ROSSMAX InnoTec Corporation

Rossmax Sphygmomanometer Model GB102 Instruction Manual Ver V3 May 2011

Instruction Manual

2 Pages

Model: GB102 AGC  Rossmax International Ltd. 12F., No. 189, Kang Chien Rd., Taipei, 114, Taiwan. Rossmax Swiss GmbH, Tramstrasse 16 CH-9442 Berneck Switzerland  Issue Date:V-3-2011/05/13  EN  Instruction Manual  Cautionary Notes 1. The unit contains high-precision assemblies. Therefore, avoid extreme temperatures, humidity, and direct sunlight. Avoid dropping or strongly shocking the main unit, and protect it from dust. 2. The unit should not be operated by children to avoid hazardous situations. 3. Aneroid Sphygmomanometer is not field serviceable. You should not use any tool to open the device nor should you attempt to adjust anything inside the device. If you have any problems, please contact your local distributor or Rossmax International Ltd. 4. To stop operation at any time, open the air release valve, and the air in the cuff will be rapidly exhausted.  the red line under "0" when the unit is fully deflated. Under normal condition, it is recommended that calibration be completed every two years. 5. Clean the sphygmomanometer body and the cuff carefully with a slightly damp, soft colth. Do not press. Do not wash the cuff or use chemical cleaner on it. Neve use thinner, alcohol or petrol (gasoline) as cleaner.  Safety Information 1. Rossmax Aneroid Sphygmomanometer is exclusively designed for blood pressure measurement at the upper arm or thigh on healthy skin. 2. Do not inflate to more than 300 mmHg.  5. The serial number SN:YY000000X on the dial face indicates for service tracking.  3. Do not take your blood pressure for more than 3 minutes.  Storage and Maintenance  Specifications  1. After measurement, wrap cuff around sphygmomanometer and bulb and store in the carrying case together with the stethoscope.  Measurement Range: 0-300 mmHg Accuracy: ±3 mmHg Operation environment: 10°C~40°C; 85% RH max Storage environment: -10°C~60°C; 10%~90% RH max Dimensions: 52(L)x90(W)x33(H)mm Weight: 114±5g  2. Always deflate cuff completely before storage. 3. Never touch the cuff fabric or parts with a sharp instrument. 4. Sphygmomanometer accuracy can be checked visually : simply be certain the needle rests within the area indicated by  4. Wait for at least 2 minutes before repeated measurements.  *Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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File Name: ROSSMAX InnoTec Corporation - Rossmax Sphygmomanometer Model GB102 Instruction Manual Ver V3 May 2011 - 2011-05.pdf

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