
Reusable Bare Fibers Reprocessing Instructions

3 Pages

Reprocessing instructions for reusable bare fibers Manufacturer:  Light Guide Optics International Ltd  Products:  All reusable bare fibers manufactured by Light Guide Optics International Ltd which have articles numbers starting with RBFF, RBFCS, or RTBFCS.  Please note that these medical devices are delivered in sterile or non-sterile condition, depending on the product variation. Therefore, check the device label carefully to determine if the device needs to be subjected to full reprocessing cycle according to the following instructions prior to its first use.  WARNINGS:  In general, cleaning and disinfection should be done immediately after use to avoid drying of blood residues. Such dried contamination is much harder to remove. Ensure the laser coupling area at the connector remains clean and free of contaminations; it cannot be cleaned and disinfected. Possibly a high risk of infection after a surgical intervention results from the utilisation at patients for which prion diseases are assumed or detected. In this case the reconditioning is not possible and the product must be disposed of according to the regulations.1  Limitations on processing:  The reusable fiber-optic product is designed and tested to withstand ten cycles of application and processing. Every reusable fiber probe is equipped with a plastic marker to record the accumulated number of performed processing cycles. During each device processing cycle, cut the outermost line of the marker from one to nine to record the number of uses. Note that the first dashed line may represent processing for use in case of non-sterile delivery or processing after use in case of sterile delivery. Dispose any product, which is broken or kinked, and dispose any product, which has a contaminated laser coupling area at its connector, because cleaning and disinfection of the laser coupling area of a connector is not possible.  1 See German Bundesgesundheitsblatt 1998; 41, Final report of the Task-force vCJK at RKI, supplement 7: Measurements to minimize the risk  of transmission of CJK/vCJK by medical devices to the „Hygiene requirements in the processing of medical devices“ p. 279-285.  GA_LGO_WA_en, Version: 5  1/3
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File Name: LightGuide - GA_LGO_WA_en_v5_CE0044 - Reusable Bare Fibers Reprocessing Instructions - 2020-08 - Ver 5.pdf

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