A Guide to Goldmann Reusable Prisms Issue 1 Jan 2013
2 Pages

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The Alternative...
800.787.5426 haag-streit-usa.com
Introducing Tonosafe Tonosafe disposable prisms reduce the risk of crossinfection between patients and eliminates the need to clean and disinfect prisms.
Tonosafe Features and Benefits ✔ Sterile: Reduces the risk of cross-infection and potential risk to patient
A Guide to Goldmann Reusable Prisms
✔ Practical: Everything you need is supplied in one pack, including prism holders ✔ Accurate: Calibrated to Goldmann standards ✔ Disposable: Developed for single-use, simply throw away
The Importance of Regularly Checking and Auditing Goldmann Tonometer Prisms
✔ Quick and Easy-to-use: Fits easily in Goldmann and Perkins tonometers ✔ Safe: Clinically proven and utilized by thousands of users Worldwide.
Want to know more about Tonosafe? For further information on Tonosafe, please call HS USA today at 800.787.5426 or visit www.haag-streit-usa.com.
3535 Kings Mills Road, Mason, OH 45040 Tel: 800.787.5426 Website: www.haag-streit-usa.com
1902615/Issue 1/January 2013
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2/13/2013 12:04:54 PM
The Facts...
Potential Damage...
The Next Step...
Goldmann Reusable Tonometer Prism Facts
Examples of Real-Life Damaged Prisms
Regularly Carry Out a Prism Audit
Goldmann prisms should not remain in circulation longer than the recommended two year period of use. The Goldmann tonometer prism instruction leaflet states, “Before each use the contact surface of the prism should be verified for contamination or damage (such as scratching, rips or sharp edges).”
Hospitals are Failing to Regularly Audit their Goldmann Prisms In a recent in-house study, Haag-Streit surveyed 134 prisms from 22 different hospitals. >
The prism age range was between 0-32 years
86% were over two years old
The mean unit age was calculated at 9.8 years
52% were damaged
Recommended Lifespan of a Goldmann Prism = 2 Years
Hospitals are Failing to Carry Out the Recommended Disinfection and Sterilization Protocol Hospitals are not following the recommended disinfection and sterilization protocol, as outlined in the Goldmann tonometer prism instruction leaflet.
Best Practice Prism Check: Below are some examples of damaged prisms from a recent study:
Protective Glass is Broken The Cause >
Differences in internal and external pressure
Large temperature variation
Use of alcohol
Hairline Cracks in Prism The Cause >
Mechanical pressure on the outside of the prism
General wear-and-tear of the prism
Crystalization on the Prism Tip/Body The Cause >
The prism has been left in the disinfecting solution for too long.
The solutions have not been removed correctly
Prism Tip has Broken Off The Cause >
Swabbing with Isopropyl alcohol during the disinfection and/or sterilization process
General wear-and-tear of the prism
Poor Disinfection/Sterilization = Damaged Prisms
Damaged or Old Prisms = Potential Risk to Patient or Cross-Infection Prism-Checking_USA_02.13.13.indd 4-6
Immerse prisms in a water/fluorescein dilution for 10 minutes 2. Rinse for 1 minute 3. Use the slit-lamp to check for defects • 16x magnification/Yellow filter 4. Check your existing reusable prisms for damage 5. Check the age of each prism Although you should regularly audit your tonometer prisms, please ask HS USA to carry out a thorough prism check during your annual service visit.
Replace damaged or old prisms immediately. Always Disinfect and Sterilize your Prisms as Outlined in the Instruction Leaflet. The Goldmann prism instruction leaflet states: “Thorough cleaning under running cold water during 30 to 60 seconds is mandatory before undertaking disinfecting routines”. “Refer to the latest versions of manufacturers instructions for details of the exact concentration, effecting time and application of disinfectant”. “After disinfection the measuring prism must be rinsed thoroughly at least 10 to 60 minutes under running cold drinking water. Dry them with a clean soft oneway tissue and store them in a dry container. Only measuring prisms free of any residue should be used”. Adopt a best practice disinfection and sterilization protcol today!
2/13/2013 12:04:57 PM