Ratek Instruments

WT1 Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions

2 Pages

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS  The WT1 warming tray has many uses including slide drying, warming small containers, etc.  SPECIFICATIONS  Power requirements:  240v AC 254 watt.  Heating element:  Silicon heater pad  Temperature control:  Phase controller using custom programmed microcontroller  Temperature range:  Ambient + 5°c to 80°c minimum 28 °c  Capacity:  Plate size 450 x 250mm  Safety:  Over temperature cutout switch operates independently of the control circuit.  Case details:  Plate anodized aluminium. Case powder coated zinc seal.  Accurate temperatures are maintained to within 25mm of the edge of the plate. Temperature control is proportional, the element indicator will glow until a few degrees before the set temperature is reached. At this point the indicator will begin to alternate on and off, signifying that proportional control is in operation. The indicator will remain mostly off whilst the temperature is being maintained. Instructions for use ⇒  Set the unit on a flat and level surface.  ⇒  Connect the power lead to a properly grounded 3 pin outlet.  ⇒  Place the slide / container onto the heating plate.  ⇒  Set the required temperature. Allow approximately 20 minutes for the unit to stabilize.  ⇒  Adjust the temperature control knob, if necessary, to achieve the desired temperature setting.  Maintenance Regular cleaning is the only maintenance required. .  SERVICE Should the unit fail to operate correctly, any service work should be carried out by a qualified technician. Unauthorised tampering will invalidate the manufacturer’s guarantee
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