-tray trolley E 327-06 MIS trolley E 450
Informationen z. Validierung d. Aufbereitung/Inform. on valid. of reprocessing/Informazioni per la validazione della prep. If the chemicals and machines described above are not available, it is the user's responsibility to validate their specific process accordingly. The user is obliged to ensure that the reprocessing procedure – including resources, materials and personnel – is suitable in order to achieve the required results. Current engineering practice and national laws demand that validated processes be adhered to.
Lagerung/Storage/Magazzinaggi The sterilized instruments should be stored in a dry, clean and dust-free environment at a moderate temperature of between 5°C and 40°C.
Sonstiges/Other/Altro -
Erstellt und geprüft von/Created and checked by/Redatto e controlla D. Möhrle 18.02.11
DUFNER Instrumente GmbH - Föhrenstraße 9 - 78532 Tuttlingen - www.dufner-tuttlingen.de
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