BD 900 Instruction Manual Jan 2009
Instruction Manual
44 Pages

Page 1
BD 900® Gebrauchsanweisung Mode d'emploi Instruction manual
Spaltlampe Lampe à fente Slit lamp
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Introduction We would like to thank you for your decision to purchase this Haag-Streit product. If the instructions in this manual are carefully followed we are confident that this product will give you reliable and troublefree usage. Only properly trained and authorized persons are to operate the Slit Lamp BD 900®. We will be forced to disclaim any warranty and liability if the instrument is altered in any way or if routine maintenance is neglected or not carried out according to factory specifications. Only original Haag-Streit spare parts are to be used to ensure continued reliability of the instrument.
Purpose of use The Slit Lamp BD 900® is used, at room temperature, in the examination, diagnosis and documentation of the human eye. It is usually used by Ophthalmologists, Optometrists or Opticians in their consulting rooms, clinics, hospitals or teaching facilities.
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Contents Summary operating instruction... page 7 1 Overview 1.1 Headrest... 9 1.2 Slit lamp BD 900®... 9 2
Operating safety... 11
3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
Description of the equipment Illumination unit... 15 Stereomicroscope... 15 Accessories... 16 Power supply... 19 Adjustable focusing target... 21 Video equipment (option)... 21
4 Operating the equipment 4.1 Illumination unit... 23 4.2 Adjusting the eye-pieces and the eyeguards... 25 4.3 Possibilities for regulating the brightness... 25 4.4 Focussing with the video... 25 Appendix A Installation of the equipment A.1 Attaching the headrest and the power supply to the instrument table HSM-801 or -901... 27 A.2 Attaching the headrest and the power supply to tables and units of other manufacturers . . . 27 A.3 Installation of background illumination... 29 A.4 Installation of camera cables... 33 A.5 Installation of video camera with C-mount interface... 33 A.6 Handling the slit lamp when fitted with video equipment... 33 A.7 Installation of video camera with Lipstick interface... 35 A.8 Mounting of headrest and power supply... 35
Appendix B Equipment maintenance routines B.1 Replacement of the halogen bulb... 37 B.2 Replacement of the mirror... 39 B.3 Cleaning of the gliding plate and the rails... 39 B.4 Cleaning of the optical parts... 39 B.5 Cleaning of the axle... 39 B.6 Plastic dust cover... 39 Appendix C Technical specifications... 41
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Summary operating instructions 1. Move the chinrest (6) up or down with the adjustment screw (7) until the eyes of the patient are level with the black mark on the headrest column (4). 2. Tighten the fixing screw of the eye-piece (25). Focus the eye-pieces to suit your refraction by turning the knurled rings and then set to your interpupillary distance. 3. Turn on illumination with the green toggle-switch on the power supply. 4. The brightness can be progressively set and adjusted by means of the potentiometer (18). 5. Rotate the control lever (31) until the light beam is at eye level. 6. Holding the control lever (31), inclined towards yourself, move the instrument base until the slit appears to be approximately in focus on the cornea. This coarse setting is achieved with the naked eye. Fine adjustments are obtained by rotating and tilting the lever while observing the image through the microscope (24). 7. The slit width is adjusted to the left or right by means of the knob (17), which also adjusts the angle between the microscope and the illumination unit. 8. The slit image can be shown in the vertical, horizontal or slanted positions, as required, by turning the illumination unit (lock engagement at 90°; stop engagements at 0° and 180°). The number of degrees can be read-off on the scale (11). 9. The magnification of the microscope in the Slit Lamp BD 900® is altered by changing the lens with the lever (26) or by exchanging the eye-pieces.
4 6 7
9 11 22 24 25 26 14 17 18
10. For general observations over a wide field the grey filter is placed in position by means of lever (9), and the slit is opened wide. 11. The video output facility (14) can be used for documentation. 12. The contrast enhancing filter, yellow (22) can be engaged to obtain the fluo-image display.
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
1 2 3 4
Lampenkabel Kopfhalter Stirnband Höhenmarke am Kopfhalter (Patientenauge) 5 Verstellbare Fixierlampe 6 Kinnstütze 7 Höhenverstellung der Kinnstütze
1 2 3 4
Câble d'alimentation Appui-tête Bandeau appui-front Indicateur de la hauteur des yeux du patient 5 Point de fixation réglable 6 Appui-menton 7 Réglage de la hauteur de l'appui-menton
1 2 3 4
Spaltlampe BD 900®
8 Lampendeckel 9 Hebel für Filter Grau und Rotfrei 10 Hebel für Spaltlänge, Blaufilter 11 Skala für Winkellage der Spaltabbildung 12 Beleuchtungsspiegel 13 Streuscheibe 14 Videoanschluss (C-mount) 15 Schutzdeckel 16 Winkelskala zwischen Beleuchtung und Stereomikroskop 17 Rändelknopf zum Einstellen der Spaltbreite 18 Helligkeitseinstellung 19 Anschluss Gerätenetzteil 20 Geschütztes Markenzeichen BD 900® 21 Skala für Spaltlänge und Blaufilter 22 Gelbfilter 23 Abdeckkappe der Zubehörauflage 24 Stereomikroskop mit Okularen 25 Okular Feststellschraube 26 Hebel für Objektivwechsel 27 Rändelschraube zur Befestigung 28 Atemschutzschild 29 Schraube zum Blockieren horizontaler Bewegungen 30 Schienendeckel 31 Lenkhebel 32 Gleitplatte
Lampe à fente BD 900®
8 Couvercle du boîtier de la lampe 9 Levier pour les filtres gris et vert 10 Levier pour réglage de la longueur de fente, filtre bleu 11 Echelle pour la position angulaire 12 Miroir de la lampe 13 Diffuseur 14 Raccordement vidéo (monture C) 15 Couvercle de protection 16 Graduation angulaire entre la lampe et le microscope 17 Bouton rotatif pour régler la largeur de la fente 18 Réglage de la luminosité 19 Raccord alimentation secteur 20 Marque déposée BD 900® 21 Echelle pour la longueur de la fente et filtre bleu 22 Filtre jaune 23 Câche protecteur 24 Microscope stéréoscopique avec oculaires 25 Vis de réglage de l'oculaire 26 Levier pour changement de l’objectif 27 Vis moletée pour la fixation 28 Plaque de protection hygiénique 29 Vis pour bloquer les mouvements horizontaux 30 Cache-rail 31 Palonnier 32 Plaque de glissement
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Lamp cable Headrest Forehead band Headrest height marker (patient's eye) 5 Adjustable focusing target 6 Chinrest 7 Chinrest height adjustment Slit Lamp BD 900®
8 Lamp cover 9 Lever for filter grey and redfree 10 Lever for slit length, blue filter 11 Scale for angled position of the slit image 12 Interchangeable illumination mirror 13 Diffusor 14 Video connection (C-mount) 15 Protective cover 16 Illumination unit / microscope angle scale 17 Slit width control 18 Brightness control 19 Plug for power supply 20 Registered trade mark BD 900® 21 Slit diaphragm scale and blue filter 22 Yellow filter 23 Cap for accessories base 24 Stereo microscope with eye-pieces 25 Fixing screw of the eye-piece 26 Lens-changing lever 27 Knurled screw for fixation of 28 Breath shield 29 Joy stick base locking screw 30 Rail covers 31 Control lever 32 Gliding plate
Ambient conditions • Transportation Temperature Air pressure Relative humidity • Storage Temperature Air pressure Relative humidity • Working Temperature Air pressure Relative humidity
-40 °C to 500 hPa to 10% to -10 °C to 700 hPa to 10% to +10 °C to 800 hPa to 30% to
+70 °C 1060 hPa 95% +55 °C 1060 hPa 95% +35 °C 1060 hPa 75%
Installation • To avoid condensation, allow the instrument to adjust to room temperature for several hours before unpacking. • Always mount the slit lamp and the headrest on an electric insulated and fire resistant table top. • The rail covers (30) prevent from a tip over of the slit lamp. • Check: do the connection pieces of the accessories fit (like screwed connections and bayonet fitting)?
Operation and surrounding • Only qualified and trained personnel should operate the equipment, the training is at the owner’s responsibility. • Use only Haag-Streit accessories. • Shut down after every use. In case the dust cover is used: risk of overheating. • Never use the ocular to look at the sun. • Never operate the instrument in the same room with combustible gases, volatile solvents (alcohol, benzol) or flammable anesthetic agents. • Avoid humidity. Changing the light bulbs • Switch off the main switch - disconnect the mains connector. • Allow the bulb to cool down. • Do not open the slit lamp for any other reason than to change the light bulb. Electrical • Only a hospital grade 3-conductor electrical power supply cable must be used. For USA and Canada: Detachable Power Supply Cord Set, UL Listed, type SJE, SJT or SJO, 3-conductor, not smaller than 18 AWG. • Plug, cable and ground lead connection of the socket have to be in perfect condition. Cleaning • Clean the slit lamp housing only with a slightly water dampened cloth. • No liquids or corrosive agents. • Clean only the exterior surfaces of the optical parts. Light toxicity • Long and intensive illumination could damage the retina. The brightness of illumination should be kept at a minimum, to view the structure of the target clearly. To avoid potential eye damage, the examination should not last longer than necessary.
Instrumententisch HSM-901 Typ M Unbedingt diesen Sicherheitshinweis beachten Table d' instruments HSM-901 type M Faire attention aux indications de sécurité suivantes Instrument Table HSM-901 type M Observe the following safety precautions Höhenverstellung nur mit aufgesetztem Gerät betätigen Do not use height adjustment without instrument in place Ne pas utiliser le réglage en hauteur quand l'instrument n'est pas en place Patents
US Pat. 3.685.779 and other countries
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
• The retinal dose for potential photo chemical damage depends on ray density and examination time. When the ray density is cut in half, the examination time doubles until the border value is reached. • Until today, there is no proof established that slit lamp examination can endanger the eye. Nevertheless, we recommend to use the minimum amount of light possible for retinal examination. • Children, Aphakics and people with eye problems are especially endangered. If the retina is exposed to the same or another light source in 24 hours, there is also a higher risk. This is especially true when a retinal picture is taken with flash. Warranty / product liability • The instrument should be operated in accordance with the chapter 'Safety'. Incorrect operation can damage the instrument. Thus no warranty claims can be accepted. • Continued use of an instrument that has been damaged by incorrect operation can lead to personal injury. The manufacturer cannot accept liability in this case. • Repairs and alterations on this equipment should only be carried out by Haag-Streit service technicians or by authorized persons. Statutory requirements • The slit lamp BD 900® has been designed to conform with the IEC / EN 60 601-1 and ISO 10939 standards. Manufacturing procedures, testing, commissioning, maintenance and repair are conducted under the observance of Swiss and international regulations. • When combining different medical and/or nonmedical electrical equipment standard IEC / EN 60 601-1 applies. • The 'CE' marking confirms compliance of the slit lamp BD 900® with the directives 93/42/EEC and 89/336/EEC and the conformity module A. • A copy of the declaration of conformity and information concerning EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility) of the present instrument can be requested at any time at Haag-Streit company. • All statutory accident prevention regulations are to be observed. • Classification IEC / EN Standard 60 601-1 Slit Lamp BD 900® equipment safety class I Application part Type B Operation mode: continuous operation CE-Regulation 93/42 EEC Class I FDA Class II
Umwelt • Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte müssen getrennt vom Hausabfall entsorgt werden! Dieses Gerät wurde nach dem 13.08.2005 in den Handel gebracht. • Entsorgung über die lokale Sammelstelle oder über Ihren Haag-Streit Vertreter. • Damit ist gewährleistet, dass keine schädlichen Stoffe in die Umwelt gelangen und wertvolle Rohstoffe wieder Verwendung finden. Environnement • Les appareils électriques et électroniques ne doivent pas être jetés avec les déchets de ménage! Cet appareil a été introduit sur le marché après le 13.08.2005. • L‘enlèvement des déchets s‘effectue au point de ramassage local ou chez votre distributeur Haag-Streit. • Ainsi il est garanti qu‘aucune matière nuisible n‘arrive dans l‘environnement mais que les matières premières précieuses soient reutilisées. Environment • Electric and electronic equipment must be separated from house waste! This equipment has been introduced into the market after the 13th of August 2005. • Disposal via your local collecting point or your Haag-Streit distributor. • Thus it is ensured, that no harmful materials get into the environment and that valuable raw materials can be used again.
Pictograms a Read very carefully (in the instruction manual)! b Warning for hot surfaces! c Disconnect the electrical supply plug! d Safety class II e Manufacturer f Serial number g HS-Part Number h Type B equipment i Date of manufacture 1500.7200631.04040
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Description of equipment
Illumination unit
Halogen bulb The halogen bulb is centered ex-works to obtain an optimal illumination. The light beam from the pre-centered halogen bulb passes through the condenser, the slit diaphragm and the illumination lens, before it is directed to the patient's eye by the oblique mirror.
33 34 35
The following can be mounted in the path of the light beam of the illumination unit Filters operating by lever (34) 36 Open aperture 37 Redfree filter 38 Grey filter (10%)
Due to standard ISO 10939 the heat absorption filter and UV filter are permanently mounted! Apertures at window (33) operating by lever (35) 39 Aperture producing area of 14 mm ø 40 Wedge-shaped diaphragm for continuous slit length adjustment 41 Blue filter
3.2 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Two objective lenses Lever for yellow filter Cap for accessories base Serial number of microscope Eye-piece 10x or 25x Connection for the video camera (C-mount) Lens-changing lever Eye-piece fixing screw
Lens Eye-piece Total magnification Object image section ø mm
1x 10x 10x 18
1.6x 10x 16x 11.3
1x 25x 25x 8
1.6x 25x 40x 5
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Power supply
(model type designation: LC-SLT) CAUTION The power supply is fitted with a voltage selection switch (50) 115 V / 230 V. This must be adjusted to correspond with the local electric power supply before first use. The main switch (52) will illuminate when the appliance is switched on. Possible fault causes 1. The main switch is on, but fails to illuminate: • primary fuse defective 2. The main switch is on and illuminated, but the slit lamp fails to illuminate: • secondary fuse or halogene bulb defective
To change the primary voltage fuse Open the fuse box (53) with the point of a screwdriver and pull out. Change the defective fuse cartridge. Push in the fuse box until it is heard to engage. Fuse 2 x T 800 mA HS-Part Number 1001330 To change the secondary voltage fuse Turn the slit of the fuse holder (51) to the left with a screwdriver. Change the fuse cartridge. Fuse F 3.15 A HS-Part Number 1001331 The degree of brightness can be regulated with the brightness control (18). The illumination intensity as per Appendix C - Technical specifications. 3.5
Adjustable focusing target
If the lamp cable (54) is connected, the fixation lamp burns as soon as the power supply switch is activated, then the focusing target (59) is visible.
The fixation target can be brought into any position by moving the bearer's arm (55). This permits uninterrupted observation through the microscope and simultaneous guidance of the patient's eye to any desired position. This is especially advantageous in examining the fundus.
It's a condition, that the patient's eye is correctly positioned at the headrest's height marker (58). Ametropia of the patient from +10 D to -15 D (56) can be corrected (57). Steady fixation of the eye is maintained as accommodation and convergence are avoided.
58 59
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Video equipment (optional)
Dimension of object area Magnification microscope
Sensor video camera 1/3 " 1/2 "
16 x 12
21.3 x 16
10 x 7.5
13.3 x 10
The video connection consists of the following components: • Either
Video camera with C-mount
• Or
110 mm
Maximum dimensions of camera depth 110 mm height 50 mm width 55 mm Lipstick video camera
needs an adapter from the relevant video camera manufacturer so that it can be mounted to the C-mount interface of the BD 900®.
55 • Cable lead guides consisting of • Cable junction box for camera cable • Cable guide for optical light lead • Rail cover cable lead guide
Maximale Grösse Taille maximale Maximum dimensions
Moreover Haag-Streit recommends: • Background illumination with light source consisting of • Cold light source • Optical light lead • Background illumination EcoLite EL 02
CAUTION The following components must comply with EN 60601-1-1: Power supply, monitor, video recorder and video printer.
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Operating the equipment CAUTION It is imperative to read the chapter "Operating safety" before operating the equipment and to observe its precautions.
• The height of the table must be selected to enable the patient to obtain a firm rest for the forehead and chin. • In order to ensure that only that part of the eye to be examined is illuminated and to avoid disturbing glare, the height of the light beam should be appropriately adjusted. NOTICE • Only use as much light intensity as required. • The light intensity should be reduced to a minimum on completion of each examination. This extends the life of the light bulb and protects the patient from severe glare at the beginning of an examination. • Those parts of the equipment coming into contact with patients should be cleaned with a dry cloth before each examination.
60 61 62
Illumination unit
Slit width The slit width is set with either of the control knobs (63). The division on the left hand knob enables any given slit width setting to be subsequently recovered; but provides no information on the actual width of the slit light.
Slit length The slit length is set with the lever (61).
Slit positioning The slit image can be positioned by turning the upper part of the illumination unit (60) from the vertical, through a range of any given oblique positions, to the horizontal. A scale (62) and (64) indicates the angle of the slit. 64
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Adjusting the eye-pieces and the eyeguards
Eye-pieces Before the first examination, the eye-pieces should be adjusted singly to correspond with the refraction divergence of the examiner. Insert the provided focusing rod (65) in place of the protecting cover (66) with the flat projection surface facing the microscope. Line up the illumination unit and the microscope in the central position (0°). Set the eye-piece with the fixing screw until it no longer continues to turn when adjusting the diopter settings. Adjust each eye-piece separately, by turning the knurled ring with the diopter scale separately, until the projected slit is seen in focus. Adjust from (+) to (-) at low magnification. Younger examiners are recommended to make an additional correction on both eye-pieces of -1 to -2 diopters each, to compensate for the accommodation that occurs as a result of convergence when conducting binocular examinations.
65 66
Eyeguard The adjustable eyeguard (71) serves to set up the correct working distance of the examiner to the eye-piece. For examiners without spectacles: pull out the eyeguard fully to the extended position. For examiners wearing spectacles: push in the eyeguard fully to the retracted position. 4.3
Possibilities for regulating the brightness
The brightness of the slit light illumination can be varied by means of • the knob on the instrument base (18) which adjusts the intensity of the slit illumination • the 10% grey filter on the upper part of the illumination unit of the slit lamp Regulation of the brightness for the video The brightness of the background illumination (optional) on the cold light source housing can be varied by means of the knob for a continuous regulation of the brightness. 4.4
Focussing with the video
Focussing onto an object during an examination should always be carried out as a rule by moving the microscope towards the object until the area of interest comes into focus. If the microscope is moved further towards the object, it may continue to be physically observed due to the users accommodation, but no further compatibility will exist with the video camera.
72 Okular mit Prismengehäuse 67 Prismengehäuse 68 Okularstutzen 69 Index (weisser Punkt) 70 Rändelring mit Dioptrienskala zur Einstellung der Refraktion des Untersuchers (± 6 dpt) 71 Verschiebbare Augenmuschel 72 Okular-Feststellschraube Oculaire avec prisme du boîtier 67 Boîtier du prisme 68 Tubulure de l'oculaire 69 Repère (point blanc) 70 Bague moletée avec échelle de dioptrie pour régler la réfraction de l'examinateur (± 6 dioptries) 71 Bonnette amovible 72 Vis de fixation de l'oculaire Eye-piece with prism housing 67 Prism housing 68 Eye-piece mounting 69 Index (white spot) 70 Knurled ring with diopter scale for setting the refraction of the examiner (± 6 dpt) 71 Sliding eyeguard 72 Eye-piece fixing screw
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Appendix A Installation of the equipment A.1
Attaching the headrest and the power supply to the instrument table HSM-801 or HSM-901
The operating instructions of the concerning instrument table should be observed!
Attaching the headrest and the power supply to tables and units of other manufacturers
1. Fix the power supply with 4 screws (73).
78 79
2. Remove the knurled screws (70) and the cable plate (68).
3. Fix the ground lead (67) with the screw (69) to the unit. Tables of other manufacturers: connect the ground lead only if necessary! 4. Connect the four pole electrical plug connector (77) between the headrest and the power supply.
5. Install the headrest in the required position on the adapter piece of the table top by means of both Allan screws (82). 6. The cable plate (74) should be installed in such a manner that the plug connection and cable are affixed. 7. Mount the handles (83) and connect the main lamp lead (81) to the lamp housing.
82 83
8. Screw the angled plug (80) up tight to the plug socket (84). 9. Attach the potentiometer cable with the cable junction box (85) on the right side of the rail cover by using the center groove. 10. Connect the power cable (78).
84 85
CAUTION • Only qualified and trained personnel may work on cables and components being connected to the power supply. • To prevent short circuits, do not crimp or squeeze the electric wires! richtig / juste / right
falsch / faux / wrong
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Installation of background illumination
a) It is possible to take images and video using only the inbuilt illumination of the slit lamp. b)
Streuscheibe Diffuseur Diffusor 1004744
Results can be improved by use of an optional diffusor, but this excludes simultaneous slit illumination. Installation Insert the diffusor from below over the rounded feature into the foreseen reception slots (82) where it will snap in to secure.
Haag-Streit recommends, for a good illumination of the anterior part of the eye, use an optional cold light source and background illumination through the optional holder for fibreoptic light cable. 86 c)
87 88
Optical light lead
The variable output cold light source with light lead holder is the optimal solution for video images. Installation The cold light source should be positioned according to the instrument table.
Stiftschlüssel Clé à 6 pans Allen key 1.5 mm
89 90
Slacken the set screw (86) until the light lead adapter (87) can be removed downwards.
Insert the light lead (90) for the background illumination into the female receiver piece boring of the light lead adapter (87) and secure slightly by means of the set screw (89). The light lead adapter (87) can now be re-inserted in the foreseen slot under the mirror. The set screw (86) can then again be re-inserted and gently tightened up. Insert the diffusor from below over the rounded feature into the foreseen reception slots (88) where it will snap in to secure. The light lead is fixed with the cable guides on the illumination arm (91) and on the rail cover (92), and then passed through the cable cover (93) to the cold light source.
92 93
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Background illumination EcoLite EL 02
The background illumination EcoLite EL 02 allows greater flexibility simply by pivoting it. Installation • Remove protection cover (95) • Install the EcoLite EL 02 (94) • Insert the angled plug (96) into EcoLite EL 02 • Connect the power supply (97) • Turn ON / OFF the light by moving up and down the switch (98) • Pivoting • Filter can be removed
Power supply (97) with cable for • Europe • USA / Japan • UK
EcoLite EL 02
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Installation of camera cables
Secure the cable to the camera (100), lead it through the table (102) and connect it to the camera control unit. On the slit lamp the cable is fixed on the microscope arm (99) and additionally on the rail cover with the cable guide (101).
Installation of video camera with C-mount interface
Unscrew the cover (103) on the C-mount interface. First screw the adapter (104) on the camera and then affix it with 3 set screws (105). Image position on the monitor Note the position of the camera! The camera must be oriented parallel to the microscope arm and must be mounted in the way, that the picture is correctly displayed on the screen.
100 101 102
In the case of misaligned images on the screen, the camera should be rotated until the correct position image is displayed. Image focus on the monitor Needs not to be adjusted, the interface has been designed so that optimal image focus is set automatically! Breath shield Depending on camera model, a distance screw must be built in (106), thus the breath shield can be fixed correctly.
Handling the slit lamp when fitted with video equipment
To achieve the same focus through both eye-pieces and monitor, the eye-pieces must be exactly adjusted with the focus test rod.
When coupling the accommodation facility with convergent viewing, the normal refraction often has to be corrected by -1 to -2 dpt on the eye-piece. 106
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Installation of video camera with Lipstick interface
Adapter für Lipstick auf C-mount Adaptateur pour mini caméra sur monture C Adapter for Lipstick on C-mount
Installation of video camera head Affix the adapter for Lipstick to C-mount. Only tighten the 3 set screws sufficiently enough to enable the camera adapter still to be turned. Image position on the monitor Turn the camera head until the image on the monitor is correctly margin-adjusted. Image focus on the monitor Use the focus test rod. Focus a slit of 8 mm height and 4 mm width onto the focus test rod. Shift the illumination to 45° from the microscope. Set a 16x magnification. Adjust the video camera depth. The area, in which the structure of the focus rod surface is seen sharply in focus, should lie in the centre of the light slit (107), whereas the structure to the left and right is shown out of focus (108). The 3 set screws are still slightly loose and the camera height can be adjusted vertically by turning the camera adapter - but not the camera which can be held with one hand so that it cannot turn. When the image on the video monitor screen appears sharply in focus, the lock nut of the camera can be firmly tightened.
The position of the image on the monitor as to margin correctness should be checked again and correctly adjusted.The camera adapter can then be secured to the microscope housing by tightening the 3 set screws.
CAUTION Only switch on the camera control unit when all components have been correctly installed. Observe the instruction manual for the video camera when making these connections.
Mounting of headrest and power supply
The corresponding Haag-Streit operating instructions should be observed!
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Appendix B Equipment maintenance routines B.1
Replacement of the halogen bulb CAUTION 1. Before changing the lamp: turn off the switch on the power supply and disconnect the power cord! CAUTION Increased temperatures can occur on the upper surface of the lamp housing! Allow the light bulb to cool down before removing it or use protective gloves to remove. Use only original HS halogen bulbs!
2. Hold the lamp bulb cover at the sides and pull upwards. 3. Unplug the contact base (112). 4. Unhook the retaining spring (110) on the left side and swing out sideways. CAUTION The lamp bulb should not be touched with the fingers! 5. Replace the halogen lamp bulb (111). The groove on the lamp holder (109) should point upwards. 6. Hook up the retaining spring, plug in the contact base, push on the lamp bulb cover until it engages and connect the lamp cable.
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Replacement of the mirror
The mirror need not be removed for cleaning. It should only be replaced when mechanically damaged. CAUTION Do not touch the mirror surface with the fingers! Dismantling • Depress the mirror in the direction of the arrow. Care should be taken to ensure that it does not jam. Assembly • Depress the spring retaining plate downwards • Slide the mirror half way in with the other hand • Release the retaining plate • Continue to slide the mirror into position until it engages
Cleaning of the gliding plate and the rails
If it becomes difficult to move the slit lamp around on the gliding plate, the plate should be cleaned with a slightly oily rag. After removing the rail covers (30), the rails should be cleaned with a stiff brush.
Cleaning of the optical parts
A dust brush is to be employed for dusting the exposed glass surfaces. Surfaces which have become really dirty should first be dusted, then wiped carefully with a soft dry clean cloth, washed linen, chamois leather, or some such material which will not scratch the surface.
Brush for cleaning the optics HS-Part number 1001398 B.5
Cleaning of the axle
Clean only with dry, lint-free cloths! B.6
Plastic dust cover
It is recommended to protect the slit lamp with a dust cover in case it is not in use. Plastic dust cover, small (for slit lamp) HS-Part number 1001395 Plastic dust cover, large (for several instruments) HS-Part number 1001434
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Appendix C
Technical specifications
Slit illumination Slit image width
0 - 14 mm continuous
Slit image length
1 - 14 mm continuous
Illumination field diameter 14 mm Slit image radial range 0° - 90° Radial movement of the slit illumination relative to the microscope axis Horizontal ± 90° Filter
Blue, grey (10 %) and red. The UV filter and the heat absorption filter are permanently mounted.
Light source
Halogen lamp bulb 12 V / 2.5 A
Illumination intensity
0 V / 0 Lux at position 0 7 V / 75 000 Lux at position 1/4 9 V / 150 000 Lux at position 1/2 11.5 V / 300 000 Lux at position 1
Irradiance depending on light wave length see diagram at right hand side Irradiance at max. intensity (11.5 V lamp) and max. aperture*) 0.01 mW / cm2 (305 nm - 400 nm) 90 mW / cm2 (380 nm - 700 nm) 5 mW / cm2 (700 nm - 1100 nm) Spectrally-weighted photochemical aphakic output source radiance LA at maximum intensity (11.5 V lamp) and maximum aperture: 270 mW / (cm2 sr).*) Spectrally-weighted photochemical phakic output source radiance LB at maximum intensity (11.5 V lamp) and maximum aperture: 230 mW / (cm2 sr).*) Spectrally-weighted photochemical radiance LA and LB give a measure of the potential hazard that exists for a beam of light to cause photochemical damage to the retina. LA gives the measure either for eyes in which the crystalline lens has been removed (aphakes) and has not been replaced by a UV-blocking lens or for eyes of very young children. LB gives the measure for eyes in which a crystalline lens is in place. Values of LA and LB over 80 mW / (cm2 sr) are considered high for beams which completely fill a dilated pupil. *)
Diagramm Bestrahlungsstärke bei Positionen 1, 1/2 und 1/4 Diagramme Puissance du rayonnement en positions 1, 1/2 et 1/4 Diagram Irradiance at positions 1, 1/2 and 1/4
Position 11.5 V 1 9V 1/2 7V 1/4
Wellenlänge / Longueur d'onde / Wave length [nm] Spektrale Bestrahlungsstärke / Puissance spectrale / Spectral irradiance [mW/(cm2 nm)]
*) According to ISO 10939
© Haag-Streit AG, CH-3098 Koeniz, Switzerland