
EPS System

LabSystem Duo EP Laboratory Users Guide SW Ver 2.73 Series Rev July 2003

Users Guide

324 Pages

LabSystem Duo EP Laboratory  current marker In the diagram, the current marker is highlighted in yellow and represents the current snapshot in a map. current snapshot A working snapshot in the current map, it is always the snapshot in the Measure window. If a snapshot is loaded into the Measure window - whether it is from the map table or from a diagram’s marker - it becomes the current snapshot. data link In Analyze mode, used to link measurements in the intervals window with the waveforms where the measurements were obtained. decimation The process by which the application determines how data points will be represented at slow scroll rates that do not display each sample point. default A variable automatically used by the computer, unless the user selects a different variable. delay A user-defined pause occurring between the time the trigger signal occurs and the time a reference line is displayed. delete Remove unwanted data. Delete Event A menu option that allows you to remove events from the Study Log List. demographics Statistical characteristics of the patient, such as name, date or birth, etc. diagram Used in Mapping mode to present catheter positions in a patient heart when snapshots of EP data are captured. Can be displayed in the Diagram window or in the map table. It is composed of a template and markers. Diagram window The window in which the diagram may be displayed in Mapping mode. dialog box Any window or box that appears in on-screen as the result of a button or menu selection, allowing you to make one or more choices or changes. directory Similar to a table of contents; shows a list of sub-directories and files located in computer storage.  Appendix J: Glossary  J.5
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