DELTA 4 Range Instructions for Use and Maintenance Rev 00
Instructions for Use and Maintenance
56 Pages

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HOSPITAL BEDS DELTA4 RANGE FURNITURE FOR HEALTHCARE FACILITIES MALVESTIO S.p.A Via Marconi 12/D 35010 Villanova di Camposampiero, Padova | ITALIA Phone: +39 (0)499299511 Fax: +39 (0)499299500 e-mail: [email protected] Service Department – e-mail: [email protected]
Carefully read these instructions before installation
Article 3720B_AU
___________________________________________________________________________ INDEX 1 NOTICES ... 6 1.1 Congratulations ... 6 1.2 Assistance ... 6 1.3 Warranty ... 6 2 INFORMATION ... 7 2.1 Operator profile ... 7 2.2 Patient group profile ... 7 2.3 Intended use ... 7 2.4 Product description ... 8 3 SAFETY ... 8 3.1 General safety rules ... 8 3.2 Specific safety rules... 8 3.3 Residual risk areas ... 10 3.4 Equipotential connection ... 11 3.5 Incorrect use ... 11 3.6 Trained Personnel ... 11 3.7 Positioning of symbol tags applied to the bed ... 12 4 TECHNICAL DATA ... 14 4.1 Dimensional and geometric features ... 15 4.2 Technical and Electrical data ... 15 4.3 Characteristics of safety sides ... 16 4.4 Mattress characteristics ... 16 4.5 Applied parts ... 16 5 TRANSPORT AND INSTALLATION ... 16 5.1 Lifting ... 16 5.2 Transport ... 17 5.3 Installation ... 17 5.4 Storage... 18 5.5 Putting back into service ... 18 6 CONTROLS ... 19 6.1 Electric controls ... 19 6.1.1 Supervisor push-button control panel ... 19 6.1.2 Push-buttons integrated in the safety side ... 21 6.1.3 Under bed minimum height indicator LEDs... 22 6.1.4 Weighing system and patient exit system ... 22 6.2 Manual Controls ... 24 6.2.1 Blocking/releasing the wheels and engaging directional mode ... 24 6.2.2 Monitor holder... 25 6.2.3 Patient lifting pole ... 26 6.2.4 I.V. rod ... 26 6.2.5 Bed stripper / handset holder kit ... 27 6.2.6 Plastic hooks for side accessories bars... 27 6.2.7 Legrest section movement ... 27 6.2.8 Quick Backrest Release ... 28 6.2.9 Concealed cylinder holder ... 29 6.2.10 Tray for X-ray plates ... 30 6.2.11 Bed lengthener... 30 6.2.12 Safety sides movement ... 30 6.2.13 Removing the head and foot ends... 31 2
___________________________________________________________________________ 6.2.14 Motorized wheel ... 31 6.3 Accessories ... 33 7 CLEANING AND DISINFECTION ... 33 7.1 Cleaning the bed ... 33 7.2 Bed disinfection ... 34 7.3 Advice for cleaning and disinfecting ... 34 7.3.1 Daily cleaning ... 34 7.3.2 Cleaning after patient discharge ... 34 7.3.3 Thorough cleaning and disinfection if necessary ... 34 8 MAINTENANCE ... 35 8.1 Power system maintenance ... 35 8.1.1 Battery maintenance ... 36 8.1.2 Power plugs and sockets ... 38 8.2 Lubrication ... 38 8.3 Checking retention parts ... 38 9 TROUBLESHOOTING ... 39 9.1 Preface ... 39 9.2 Problems – causes - remedies ... 39 9.3 Sound signals ... 40 10 SCRAPPING AND DISPOSAL ... 41 10.1 Foreword ... 41 10.2 Waste disposal ... 41 10.3 Disposal of old batteries ... 41 10.4 Demolition of the bed ... 41 11 ATTACHMENTS ... 42 11.1 Wiring diagram ... 42 11.2 Spare parts tables ... 44 12 WARNINGS CONCERNING ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE ... 53 12.1 List of cables and their lengths... 53 12.2 Maintenance ... 53 12.3 Guidelines and manufacturer's declaration ... 54 13 CONFORMITY ... 55
Abide by the instructions in the following paragraph
OPERATOR TYPE A Equipment user
OPERATOR TYPE B Equipment maintenance technician
___________________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT Read carefully this manual before transporting, installing or using the art. 3720B_AU. ﹟ ﹟
﹟ ﹟ ﹟ ﹟ ﹟ ﹟
It must be carefully kept in a place known to persons in charge of transport, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, until its final disposal, etc. This manual explains how the equipment is to be used and provides instructions relating to transport, installation, assembly and use. It also explains how to replace accessories and warns of outstanding risks, etc. Always remember that the instruction manual can never fully replace adequate operator experience; in the case of some specific and difficult operations, this manual represents a memo of the main operations to be performed by operators with specific experience, acquired for instance by attending training courses on the manufacturer’s premises. This manual should be considered an integral part of the equipment and must be looked after until this is scrapped. In case of loss, ask the manufacturer for a new copy. Make sure all the users have fully understood how to use the equipment and the meaning of the symbols affixed to such equipment. Any accidents can be avoided by following the technical instructions compiled in accordance with relevant EEC directives. For serious accidents, please contact the usage country competent authorities of the device and the manufacturer. In the event of a serious accident, notify the competent authorities of the country in which the device is used and the manufacturer In any case, always abide by national regulations. Do not remove or deteriorate the protections, labels and notices. The information contained in this manual is subject to amendment. MALVESTIO S.p.A. reserves the right not to provide prior notice of such amendments. No part of this manual can be reproduced without the express permission of MALVESTIO S.p.A.
___________________________________________________________________________ 1 1.1
NOTICES Congratulations
Dear Customer, We should like to congratulate you for having preferred one of our products. Each MALVESTIO S.p.A. product is built according to applicable safety regulations, to protect operators and service users. This manual describes and illustrates the various transport, use and adjustment operations, for the best use and care of your equipment Please carefully read the instructions and information contained in this manual. 1.2
MALVESTIO S.p.A. technicians will be pleased to provide any routine and special maintenance services Maintenance requests should be made to MALVESTIO S.p.A. by sending an e-mail to the address [email protected], by phone or fax (the numbers are shown on the cover). If your hospital equipment has been purchased through one of our authorised dealers and assistance or repairs are required, please contact the dealer or another authorised after-sales service centre directly.
The products of MALVESTIO S.p.A. are covered by a 1-year warranty starting on the day of shipment, unless agreed otherwise between the parties.” The warranty is valid as and from the date of shipment of the equipment. The warranty shall only be considered valid if the equipment has been used correctly, following the instructions provided in this manual. Faulty parts will be repaired or replaced free of charge by MALVESTIO S.p.A. at its factory at Villanova (PD) or at the authorised dealer’s. In case of replacement of faulty parts, MALVESTIO S.p.A. shall be entitled to withdraw these after replacement. Transport and shipping costs relating to spare parts shall be charged to the buyer. In the event of labour being required for installations and/or replacements of faulty parts made on the buyer’s premises, relevant costs shall be borne by MALVESTIO S.p.A., while the buyer shall pay all travel expenses. Any special jobs to be done by the technicians of MALVESTIO S.p.A. shall be agreed upon case by case. The warranty shall not cover expendable materials and periodical maintenance and parts damaged as a result of improper equipment use. Repairs and/or replacements made under warranty shall not extend the duration of the warranty, excepting the replaced part/s. Acknowledgement of the warranty excludes any request for temporary replacement with similar equipment, excepting prior agreement between the parties. 6
___________________________________________________________________________ 2 2.1
INFORMATION Operator profile
Type of operator: Patients/family members, doctors, nurses and technical personnel. Level of instruction: at least 16 years old with 5 years’ experience of intensive reading (school). Knowledge: Reading and understanding Arabic numerals used in western countries, reading and understanding the language; distinguishing the parts of the body: head, thorax, femur, leg and foot. Distinguishing colours. 2.2
Patient group profile
The patient group allowed to use the medical bed art. 3720B_AU is made of adult persons which have: - Weight greater than or equal to 40 kg; - Height greater than or equal to 146 cm; - Body Mass Index (BMI greater than or equal to 17; ATTENTION: The use of the art. 3720B_AU is limited to a specific group of patients. 2.3
Intended use
Art. 3720B_AU helps in supporting patients: • with movement or self-management difficulties; • which repositioning need the reducing of its physical handling at minimum; • with complications due to stillness; It can also be used for any other purpose that could bring benefits to the patient. Finally, it allows the patients transportation through different wards, simplifying the healthcare operators job. APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT 1 Intensive/critical care provided in a hospital where 24 h medical supervision and constant monitoring is required and provision of life support system/equipment used in medical procedures is essential to maintain or improve the vital functions of the PATIENT APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT 2 Acute care provided in a hospital or other medical facility where medical supervision and monitoring is required and ME EQUIPMENT used in medical procedures is often provided to help maintain or improve the condition of the PATIENT. APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT 3 “Long-term care administered in a medical infrastructure, for which medical surveillance and monitoring are required, when considered necessary, and in which EM APPLIANCES, used in medical procedures, are provided to facilitate the maintaining or improvement of the conditions of the PATIENT.” NOTE: This includes use in nursing homes, rehabilitation centres and geriatric centres. Before using the bed, the user should ascertain that both it and any accessories are in good condition by making a sight check. Intended use Use of art. 3720B_AU is intended in hospitals, clinics, care homes and communities. Are excluded environments: - near surgery instrumentation HF; - Near and outside RF shielded rooms used for Magnetic Resonance where the intensity of electromagnetic disturbances is high; Use not in accordance with that intended by MALVESTIO S.p.A. shall result in the company disclaiming all liability for injury to persons and damage to things.
___________________________________________________________________________ 2.4
Product description
The art. 3720B_AU, manufactured by MALVESTIO S.p.A., have been designed taking into account the operating requirements of various departments and are suitable for patients who have to be examined or medicated. CLASSIFICATION Class Im according to 93/42/EC, modified by the Directive 2007/47/EC. Insulation class I with type B fitted part according to CEI EN 60601-1. Appliance with continuous operation with intermittent load. The design of the structural elements and the safety distances between moving parts comply with applicable safety norms. The features listed below have been specially conceived for intended use, patient assistance and control by staff. 3 3.1
SAFETY General safety rules
Compliance with safety regulations puts the operator in a position to work profitably without causing injury to him/herself or others. Using the equipment for purposes other than those previously described is forbidden (2.3 Intended use). The equipment must only be used by properly trained personnel. Before starting to operate the bed, the operator must be perfectly aware of how the bed works, of where the controls are located and of all technical-functional features. Such awareness can be acquired by carefully reading this manual. If possible, the nursing staff should properly inform patients on how the couch works and should explain the individual controls the patient can operate. After such information has been provided, if possible, the patient should be asked to "trial run" the bed. WARNING: When it is necessary to move obese patients on the bed, operations must be performed with manoeuvres that do not overload the bed, with the caregiver staff evenly distributed on both sides of the bed in order to control the movement of the patient at each stage, avoiding as much as possible any abrupt transfers of load. All operators must abide by the accident-prevention regulations of the country where the bed is installed and international regulations in order to prevent any possible accidents. 3.2
Specific safety rules
Tampering with or replacing parts of the equipment without the express authorisation of MALVESTIO S.p.A. is forbidden. The use of accessories, or spare parts, other than those recommended and/or shown in this manual can represent a hazard for operators and/or damage the machine. Any alterations to the equipment not expressly authorised by MALVESTIO S.p.A. shall relieve the latter of all civil and criminal liability.
___________________________________________________________________________ Removing any safety or protection devices on the appliance is strictly forbidden; periodically, at weekly intervals, check the integrity of such devices and make sure they are working properly. Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance jobs must be done without power supply. Before carrying out any maintenance or repair jobs on the equipment, the operator should have carefully read and understood the technical information provided in this manual. All maintenance and repair jobs must be done by skilled personnel; see par. 3.6 TRAINED PERSONNEL. Bad repairs and maintenance can represent a hazard for the user. !!! ATTENTION !!! The power plug must be taken out: ﹟ In case of a problem during use, ﹟ Before any cleaning and maintenance. Never remove the plug by pulling the cable. WARNING: To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected to a supply main with protective earth. Make sure that during normal use of the medical device the cable does not bend at a sharp angle or pass over sharp edges, that it is positioned in such a way as not to get twisted or suffer mechanical damage. If there are cables arriving from other appliances inside the medical bed, all the necessary precautions must be taken to prevent these cables being damaged or crushed between the parts of the medical bed Using extensions is not recommended. The equipment should not be started when: ﹟ The power cable is damaged, ﹟ It has fallen and/or shows signs of evident damage, ﹟ The moving parts (lever mechanisms, actuators, rotation fulcrums, etc.) produce strange noises not in conformity with proper operation; ﹟ Instability not in conformity with the structure occurs during operation and movement; ﹟ The control unit or electrical parts start to emit fumes. Never position the equipment close to heat sources.
Position and secure the equipment in a stable manner on a horizontal floor.
If the power cable is damaged, replace it immediately. The bed movement area must be kept clean, in order and devoid of objects that could restrict free movement. The instructions, accident-prevention rules and warnings contained in this manual must always be followed. ATTENTION: no modification of this equipment is allowed. ATTENTION: do not modify this equipment without the manufacturer’s authorisation. 3.3
Residual risk areas
In some parts of the equipment, residual risks exist that cannot be eliminated during the design stage. Each operator should be aware of the outstanding risks relating to this equipment in order to prevent any accidents. Such hazards are listed below: Electrical hazards The use of an electrical system driven by mains power represents outstanding risks due to the cable and to the energised equipment.
Crushing During bed top movement and quick release Emergency operation, outstanding risks exist of the hands being crushed between the moving parts of the mattress platform and the fixed bed structure (outstanding risk of being crushed). During transport and movement, the wheels could crush people's feet, if the operation is not performed properly (outstanding risk of crushing). During bed positioning, be careful not to crush people or things between the head end and the walls against which the bed is rested (outstanding risk of crushing). During the raising and lowering movements of the safety side of the bed outstanding risks exist of the hands and limbs being crushed between the moving parts of the safety side (outstanding risk of crushing). Hence, before moving the safety side, make sure the patient is in a non-dangerous position. For correct use see chap. “Manual controls”. During movement of the bed lengthener there is the possibility of crushing the fingers during the shortening action (outstanding risk of crushing). Hence pay attention to the indications in the instructions for use and maintenance and the warning notices applied on the bed. Accidental falling Adjust the height of the mattress platform to facilitate ascend and descent actions carried out by the patient. Try to find the most comfortable height taking into account the physical shape and the residual motor skills of the patient. Furthermore, move the bed to its lowest position (height) and inhibit the functions on the patient’s handset if he is left alone. Finally, raising the safety side rails is suggested whenever the physical and psychic conditions of the patient could cause its accidental falling from the bed. The use of the side rails as described above won’t safeguard from any intentional actions of descent by the patient (for example, through their climb over). 10
___________________________________________________________________________ 3.4
Equipotential connection
The bed can be connected to a potential equalization system (node). In fact, it is furnished with an equipotential connector, placed under the head-side cross member and indicated by the symbol shown in the picture. If the bed is used together with electromedical apparatus with an intravascular or intracardiac connection to the patient it is necessary to equalize the electrical potential of all the accessible metal parts. The lack of an equipotential connection can expose to the risk of lesions (risk of microshock). In order to equalize the potentials, if the room is not provided with a potential equalization system, it is necessary to connect the potential equalization wire (code 305099) from the connector present on the bed to the one present on the apparatus. To make the connection, see chap. 06 INSTALLATION. 3.5
Incorrect use Incorrect use of the device may involve risks of deterioration or danger for the users.
Some examples of incorrect use are: Use of the bed for a purpose other than that indicated in the user manual; - Use of the bed outside buildings; - Use of the bed to transport the patient in vehicles; - Use of the bed or of its functions by unauthorised persons; - Lifting a total load of more than 300 kg (patient + mattress + accessories + load applied on accessories); - Connection to electric mains different from that indicated on the electric data plate; - Shifting the bed by pulling the power cable; - Use of accessories or components other than those authorised; - Trying to use several electrical functions at the same time; - Shifting the bed on uneven surfaces; - Use at temperatures higher than those indicated in the user manual; - Use of the bed to lift objects other than patients; - Connecting other electrical appliances to the bed; - Too intensive use of the electric actuators (see mode of use in the technical details); - User of the bed without respecting the indications give in this user manual. 3.6
Trained Personnel
The art. 3720B_AU must be used by the following professional persons.
“The "Operator" is the person appointed to work on the equipment (medical nursing staff); operations should be restricted to the controls indicated in Chap.6- 7. This person should be perfectly aware of all the precautions and operating instructions indicated in this manual. The operator is forbidden from performing operations other than those indicated in Chap. 6-7.
“Maintenance technician" is the person appointed to transport, install, start, adjust, clean, repair, change the equipment and perform maintenance on the bed.
___________________________________________________________________________ This person must be adequately trained and have attended workshops and training courses, etc., and have experience as regards transporting, installing, operating and servicing medicalsanitary appliances and systems. 3.7
Positioning of symbol tags applied to the bed
The art. 3720B_AU feature the following safety and identification signals: The purpose of the signals is to inform operators of any existing risks. Each operator should be able to recognise the meanings of such signals. The CE plate data must always be quoted when requesting assistance or spare parts. The adhesive signs and fitted plates must never be removed, tampered with or destroyed. The persons in charge of company safety must replace them in case of deterioration or illegibility. MALVESTIO S.p.A. is at your disposal for providing replacement stickers or plates.
Marking to select recommended mattresses specified by the MANUFACTURER
A) Manufacturer data B) Year of manufacture of bed C) Article Code D) Serial Number E) Type applied Part F) How to use the power parts G) Protection index H) Power absorbed by bed I) Power voltage L) Fuse type M) Obligation to read operating instructions N) Symbol of CE conformity mark + notified body
Indicates the place where to position the bedpan holder
Indicates the position of the equipotential connector.
Indicates graphic symbol for maximum PATIENT weight and SAFE WORKING LOAD
Warns of a possible residual risk of crushing during movement of the bed lengthener.
Indicates the prohibition to sit on the bed lengthener, when extract
Indicates the maximum load that can be applied on the bed stripper.
Physical description of an adult.
Refer to the instruction booklet
A) Balance manufacturer data B) CE symbol conformity mark C) “Metric” Response to the Directive NAWI and year of the marking D) Notified authority number_D Module E) Accuracy class F) Model name G) Limit functioning temperature H) Serial Number I) Maximum and minimum range L) Verification division of the scale M) NAWI approval documentation with notified authority number _B Module
Indicates the position accessories plank.
Indicates the position of the lever to unlock the motorized wheel in case of control unit malfunctioning or lack of power supply 4
The products of the company MALVESTIO S.p.A. are subject to continuous upgrading and consequently the technical specifications of the product may be changed without prior notice.
___________________________________________________________________________ 4.1
Dimensional and geometric features
Length A Width B (mm) (mm) 2200 995 840 880 250 880 320 880 520 880 2200 980 2000 880 1950 850 400 mm 800 mm 155 mm
Degrees (°) 0° / 75° 0° / -10° 0° / 30° 10°/-10°
16° 16°
Technical and Electrical data TECHNICAL DATA
300 Kg 300 Kg 235 Kg* 265 Kg** 230 V AC 2XT1,6 A + 10 % 24V DC 50 Hz 370 VA I
B Intermittent - 5 min./45 min. IPX4 150 kg
* maximum weight of the patient considering the use of a 20 kg mattress and accessories with a total weight of 45 kg (see chap. 6.3 accessories available) ** maximum weight of the patient considering the use of a 20 kg mattress and accessories with a total weight of 15 kg (see chap. 6.3 accessories available)
BUFFER BATTERY 24V continuous - 1.3 Ah about 48 hours + 5° C to + 40 °C
___________________________________________________________________________ 4.3
Characteristics of safety sides
The safety sides that can be used are only and exclusively those supplied, that are the ones with code 337160 (4-sector safety sides with electric control). Incompatible safety sides may cause hazards for the patient (risks of getting trapped or of falling). 4.4
Mattress characteristics
The bed is intended to use dedicated mattresses supplied also by Malvestio SpA having the following dimensions: Length = from 1950 to 2000 mm Width = from 850 to 900 mm Thickness = from 120 to 190 mm The minimum mattress density must be 30 kg/m3 5%. (in the case of a possible air mattress internal pressure must be such as to simulate the density indicated unless it is not to vary for the particular therapies). To avoid the risk of the mattress slipping, you must check that it is resting correctly on the mattress platform of the bed and positioned between the integrated mattress stops on the ABS cover of the mattress platform. The use of mattresses with a higher than expected thickness (greater than 190 mm) can reduce the effectiveness of the containment of the side rails. The use of different mattresses and especially ones with a greater thickness than the one intended may reduce the containing efficiency of the safety sides. Incompatible mattresses may cause hazards for the patient (risks of getting trapped or of falling). 4.5
Applied parts
The following are to be considered applied parts of the medical device: - Head/foot board - Safety sides - Mattress platform - Patient pushbutton - Operator pushbutton - Lifting system - Base frame
5 5.1
TRANSPORT AND INSTALLATION Lifting Lifting must only be done by skilled personnel, trained to perform this type of operation. The Customer is responsible for obtaining the equipment suitable for lifting the bed. Before lifting the bed, make sure no one is standing within the range of operation.
The weight to be lifted is the weight of the bed (see table) plus any packaging material and accessories. 16
___________________________________________________________________________ Check the suitability of the means used, such as: cables, straps, hooks, crane trucks or bridge cranes, which must be able to lift over 300 Kg. Make sure the lifting cables or straps are always at an angle of over 60° to the equipment to be lifted (Pic. 1). If lifting is done using a fork-lift truck, position the forks at the points shown by the arrows in Pic. 2. Lift the bed to be moved as little as possible off the floor.
Pic. 1
Pic. 2
Make sure during lifting that the bed is perfectly balanced and avoid operations that could make it unstable 5.2
The art. 3720B_AU is shipped to customers fully assembled and ready to be lifted from the means of transport using: bridge crane, crane truck or fork-lift truck. ﹟ Transport is generally done by truck. ﹟ The temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure values during transport must fall within the following parameters: Temperature between 0° C and + 40° C. Atmospheric pressure between 700 mB and 1060 mB. Air humidity max 70%. 5.3
To install, make sure: ﹟ The power supply is compatible with that required for the bed (see electric data); ﹟ In case an equipotential connection is necessary (see par. 3.4), connect the equipotential connector of the bed (see Pic. 3), through a cable of adequate section (code 305099), to the potential equalizer system (as shown in pic. 4).
Pic. 3 Pic. 4 ﹟ The power cable, once fitted in the socket, is not stretched; ﹟ The bed does not interfere with any obstacle (e.g., bedside units, wall units) during lifting, Trendelenburg or Reverse-Trendelenburg movements; 17
___________________________________________________________________________ ﹟ The cables of the push-button panel and power cable cannot become tangled in the moving parts of the bed. ﹟ Connect the battery cable to the control unit, if disconnected. In case the simultaneous locking is not enabled and the power cable is connected to the electric mains (control box enabled), the control box utters an acoustic alarm to advise about the danger of moving the bed with power cable still connected to the electric mains. Transport safety elements Before putting the bed into service, make sure that all the transport elements have been removed (see picture). It is recommended to keep the elements to reassemble the transport parts if the device has to be moved again later. To remove the transport safety parts, the operator must unscrew the parts (using a tool if deemed) and pull them downwards. Repeat the same procedure for the remaining locking systems.
In case of storage for a long period of time (more than 6 months), proceed as follows: ﹟ Set all the bed joints at zero, including the height; ﹟ Disconnect the power cable and wind it around the fastener provided and disconnect the battery cable from the control unit; ﹟ Make sure the wheels are resting on a flat surface; ﹟ Make sure the room where the bed is placed is dry and that the temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure values are within the following parameters: Temperature between 0° C and + 40° C. Atmospheric pressure between 700 mB and 1060 mB. Air humidity max 70%. Do not stack the beds one on top of the other. 5.5 ﹟ ﹟ ﹟ ﹟ ﹟
Putting back into service Make sure the bed is properly blocked in the “braked” position; Unwind the power cable and connect this to the power socket; Check correct operation of all bed movements; Check the condition of the bed power cable; Check the condition of all the power cables (motors, control units, etc.); 18
___________________________________________________________________________ ﹟ Connect the battery to the control unit and check the battery charge, leaving this under charge for 24 hours before using the bed again. ﹟ The temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure values during use must fall within the following parameters: Temperature between +5° C and + 40° C. Atmospheric pressure between 700 mB and 1060 mB. Air humidity max 70%.
CONTROLS Before using the bed, carefully read all the instructions on the pushbutton panel controls. Correct control learning will ensure proper and safe bed use. Prior to enabling the various bed movements, make sure that the patient does not have his/her arms located in any opening, for example in the protection safety sides or bed ends.
Electric controls Connect and/or disconnect the handset and control panels only with control box disconnected from the power supply (hence disconnect the power cable from the socket and eventually the battery cable) The buttons control the movements ONLY IF PRESSED. So, if a movement can be dangerous for the patient or the operator, STOP THE MOVEMENT RELEASING THE BUTTON
6.1.1 Supervisor push-button control panel The “Supervisor” push-button panel allows the operator to make all required adjustments and also to control the enabling of the single functions on the patient handset 1) LED showing, if lit, that the backrest has reached an inclination of 30°. 2) Keys for adjusting the inclination of the backrest. 3) Keys for simultaneous movement of the backrest and knee-break. 4) Keys for adjusting the inclination of the knee-break. 5) “Lock” button for enabling/disabling the functions of the patient’s handset. 6) LED showing status “enabled (unlit) /disabled (lit)” of the patient’s handset functions. 7) Keys for adjusting the mattress platform height. 8) LED showing, if lit, the positioning of the bed at minimum height. 9) Key for zeroing mattress platform with emergency trendelenburg (Anti-Shock position). 10) Key for zeroing mattress platform with descent to minimum height (Reanimation pos.). 11) Keys for Trendelenburg and reverse-Trendelenburg adjustments. 12) Key for zeroing mattress platform with lifting to the examination position. 19
___________________________________________________________________________ 13) 14) 15) 16) 17)
Key for therapeutic Armchair position. Service key for cancelling maintenance requests. Battery status LED. Mains LED. Button for handset activation/deactivation. If the push-button control panel is disabled, it is not possible to perform any of the adjustments described below.
To activate the control panel, press the button: the mains and/or battery LEDs light up. After a period of inactivity (no button is pressed by the operator), the pushbutton panel will be automatically disabled (“stand-by system”). To turn off the system, press the button for a few seconds, and release it when the LEDs blink. The attainment of a predetermined number of cycles of operation of the bed the LEDs 15 and 176begin to turn on and off alternately. To turn off the LEDs press the button 14 and call the service department. ENABLING/DISBALING THE FUNCTIONS OF THE PATIENT HANDSET To disable the functions on the patient handset, hold down the padlock button (N° 5) and press the down arrow key corresponding to the function you wish to disable. The lighting of the corresponding padlock LED will confirm that the operation has been successful. Led lit, function disabled, led off, function enabled. ENEBLING/DISABLING THE 30 ° BACKREST POSITION During the movement of the backest section, on reaching the 30° position the movement stops and turns on the corresponding LED or
. To continue this movement, press again the button
if you want to raise or lower the backrest. To enable / disable this feature, you must
press the LOCK key and the UP-ARROW button on the backrest movement. The emission of a beep identifies the successful activation, three beeps for disabling this feature. VISUALIZATION OF BATTERY CHARGE STATUS Refer to the luminous symbols of the supervisor control panel: Meaning Lit Lit Lit Unlit Unlit Unlit
Lit Blinking Unlit Lit Blinking Unlit
Control box powered by mains, battery present and charged Control box powered by mains, battery under charge Control box powered by mains, battery absent or flat Mains absent and control box powered by battery Mains absent and control box powered by battery nearly flat Mains absent and battery flat or absent