SSCOR DUET Model 2314 Series Operating Instructions and Maintenance Manual Rev V
Operating Instructions and Maintenance Manual
12 Pages

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Model 2314 Series
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Operating Instructions & Maintenance Manual
, INC. 11064 Randall Street Sun Valley, CA 91352 USA Tel 1+818-504-4054 Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Tel 1+800-434-5211
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Revision V (6/16)
1. SSCOR suc on units are not designed or intended for use in extended procedures that require prolonged high vacuum/low airflow applica ons, as is the case in wound drainage or endoscopic use or in any other procedure that produces high vacuum levels within an occluded system for an extended period of me. Turn the suc on unit off when it is not in use. 2. Federal law restricts this device to sale, distribu on, and use by, or on the order of a physician, emergency medical technician, or other medical prac oner. For use by medical personnel trained in suc oning techniques and in the use of medical suc on equipment. 3. Operator should be thoroughly familiar with these opera ng instruc ons before this device is used. 4. Do not use in the presence of flammable agents or anesthe cs. 5. Before tes ng for vacuum over -300mmHg look for an expira on date on the canister (where applicable) and change the canister if the canister has passed the expira on date to minimize the possibility of implosion, which can occur when a canister is aged or damaged. 6. External equipment intended for connec on to signal input, signal output or other connectors, shall comply with relevant IEC standard (e.g. IEC 60950 for IT equipment and the IEC 60601 series for medical electrical equipment). In addi on, all such combina ons–systems – shall comply with the standard IEC 60601-1-1, safety requirements for medical electrical systems. Equipment not complying with IEC 60601 shall be kept outside the pa ent environment, as defined in the standard. Any person who connects external equipment to signal input, signal output or other connectors has formed a system and is there fore responsible for the system to comply with the requirements of IEC 60601-1-1. If in doubt, contact qualified technician or your local representa ve. 7. A blinking LED on the control panel indicates low ba ery capacity. This means the ba ery has been subjected to irreparable damage. REPLACE THE BATTERY! 8. Where the integrity of the external protec ve earth conductor arrangement (ground) is in doubt, the unit shall be operated from its internal electrical power source (ba ery only). Grounding reliability can only be achieved when connected to an equivalent receptacle marked “Hospital Only” or “Hospital Grade”
SSCOR Duet® Model 2314 Series - AC suc on unit with ba ery back-up ©2015 Duet, HI-D and Big S ck are registered trademarks of SSCOR, Inc.
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Table of Contents Cau on-No ce General Descrip on Warranty Descrip on of Symbols Ge ng Acquainted Ba ery Test & Trouble Shoo ng General Specifica on Internal Access for Electrical and Pneuma cs Maintenance, Sanita on and Disinfec on Instruc ons Reten on Bracket Moun ng Instruc ons Preven ve Maintenance
Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11-12
General Description SSCOR suc on units are designed for hospital crash carts, pa ent transport and emergency medical service. Ba ery condi on is automa cally monitored and visualized by indicator lights on the control panel. The ba ery should be charged to a dependable working charge in 6 to 8 hours when connected to the charging source. Suc on power can be regulated when full power may be considered harmful to the pa ent. SSCOR suc on units are designed to provide instant, effec ve suc oning, independent of external sources of power and can be pre-set to be ac vated immediately upon reaching the distressed pa ent. All controls are clearly labeled and easily accessible. The SSCOR Duet is a portable, 100V-240V AC constant suc on device, with a 12V DC ba ery back-up. The ba ery is charged by an internal, DC dual mode ba ery charger. The charger monitors the ba ery, charges the ba ery only when necessary, shuts down the unit if the ba ery is low and signals ba ery condi on. A fully charged ba ery at full capacity will power the unit for 45 minutes (±10%).
Warranty SSCOR warrants that each new product is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year from date of purchase. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights that vary from jurisdic on to jurisdic on. For countries where minimum warranty terms are determined by statute, the warranty term is the longer of the statutory period or the term listed above. Ba eries, disposable items including collec on canisters, pa ent tubing and catheters are excluded from this warranty. See the SSCOR Warranty for terms and condi ons, available on Model 2314 Series Ba ery Replacement Policy SSCOR will replace any SSCOR Duet ba ery which fails to operate the pump to specifica ons for a period of three years from the date of purchase. Verify the condi on of the ba ery per the ba ery test on Page 6 in this Opera ons Manual. 3
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Description of Symbols SYMBOL
Serialized Label
Type B Equipment
Serialized Label
Separate Collec on for Electronic Equipment
Serialized Label
A en on - Consult Accompanying Documents
Serialized Label
Class II Equipment Double Insulated
Serialized Label
Alterna ng Current (100-240V AC)
Shipping Carton
Shipping Carton
Date of Manufacture
Shipping Carton
Authorized Representa ve in the European Community
Control Panel
Power Source Connected
Control Panel
Pump is On
Control Panel
Ba ery Level Of Charge Green LED = Full Green / Yellow LED = High Yellow LED = Half Yellow / Red LED = Low Red LED = Ba ery Depleted Put device back on charge
Control Panel
Push On / Push Off
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Getting Acquainted
Running the unit and Charging the Internal Ba ery from AC Power 1. Connect the female plug on the AC power cord (1) to the AC receptacle on the device (1A). 2. Connect the male plug on the AC power cord (1) to a grounded wall receptacle. 3. Check the control panel (2). The “power source connected” orange LED (3) indicates a good connec on to the AC power source and indicates the ba ery is charging. The ba ery condi on indicators (4) show the charge level of the ba ery (See Descrip on of Symbols page 4). 4. Press the ON/OFF switch (5) on the control panel to start the vacuum pump. Running the unit from DC power 1. Disconnect the power cord (1) and press the ON/OFF switch (5) on the control panel to start the vacuum pump. 2. Check ba ery condi on indicators (4) Adjus ng the vacuum level 1. Occlude the pa ent tube and turn the vacuum regulator (7) clockwise to the stop. 2. Observe gauge (located above the vacuum regulator). The vacuum reading should rise to -300mmHg from zero in 3 seconds. It should max out at approximately >= -525mmHg. Lower levels of nega ve pressure will be observed at al tude. 3. Adjust the vacuum reading to your desired level. If the vacuum does not meet or exceed -525mmHg, check for a leak in the system i.e. tubing, barb connec ons or loose canister lid. Refer internal vacuum problems to qualified personnel. A er using the device, always reconnect the unit to the charging source; check the power source connect- ed LED(3). Charging the Ba ery Using the 8323 Charging / Reten on Bracket Model 2314BV-230 Only): Hard wire the Model 8323 Charging / Reten on Bracket to the hot DC circuit (in front of the master switch). Make certain the circuit is properly fused according to appropriate vehicle standards. The vehicle electrical system will furnish power to both run the pump and charge the ba ery. See page 10 for addi onal informa on. 5
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Battery Test Run the following test whenever poor ba ery quality is suspected to ensure proper performance of the device 1. Check that the power source connected LED on the control panel (3) and the green ba ery condi on LED are lit. 2. Remove the power cord and run the unit from its internal DC ba ery. 3. Check for vacuum by occluding the pa ent tube and set the vacuum regulator (7) to the maximum vacuum se ng. 4. Observe the regulator gauge (8). The vacuum reading should rise to -300mmHg from zero in less than 3 seconds. It should max out at ≥ -525mmHg. Un-occlude the pa ent tubing. 5. Allow the unit to run for 15 minutes on DC power. If the unit stops or slows during the 15 minutes, or if the ba ery condi on indicators (4) begin to blink, it is possible the ba ery capacity has been depleted. It is me to replace the ba ery. 6. If the unit is s ll running at full power a er 15 minutes, adjust the regulator to the desired se ng, turn the device off and put it back on charge. SSCOR recommends replacement of the ba ery a er 3 years.
Power Source Connected LED not lit
Fuse blown
Replace fuse in power supply or input receptacle Reconnect Molex Reconnect cord
Molex connec ons disconnected Power cord disconnected
Does not func on when switch is turned on
Ba ery discharged Molex connec ons disconnected
Reconnect to charging source Open unit and re-connect Molex connec ons
Blinking LED
Low ba ery capacity
Replace ba ery
No suc on when pump is running
Vacuum line (10) loose Canister (13) defec ve Canister lid (13) loose Catheter thumb vent is open Debris has collected in the pump
Inspect pneuma c connec ons Replace canister Re-secure canister lid Occlude thumb vent on suc on p Replace pump
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
General Specifications CHARACTERISTICS
17"L x 9"H x 5.25"W (43.18cm L x 22.86cm H x 13.33cm W)
10.15 lbs (device only) 4.6 kgs (device only)
Vacuum Pump
12V DC. Clinical Airflow ≥ 30LPM Exceeds 525mmHg
Variable Regulator (7)
Controls nega ve pressure
Regulator Gauge (8)
Calibrated in mmHg. Color-coded
Power Source: Rechargeable Sealed Lead Acid. SSCOR part # 80635 Ba ery (DC Power) Medical Switcher (AC Power) 100V-240VAC, 47-63Hz Uses 1ea. 3A 250V fast ac ng fuse Switch (5)
Off/Standby/On membrane switch
AC receptacle (1A)
Uses (2) 2.5A 250V fast ac ng fuses
Collec on Canister (13)
1200cc/ml SSCOR part #48041
Pa ent tubing
Vinyl tubing 9/32”ID x 72”L (7.1mm ID x 182.88 cm L) SSCOR part #43200
Suc on Tip
HI-D® “Big S ck®” SSCOR part #44241C
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Internal Access WARNING: Do not a empt to service this equipment if you are not a qualified medical repair technician To open or close the unit, first remove the canister holder: Remove the set screws on the canister bracket. Li the canister holder up and out of the main chassis. The clamshell design enables access to internal components. All 6-32 Phillips head fastening screws are located in back of the unit. REMOVE MAIN CHASSIS SCREWS (A) 1 screw under the canister holder (B) 2 screws in the back of the handle (B) 3 screws in the back of the main chassis. (C) It should not be necessary to open the exhaust door unless fluids have entered the system
(E) PC Board-Electrical Circuits (Internal Dual Mode Ba ery Charger). Do not a empt to service the PC Board. Return to SSCOR or authorized service center for service. (F) Power Supply. Do not a empt to service the Power Supply. Return to SSCOR or authorized service center for service. (G) Func onal ground. (H) AC receptacle. Two 250V-2.5A fuses are in the receptacle fuse drawer. (I) Ba ery Bracket (J) Ba ery, 12V, Sealed Lead Acid (K) Wiring connec on to the control panel (L) Vacuum pump. Return to SSCOR or authorized service center for service. Do not a empt to service the vacuum pump. (M) Exhaust barb (N) Vacuum barb 8
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Maintenance Preven ve Care Observe the following maintenance rou ne to ensure readiness at any me: 1. When the SSCOR aspirator is not in use, keep ba eries on con nuous charge. 2. Test the SSCOR aspirator at regular intervals; See page 6. 3. Make sure the SSCOR aspirator is always clean and ready for use. 4. If the procedure produced an excessive quan ty of fluids, check the vacuum line (7) for evidence of moisture. If the vacuum line between the pump and canister is moist, it is possible that fluids have reached the vacuum pump. See Disinfec on Instruc ons below. 5. For technical assistance, call (800) 434-5211 or interna onal +1 818-504-4054. Note : No part requires lubrica on and lubricants should not be used. Sanita on As soon as possible a er use, the single use disposable canister, pa ent tubing and catheter should be discarded according to local / regional / na onal requirements for the disposal of hazardous waste materials. Clean using a mild detergent and if necessary disinfect with a mild disinfectant such as 10 to 1 bleach and rinse using clear water to remove any residue. If the exhaust filter is soiled, remove the two screws holding the filter door in place (see page 8), remove the soiled filter and replace with new filter (SSCOR part number 90160). Do not reuse any single use disposable parts; do not submerge the device into any liquid, this will void the warranty and cause the device to malfunc on. Disinfec on Use personal protec ve equipment such as gloves, a smock, and face and eye protec on when handling units that are suspected to be contaminated. Cau on: Disconnect the unit from any power source prior to cleaning the unit. When cleaning the interi- or of the chassis, disconnect the ba ery from the PC Board to prevent damaging the PC Board. Part Collec on Canister Pa ent Tubing
PC Board
Cleaning and Disinfec ng Disposable item, re-use not permi ed. Use new canister for each pa ent. Disposable item, re-use not permi ed. Use new pa ent tubing for each pa ent. Disposable item, re-use not permi ed. Use new HI-D S ck for each pa- ent. Wipe with damp cloth or disinfectant wipe. Steriliza on not permi ed. Vacuum pump should be replaced if contaminated Steriliza on not permi ed. PC Board should be replaced if contaminated.
Plas c Chassis
Wipe with damp cloth or disinfectant wipe. Steriliza on not permi ed.
HI-D® S ck Vacuum Pump
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Retention Bracket Mounting Instructions SSCOR Duet If you purchased the Model 2314B and intend to mount the device to the side of a crash cart, mount the reten on bracket to a suitable safe moun ng surface using the four holes on the side of the shelf (1). Mount the reten on bracket so the Duet suc on unit can be released from the bracket easily and there is enough room to work the handle (4). The control panel (2) should be easily viewed and the ba ery condi on LED’s (3) visible when the unit (5) is connected to a grounded hospital recep- tacle. When placing the suc on unit into the reten on bracket, be sure the unit snaps into the bracket and is securely held in place.
Model 2314BV-230 Charging/Retention Bracket Mounting Instructions If you purchased the Model 2314BV-230 and intend to mount the device to the ac on area inside a vehicle, see the instruc ons below: The Model 8323 Charging/Reten on bracket can be mounted by the base or mounted ver cally in order to hold the SSCOR Duet portable suc on unit. Mount the reten on bracket to a suitable safe moun ng surface so the indicator lights on the control panel are visible to the user. The unit is shipped ready to be mounted ver cally, but if that does not fit your requirements, you can easily modify the unit to mount it by the base. Note: the moun ng bracket will hold the Duet in place to a force of 10G. Select and prepare a moun ng surface, and take care in the moun ng procedure, so the bracket and pump will be secure at a force equal to, or greater than, 10G. Ver cal Mount Remove the four ¼-20 x 1-1/2” hex head screws from hardware packet. Mark the hole placement for a ver - cal mount and use a 5/16”drill to drill the holes. Coat the screws with Loc te (not supplied) before securing the Charging/Reten on Bracket. Put the four 1-1/2” screws through the holes in the charging bracket (Model 8323). Rea ach the washers and nuts to the screws to secure the Charging/Reten on bracket in place. Base Mount (Using part #8314-7) Mark the hole placement for a base mount and use a 5/16” drill to drill the holes. Remove the hardware from the hardware packet. Coat the screws with Loc te (not supplied) and place the screws through the bo om of the Bracket, Reten on - Counter Mount (#8314-7) and through the holes you have drilled. Re-a ach the washers and nuts to secure the Bracket, Reten on – Counter Mount (#8314-7) in place. Mount the charging bracket (Model 8323) to the base mount (#8314-7) using the hardware in the hardware packet. Coat the screws with Loc te (not supplied) before securing the Charging/Reten on Bracket to the base mount bracket (#8314-7). Electrical (MODEL 8323 ONLY) Hard wire the Charging / Reten on Bracket to the DC Electrical System of the vehicle in front of the master switch. Make certain that the circuit is properly fused according to appropriate vehicle standards.
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Preventive Maintenance: Perform the following preven ve maintenance procedure at least annually. 1. When applicable, check the canister to determine if the expira on date has passed. If the expira on date has passed, replace the canister.
2. Test the health of the ba ery: A. Plug the device in to charge for at least 8 hours before tes ng. The ba ery condi on LED on the control panel should light green when the device is plugged in and the ba ery is fully charged. B. To begin the test, make sure the tubing from the device to the canister is connected to the canister (1) and the canister lid is secure (2). Unplug the device from the external power source and turn the device on.
C. Allow the device to run un-occluded. The device should run for at least 42 minutes if the ba ery has full capacity. If the ba ery does not run for at least 42 minutes, consider replacing the ba ery (SSCOR Part # 80635). D. At the end of the run test, turn the device off and reconnect the device to the charging source. For a further explana on of the SSCOR ba ery run test, visit the SSCOR Website at: h p:// 3. Determine if the gauge is properly calibrated. A er the ba ery has been fully charged (when the ba ery condi on LED on the control panel is green), connect tubing from the pa ent port of the canister to a calibrated nega ve pressure test gauge. Adjust the vacuum pressure of the suc on device so the gauge on the calibrated nega ve pressure test gauge reads 150mmHg and read the corresponding reading on the suc on device gauge. The gauge on the suc on device should be 150mmHg +/- 19mmHg or between 131mmHg – 169mmHg.
If your gauge is out of calibra on, you may need a new gauge (SSCOR Part #22006) or a new regulator and gauge assembly (SSCOR Part #22012-KIT2314). 11
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Preventive Maintenance 4. Check the airflow A. Connect tubing from the pa ent port of the canister to a calibrated airflow meter. Ensure the regulator gauge is adjusted to the high se ng (fully turned clockwise) and turn the device on. The reading on the calibrated airflow meter should be above 30 LPM. B. If the device does not produce 30 LPM check to ensure all tubing connec ons are ght, the canister lid is securely fastened to the canister and all the port covers on the canister lid are secure. C. If your device does not produce at least 30 LPM airflow check the airflow before the canister, at the union barb fi ng at the top of the device (3). The airflow at the union barb fi ng should be at least 48 LPM.
D. If the tubing from the device to the canister is clamped to the device (4), remove the tubing from the pa ent port of the canister and take the reading at the distal end of the tubing (5). The airflow at the distal end of the tubing should be at least 48 LPM.
E. If the device s ll does not meet the airflow specifica on, call SSCOR technical support (1-800-434-5211 or 1-818-504-4054) to trouble shoot. A er these tests are complete, plug the device in to charge before releasing the device back to the floor. The ba ery condi on LED on the control panel should light green when the device is plugged in and the ba ery is fully charged. If your device fails to meet any of these specifica ons or if you have any ques ons, call SSCOR technical support at 1-800-434-5211 or 1-818-504-4054. 12
SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)