
Medex Pressure Infusors

Medex C-Fusor Instructions for Use

Instructions for Use

1 Page

8, fvlay, 2009 I 3:08  No, 0874  -o-medex" G-FusoP Pressure lnfusor Inatructions for Use  1. lndlcatlon¡ For UÊe The Medex C-Fusor (pressure fntusor) 16 indicated for lhe  -._.;.  pressuÈzation of flexlble lnfusion bdge anO rapid fluid replacêmEnt.  NOTE:  Z. lqng Êpiked sotution bag on hmk inside C-Fusor Pres€ute lnfu sor,  3. Tþhtly wrap lhe C-FuÊor pressure lnfueor around lh€ spikod bag and gecure wlth lhe velcro strap.  4.  stopcoc  port. P us box. "OFF'  ¡-{ l.ll  WARNING: Do not over ¡nflatâ lnto nRËD'Zons. Do not  use wllh any prÊEsurg 6ourcÊ for hJhilon,€xc€pt hqnd bulb. Ovårlnflet¡on or ri*uiä may result ln pÊfsonal injury or .danage to Infusor,  5. Deflate: Turn the þFF,håndts towerd the inffation þrrlb. 6, The GFusor pragture lnfusor nray be cleaned by your Hoepilelts etandard protocol, Þo not soak or hr¡e¡åe.  7, Discoloretlon of lhe C.Fusor prsaeure lnfusor wlll occur over llmg,  8. Handle wlth Care a- Do not âllôw pointed lnstruments to @me ln contacl wlth lhe solulion bag or C-Fusor pressurE lnfusor.  b. Fallutt of the gauge negdle to feturn to zeÞ when  deflaled mây Ìndicate impatred funclion. $hould this  occur, the gauge should bs checked agelnâl a rebroncå gauge,  c. lf tre gaugo ¡s droppÊd or damaged or lmrnersed in fluld, check gauge tunc{¡on lmmediatety.  d. Periodioalty the tuncilon of the gauge should be checkod. -  L  Replacement geugat can be ordered from Medex. Re_ order No. MX1821c.  GFll3of lB ¡ rÉgblcfpd bsden€|k olMecex. |no.  P11Ðft4 Râv.4  P,  1
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