MAGNETOM Vision to Sonata Upgrade Applications Guide Ver syngo MR 2002B
Applications Guide
174 Pages

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Applications Guide Measurement Programs MAGNETOM Sonata MAGNETOM Vision to MAGNETOM Sonata Upgrade syngo MR 2002B
Manufacturer´s note:
Products, that are bearing a CE mark fulfill the provisions of the Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devices. 0.0
The CE mark applies exclusively to medical equipment and products that are released under the relevant EU guidelines mentioned above. 0.0
Siemens AG 2002 All rights reserved
Siemens AG, Medical Solutions, Magnetic Resonance Henkestraße 127, D-91052 Erlangen, Germany
Headquarters in Berlin and Munich Siemens AG, Wittelsbacher Platz 2, D-80333 München, Germany
Print-No. M3-020.630.14.01.02 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany AG 07.02
Summary of Contents Programs for Sonata
syngo MR 2002B July 2002
Summary of Contents
Applications Guide MAGNETOM Sonata/Sonata Upgrade
Table of Contents G Programs for Sonata G.1
Programs for the region abdomen
Programs for the region angiography
Programs for the region angiography-ce
Programs for the region angiography_spine
Programs for the region ankle
Programs for the region breast
Programs for the region cervix
Programs for the region c-spine
Programs for the region elbow
G.10 Programs for the region head G.11 Programs for the region heart G.12 Programs for the region hip G.13 Programs for the region iPAT G.14 Programs for the region knee G.15 Programs for the region l-spine G.16 Programs for the region neck_soft-tissue G.17 Programs for the region prostate G.18 Programs for the region shoulder G.19 Programs for the region t-spine G.20 Programs for the region thorax G.21 Programs for the region tmj G.22 Programs for the region whole-spine 0.0
syngo MR 2002B July 2002
Table of Contents
G.23 Programs for the region wrist
Applications Guide MAGNETOM Sonata/Sonata Upgrade
Programs for Sonata G.1 Programs for the region abdomen G.2 Programs for the region angiography G.3 Programs for the region angiography-ce G.4 Programs for the region angiography_spine G.5 Programs for the region ankle G.6 Programs for the region breast G.7 Programs for the region cervix G.8 Programs for the region c-spine G.9 Programs for the region elbow G.10 Programs for the region head G.11 Programs for the region heart G.12 Programs for the region hip G.13 Programs for the region iPAT G.14 Programs for the region knee G.15 Programs for the region l-spine G.16 Programs for the region neck_soft-tissue G.17 Programs for the region prostate G.18 Programs for the region shoulder G.19 Programs for the region t-spine
syngo MR 2002B July 2002
Table of Contents
G.20 Programs for the region thorax G.21 Programs for the region tmj G.22 Programs for the region whole-spine G.23 Programs for the region wrist
Applications Guide MAGNETOM Sonata/Sonata Upgrade
Programs for the region abdomen abdomen upper_abdomen standard localizer t1_fl2d_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
syngo MR 2002B July 2002
abdomen t1_fl2d_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
advanced localizer t1_fl2d_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
Applications Guide MAGNETOM Sonata/Sonata Upgrade
abdomen t2_trufi_cor_bh
Ultrashort breath-hold protocol with 20 slices.
contrast_agent t1_fl2d_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
pace-2d_multi-breathhold pace_localizer
Localizer protocol optimized for navigator positioning.
The navigator must be positioned on the diaphragm so that one half lies on the liver and the other half on the lung. Navigator positioning was correct, if the detected shift (green curve) follows the edge of the diaphragm. In this case the slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
syngo MR 2002B July 2002
abdomen t1_fl2d_fs_tra_pace
The navigator must be positioned on the diaphragm so that one half lies on the liver and the other half on the lung. Navigator positioning was correct, if the detected shift (green curve) follows the edge of the diaphragm. In this case the slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The navigator must be positioned on the diaphragm so that one half lies on the liver and the other half on the lung. Navigator positioning was correct, if the detected shift (green curve) follows the edge of the diaphragm. In this case the slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
Applications Guide MAGNETOM Sonata/Sonata Upgrade
abdomen t1_fl2d_tra_pace
The navigator must be positioned on the diaphragm so that one half lies on the liver and the other half on the lung. Navigator positioning was correct, if the detected shift (green curve) follows the edge of the diaphragm. In this case the slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
liver standard localizer t1_fl2d_in_opp_ph_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
syngo MR 2002B July 2002
abdomen t2_tirm_fs_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
contrast_agent t1_fl2d_in_opp_ph_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
advanced localizer t1_fl2d_in_opp_ph_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
Applications Guide MAGNETOM Sonata/Sonata Upgrade
abdomen t2_hasteirm_fs_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
contrast_agent t1_fl2d_in_opp_ph_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
hemangioma_standard localizer t1_fl2d_in_opp_ph_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
syngo MR 2002B July 2002
abdomen t2+t2_tse_fs_tra
Hemangiomas show high signal in strong t2-weighted images. Turbofactor 9.
contrast_agent t1_fl2d_in_opp_ph_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
hemangioma_advanced localizer t1_fl2d_in_opp_ph_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
Applications Guide MAGNETOM Sonata/Sonata Upgrade
abdomen t2_haste_fs_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
contrast_agent t1_fl2d_in_opp_ph_tra_mbh
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
pace-2d_multi-breathhold pace_localizer
Localizer protocol optimized for navigator positioning.
The navigator must be positioned on the diaphragm so that one half lies on the liver and the other half on the lung. Navigator positioning was correct, if the detected shift (green curve) follows the edge of the diaphragm. In this case the slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
syngo MR 2002B July 2002
abdomen t2_tse_tra_pace
The navigator must be positioned on the diaphragm so that one half lies on the liver and the other half on the lung. Navigator positioning was correct, if the detected shift (green curve) follows the edge of the diaphragm. In this case the slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The navigator must be positioned on the diaphragm so that one half lies on the liver and the other half on the lung. Navigator positioning was correct, if the detected shift (green curve) follows the edge of the diaphragm. In this case the slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
Applications Guide MAGNETOM Sonata/Sonata Upgrade
abdomen t1_fl2d_in_opp_ph_tra_pace
The navigator must be positioned on the diaphragm so that one half lies on the liver and the other half on the lung. Navigator positioning was correct, if the detected shift (green curve) follows the edge of the diaphragm. In this case the slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
pancreas standard localizer t1_fl2d_fs_tra_mbh_6mm
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
syngo MR 2002B July 2002
abdomen contrast_agent t1_fl2d_fs_tra_mbh_6mm
The slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
pace-2d_multi-breathhold pace_localizer
Localizer protocol optimized for navigator positioning.
The navigator must be positioned on the diaphragm so that one half lies on the liver and the other half on the lung. Navigator positioning was correct, if the detected shift (green curve) follows the edge of the diaphragm. In this case the slices of a particular concatenation are acquired after the operator has pressed the Scan-button of the Online display. The protocol is stored with two concatenations which requires two manual starts.
Applications Guide MAGNETOM Sonata/Sonata Upgrade