RIKEN KEIKI Model FI-21 Type 55 Quick Reference Guide

Quick Reference Guide

2 Pages

Quick Reference Guide for Riken Keiki model FI-21 for Anaesthetic Gases 1. Set up the Sampling TEE and Tube. a.) Attach the sample tube/filter as per diagram. b.) Find a connector that will mate with the Riken Keiki black sample TEE adaptor to the common gas outlet (eg. Endotube connectors), and plug it into the black TEE c.) Attach a 22, 19 or 15mm exhaust tube to the other end of the sample TEE d.) Connect the sampling tube to FI-21 Common Gas Outlet TEE Flow  2. Running the FI-21 a.) While holding down the [ENTER] button, press the [POWER] button. When you hear a BEEP stop pressing the buttons. b.) You will be presented with a menu. Choose [SELECT GAS] by pressing [ENTER]. This puts you into the gas selection menu. c.) Press the arrow button [▲UP] or [▼DOWN] to move to the desired target gas. d.) Fix your gas selection by pressing [ENTER] twice. It returns to the main menu. e.) Press [▼DOWN] four times until you reach [START MEAS.], and then press [ENTER]. Press [▼DOWN] to [START MEAS.], then press [ENTER] again. f.) The unit will be in VOL% of the pre-selected gas and [CAUTION CHECK AIR CAL.] will be displayed.  3. Performing a Fresh Air Adjustment a.) Temporarily disconnect the sample line and press the [PUMP] button to draw in fresh air. After 6 seconds, press the [PUMP] button again to stop it. b.) Press and hold the [AIR CAL] button until you hear a BEEP, then release it. c.) Reconnect the sample line to FI-21. NOTE:- If [AIR] is selected as the base gas, the indication shows [0.00vol%] when [AIR CAL.] is pressed. However, if [O2] is selected as the base gas, the indication does not show 0.00vol%, but a value determined by the combination of measuring gas and base gas. This is because the sampled reference gas is not the target gas (in this case, it is air). Once the instrument samples the correct target gas, the correct reading will be displayed.  T: +44 (0)1296 622180 E: sales@weatherall-uk.com W: www.weatherall-uk.com Unit 1, Station Approach, Wendover, Bucks, HP22 6BN, UK
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