
LGO-Bare Fiber Reusable Instructions for use

7 Pages

Instructions for use LGO-Bare Fiber Reusable 1. LGO-Bare Fiber Reusable The LGO-Bare Fiber Reusable is an optical fiber for medical application in various fields of laser surgery. The LGOBare Fiber Reusable is supplied in sterile or non-sterile condition, depending on the product variation. Only the product variations which are supplied sterile are suitable for immediate for the first use without preconditioning. LGO guarantees ten application and ten reprocessing cycles (see section3). For any additional reprocessing cycles only the user is responsible. At the distal end of the LGO-Bare Fiber Reusable the cladding and coating of the optical fiber are removed on a length of 5 mm to ensure optimum energy transfer to the tissue that is to be treated. The proximal end the LGO-Bare Fiber Reusable is equipped with an SMA-905 connector or a custom special connector for connection to suitable medical laser devices. Prior to the treatment the compatibility must be checked.  1.1. Field of application and exceptions The LGO-Bare Fiber Reusable is indicated in general laser surgery application of different disciplines such as incision, excision, vaporization and coagulation. With the LGO-Bare Fiber Reusable tissue can be cut out and the open resection surface can be simultaneously be sealed by the use of precise coagulation. Moreover, the product can be used for fragmentation of concrement (stones) or for creation of photo-chemical reactions. Surgeries in the vicinity of brackets or implants are excluded because there is the risk of heating and destruction. Follow current clinical guidelines. Applications at the central nervous system and the central circulatory system are not allowed. In order to ensure correct and save handling this device may only be applied by surgeons being familiar with the handling of medical laser devices, and with the therapeutic application of laser fiber probes.  1.2. Potential risks associated with the procedure Please refer to the instructions for use of the medical laser device and the corresponding specialist medical literature for a full outline of possible side effects. Possible side effects can be but are not limited to: burns, swellings, bleeding, pain, infection, paraesthesia due to injury of adjacent sensory nerves, perforation in case of application in the vicinity of sensitive areas (artery, bowel, …). Moreover, unintended reactions of the treated tissue can be caused because of wrong (for example too high) laser settings.  IFU-RBF-EN, Version: 6  1/7
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File Name: LightGuide - IFU-RBF-EN_v6 - LGO-Bare Fiber Reusable Instructions for use - 2021-03 - Rev 6.pdf

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