IMPLADENT Instrument Care and Maintenance Instructions

4 Pages

IMPLADENT INSTRUMENTATION CARE AND MAINTENANCE  IMPLADENT instruments are designed for the insertion of IMPLADENT dental implants and for the manipulation of all the components of the system. The necessary prerequisite for the successful insertion of  oughly with water. Corrosion may also be caused if the  dental implants is the use of good quality  instrument is in contact with other instruments during  and well-maintained instruments. IMPLADENT instruments  cleaning or disinfection - or in contact with  are developed and manufactured according to the latest  already-corroded instruments. Contact with hard materials  advances in the field, using high-quality materials designed  such as ceramics, metal or glass may cause damage.  for specific purposes. Non-adherence to the prescribed procedures when using the instrumentation may lead to  For sterilization in an autoclave, surgical instruments should  implantation failures. LASAK recommends having a spare  be placed in their original plastic cassettes, which forms  set of sterilized instruments at hand for each implant  a part of the system and enables easy access to the steril-  surgery. A visual check of all instruments should be made  ized instruments during surgery; also, by helping to keep  after each use and damaged instruments  the instruments in the right order the correct procedure is  discarded.  more easily followed. The sterilization cassette must be correctly placed in the  Materials:  autoclave – i.e. the cassette should be placed in the centre and not touch the sides of the autoclave.  • IMPLADENT instruments are made from stainless steel,  Any other way of sterilization is unacceptable.  which is strong, hard and resistant to corrosion - provided it is kept clean. • Cassettes for instruments are made of sterilizable plastic or anodized aluminium.  Sterilized instruments should be kept at room temperature, and in a dry, dust-free and disinfected place. Packages containing sterilized instruments must show the date of sterilization. If the sterilization period expires, then  To maintain the quality of your IMPLADENT instruments it is  the instruments should be re-sterilized.  important to adhere to the prescribed instrument care and maintenance. Disinfection and cleaning have to be done  Stainless steel instruments should not be cleaned by  immediately following the instrument’s use; Blood, pus,  cleaning products containing high concentrations of chlorine  secretion, remains of tissue or bone must not be left to dry  or oxalic acid. The plastic cassette  on the instrument. When disinfecting and cleaning  must not be sterilized by hot air, and  the instruments use adequate  chemical sterilization is also not  protection. Long exposure of  recommended. Aluminium cassettes must not be cleaned  the instrument to saline solution  using alkaline products with a pH higher than 9. Disinfectants  or evaporation of saline solution on the instrument’s surface  and cleaning products must be used in accordance with  may cause its corrosion or discolouration. Saline solutions,  the manufacturer’s instructions for use (as regards  cleaning agent and disinfectant residue must be rinsed thor-  to concentration, reaction time and temperature).
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