SSCOR DUET Model 2314 Series Operating Instructions and Maintenance Manual Rev V

Operating Instructions and Maintenance Manual

12 Pages

Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority  Table of Contents Cau on-No ce General Descrip on Warranty Descrip on of Symbols Ge ng Acquainted Ba ery Test & Trouble Shoo ng General Specifica on Internal Access for Electrical and Pneuma cs Maintenance, Sanita on and Disinfec on Instruc ons Reten on Bracket Moun ng Instruc ons Preven ve Maintenance  Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11-12  General Description SSCOR suc on units are designed for hospital crash carts, pa ent transport and emergency medical service. Ba ery condi on is automa cally monitored and visualized by indicator lights on the control panel. The ba ery should be charged to a dependable working charge in 6 to 8 hours when connected to the charging source. Suc on power can be regulated when full power may be considered harmful to the pa ent. SSCOR suc on units are designed to provide instant, effec ve suc oning, independent of external sources of power and can be pre-set to be ac vated immediately upon reaching the distressed pa ent. All controls are clearly labeled and easily accessible. The SSCOR Duet is a portable, 100V-240V AC constant suc on device, with a 12V DC ba ery back-up. The ba ery is charged by an internal, DC dual mode ba ery charger. The charger monitors the ba ery, charges the ba ery only when necessary, shuts down the unit if the ba ery is low and signals ba ery condi on. A fully charged ba ery at full capacity will power the unit for 45 minutes (±10%).  Warranty SSCOR warrants that each new product is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year from date of purchase. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights that vary from jurisdic on to jurisdic on. For countries where minimum warranty terms are determined by statute, the warranty term is the longer of the statutory period or the term listed above. Ba eries, disposable items including collec on canisters, pa ent tubing and catheters are excluded from this warranty. See the SSCOR Warranty for terms and condi ons, available on Model 2314 Series Ba ery Replacement Policy SSCOR will replace any SSCOR Duet ba ery which fails to operate the pump to specifica ons for a period of three years from the date of purchase. Verify the condi on of the ba ery per the ba ery test on Page 6 in this Opera ons Manual. 3  SSCOR DUET - Model 2314 Series Rev V (06/16)
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