SSCOR Quickdraw Model 2400 Series Operating Instructions and Maintenance Manual Rev M Feb 2017
Operating Instructions and Maintenance Manual
9 Pages

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Model 2400 Series
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Operating Instructions & Maintenance Manual
, INC. 11064 Randall Street Sun Valley, CA 91352 USA Tel 1+818-504-4054 Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Tel 1+800-434-5211
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Revision M (02/17)
1. SSCOR suc on units are not designed or intended for use in extended procedures that require prolonged high vacuum/low airflow applica ons, as is the case in wound drainage or endoscopic use or in any other procedure that produces high vacuum levels within an occluded system for an extended period of me. Turn the suc on unit off when it is not in use. 2. Federal law restricts this device to sale, distribu on, and use by, or on the order of a physician, emergency medical technician, or other medical prac oner. For use by medical personnel trained in suc oning techniques and in the use of medical suc on equipment. 3. Operator should be thoroughly familiar with these opera ng instruc ons before this device is used. 4. Do not use in the presence of flammable agents or anesthe cs. 5. External equipment intended for connec on to signal input, signal output or other connectors, shall comply with relevant IEC standard (e.g. IEC 60950 for IT equipment and the IEC 60601 series for medical electrical equipment). In addi on, all such combina ons –systems – shall comply with the standard IEC 60601-1-1, safety requirements for medical electrical systems. Equipment not complying with IEC 60601 shall be kept outside the pa ent environment, as defined in the standard. Any person who connects external equipment to signal input, signal output or other connectors has formed a system and is there fore responsible for the system to comply with the requirements of IEC 60601-1-1. If in doubt, contact a qualified technician or your local representa ve. For further informa on, reference the SSCOR Technical Manual. 6.This device is not intended for suc oning neonates. 7. To prevent fire of injury when ba eries are not in the device or charger, always place the ba eries in a protec ve pack to cover the terminals. 8. The hydrophobic filter in the non-sterile, single use, canister will close the system when fluids contact the filter. ONCE THE FILTER COMES INTO CONTACT WITH FLUIDS, THE UNIT WILL NOT SUCTION UNTIL A NEW CANISTER IS INSTALLED. CHANGE CANISTER IMMEDIATELY AFTER MOISTURE SHUTS DOWN THE UNIT. 9. Do not point the catheter directly upward when fluids are present in the canister. Poin ng the catheter upward will allow fluids to reach and occlude the shut-off filter in the canister. 10. Do not remove the ba ery from the suc on unit while the suc on unit is connected to the charging source. This may result in a false reading from the ba ery condi on indicator. Cau on-No ce Model 2402 11. Grounding reliability can only be achieved when connected to an equivalent receptacle marked “Hospital Only” or “Hospital Grade”. SSCOR Quickdraw® US Patents 7,063,688 B2 - D564,654 S - 7,938,794 B2 ©2015 Quickdraw, HI-D and Big S ck are registered trademarks of SSCOR, Inc 2
Quickdraw - Model 2400 Series Rev. M (02/17)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Table of Contents Cau on-No ce General Descrip on Warranty Descrip on of Symbols Opera ng Instruc ons Canister Installa on and Storage General Specifica on Trouble Shoo ng Internal Access Maintenance and Disinfec on
Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Pages 5-6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9
General Description The SSCOR Quickdraw is a non-sterile hand held 12V DC ba ery powered portable suc on device to be used by profes- sional personnel trained in Emergency Care techniques of constant suc oning to clear the airway by removing bodily fluids and par culate ma er. Suc on power can be regulated when full power may be considered harmful to the pa- ent. A fully charged sealed lead acid ba ery will power the unit for 30 minutes (±10%). The ba ery is charged by an internal, dual mode ba ery charger. Ba ery condi on is automa cally monitored and is indicated by LED’s on the side of the chassis. The charging system will fully charge the ba ery in 3 to 4 hours when connected to an electrical power source. SSCOR suc on units are powered by sealed lead acid ba eries. A sealed lead acid ba ery is a very stable and reliable ba ery. Many factors can affect the life of a ba ery: •Failing to charge a ba ery for an extended period of me will cause the ba ery to go into deep discharge. A ba ery should be charged within 6 months of storage. •Low temperatures (below 0°F or 32°C) may reduce the available ba ery capacity. •High temperatures above 140°F or 60°C may cause deforma on of the ba ery case and damage the ba ery. Sealed lead acid ba eries can easily be maintained to permit proper opera on of the equipment. To protect the ba ery, a er each procedure turn the unit off, put the unit on charge and always store the suc on device at room temperature. The only way to assure the ba ery has func onal capacity, even if it is indicated the ba ery is fully charged, is to perform the ba ery test suggested on page 6 of this opera ons manual. Ba ery Warning The 80613 alkaline ba ery will power the sealed lead acid version of the Quickdraw (Models 2400, 2401, and 2402) for 180 minutes (± 10%), however, the ba ery condi on LEDs will not accurately display the condi on of the ba ery and the alkaline ba ery cannot be charged. The 80615 10xAAA ba ery holder is to be used exclusively with the Model 2403 Series alkaline ba ery version of the SSCOR Quickdraw. The 80615 10xAAA Ba ery Holder is not intended to be used with the Model 2400 Series, 2401 and 2402 sealed lead acid version of the SSCOR Quickdraw.
Warranty SSCOR warrants that each new product is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year from date of purchase. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights that vary from jurisdic on to jurisdic on. For countries where minimum war- ranty terms are determined by statute, the warranty term is the longer of the statutory period or the term listed above. Ba eries, disposable items including collec on canisters, pa ent tubing and catheters are ex- cluded from this warranty. See the SSCOR Warranty for terms and condi ons, available on 3
Quickdraw - Model 2400 Series Rev. M (02/17)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Description of Symbols SYMBOL
Side of chassis
Low Ba ery
Side of chassis
Ba ery Fully Charged
Side of chassis
Device Connected to External Power Source
On/Off Switch
Push On / Push Off
Single Use Non-Sterile Canister
Direc on of flow
Single Use Non-Sterile Canister
Single Use Only
Serialized Label
A en on-Consult Accompanying Documents
Serialized Label
Temperature Limita ons
Serialized Label
Separate collec on for electronic equipment
Serialized Label
Type BF Equipment
Shipping Carton
Shipping Carton
Date of Manufacture
Shipping Carton
Authorized Representa ve in the European Community
Quickdraw - Model 2400 Series Rev. M (02/17)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Operating Instructions
Opera on of Unit for Portable Use: Disconnect the unit from the charging source and turn the unit on (3). Make sure the canister is in the opera ng posi on. Check ba ery condi on indicators when opera ng the device. A fully charged sealed lead acid ba ery will power the unit for 30 minutes (±10%). Ba ery condi on is automa cally monitored and is indicated by LED’s on the side of the chassis. Significance of LED Indicators (2) on the Chassis: When the unit is first plugged into a power source, the yellow LED will blink. The LED will stop blinking and remain lit while the ba ery is charging. If the yellow LED does not stop blinking, confirm the ba ery is properly installed in the device. If the yellow LED does not stop blinking, you may have a bad ba ery. It may be me to replace the ba ery. When the ba ery has reached a full charge, the green LED will light. When the Quickdraw is running and there is approximately one-third ba ery life remaining, the red LED will light. When the ba ery is virtually depleted and only a few minutes run me remain, the red LED will begin blinking. In order to protect the ba ery from a deep discharge condi on, the PC Board will automa cally turn the device off when there is not enough power to effec vely run the device. Put the device back on charge or install a fully charged ba ery into the Quickdraw suc on device. The charging system will fully charge the ba ery in 3 to 4 hours when connected to an electrical power source. To protect the ba ery, a er each procedure turn the unit off, put the unit on charge and always store the pump at room temperature. Two Posi on Regulator If full power (-500+mmHg) is not required, the units low se ng is available by removing the regulator vent cap from the regulator vent (4). Be sure to replace the cap on the vent when full power is required or to dispose of the canister. DC Ba ery Charging from Vehicle To charge the Quickdraw from the vehicle’s DC electrical system, connect the DC power cable to the cigare e lighter receptacle in the vehicle or hard wire the DC power cable to a properly fused DC vehicle circuit (in front of the master switch) or plug the cord into the cigare e lighter adapter. Connect the DC power cable to the Quickdraw by securely a aching the charging plug (1.1A) into the receptacle (1A). This charging method is designed to keep the ba ery charged at all mes. If the suc on unit is operated while it is hooked up to the vehicle it will u lize the vehicle power and save its own ba ery for emergency use. All SSCOR, Inc. suc on units have a diode to prevent draw-down from the pump to the vehicle electrical system and a fuse to protect the pump from vehicle electrical surges. If your suc on unit is wired to the vehicle ba ery via an automa c load switch power supply, be sure to use a filter in order to eliminate any voltage spikes. DC Ba ery Charging from AC Power The 80521-100 and 80522-100 AC power converters only charge the Quickdraw ba ery, they will not run the pump. The Quickdraw must be disconnected from the converter to operate. The 80529 charger will charge the ba eries and run the Quickdraw suc on device from an AC power source. 5
Quickdraw - Model 2400 Series Rev. M (02/17)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Operating Instructions Canister Automa c Shut-Off: When the hydrophobic filter comes into contact with fluids, it will occlude the system and the unit will not suc on. When the canister capacity limit of 300cc/ml is exceeded or when a canister containing liquid is held upside down or ver cally with the catheter pointed upward, the airflow will be shut off when liquids contact the hydrophobic filter (5). ONCE THE FILTER COMES INTO CONTACT WITH FLUIDS, THE UNIT WILL NOT SUCTION UNTIL A NEW CANISTER IS INSTALLED. CHANGE CANISTER IMMEDIATELY AFTER MOISTURE SHUTS DOWN THE UNIT. Canister Disposal A er Use: The canister is for single use only. Replace the cap to the p of the catheter (6) while the pump is s ll running to trap fluids before they spill. Dispose of the canister according to local / regional / na onal requirements for the disposal of hazardous waste. Install a new non-sterile single use canister on the unit. Return the device to the charging source as soon as possible. Canister Installa on and Storage: Slide the canister into the front rails of the chassis un l the canister is locked in place:
Storing Canisters on the Chassis for Space Saving Portability: Reverse the posi on of the canister and slide the body of the canister into the rails and the catheter p through the reten on ring. Push the canister toward the chassis un l the canister latch on top of the unit snaps into the detent on the canister. To release the canister, pull the canister latch up and slide the body of the canister out.
For Op mal Performance: The suc on device is to remain plugged in whenever the device is not in use. If for any reason poor ba ery quality is suspected, perform a ba ery test. BATTERY TEST: Run the following test whenever poor ba ery quality is suspected. Confirm the power cord is supplying power to the device. Check the power indicator light on the control panel. Remove the power cord. Turn the device on and check for vacuum by occluding the canister. Allow the unit to run for 15 minutes on DC power. If the unit stops or slows during the 15 minutes, or if the ba ery condi on indicators begin to blink, it is possible the ba ery capacity has been depleted. It is me to replace the ba ery. If the unit is s ll running at full power a er 15 minutes, turn the device off and put it back on charge. Reconnect the device to the charging source. SSCOR recommends replacing the ba ery a er3 years 6
Quickdraw - Model 2400 Series Rev. M (02/17)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
General Specifications CHARACTERISTICS
12-1/2"L x 4"H x 4"W (32cm L x 11cm H x 11cm W)
2.6 lbs (1.18 kg)
Vacuum Pump
12V DC, 0.7 A. Exceeds 500mmHg. Lower levels of nega ve pressure will be observed at al tude.
Reduces vacuum from -500+mmHg (High Vacuum / Low Flow) to approximately -85mmHg (Low Vacuum / Low Flow). Typically -70mmHg to -100mmHg but the range can be larger due to condi ons such as variances in ba ery charge and condi on.
Ba ery
12V DC Sealed Lead Acid replacement part #80611-100 Alkaline ba ery replacement part #80613-100 Please read page 6 for ba ery care sugges ons
Collec on Canister (13)
300cc/ml capacity. Non Sterile, Single Use Model 2480: Standard replacement Quickdraw canister (shown on page 6) Model 2488: Barbed Quickdraw canister (shown on front cover)
Pa ent tubing
Vinyl tubing 9/32”ID x 36”L (7.1mm ID x 91.44 cm L) SSCOR part #43203
Suc on Tip
HI-D® “Big S ck®” SSCOR part #44241C SSCOR S3 SSCOR Part #44305C
Trouble Shooting PROBLEM
Does not func on Ba ery discharged when switch is turned on (DC Power) Molex connec ons disconnected Damaged PC Board
Reconnect to charging source to ac vate charger or install a new fully charged ba ery Open unit and re-connect Molex connec ons Replace PC Board
Ba ery Condi on Power cord disconnected indicator lights not lit Damaged PC Board
Reconnect cord Replace PC Board
No suc on when pump is running
Latch canister to chassis Replace cap on vent Remove p cover from catheter Replace canister
Canister not secure to chassis Regulator vent is open Tip cover is on the catheter Fluids have shut down the filter in the canister
Quickdraw - Model 2400 Series Rev. M (02/17)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Internal Access
Remove the five 4-40 screws using a Phillips head screwdriver and li off the chassis cover exposing the internal components.
(A) Vacuum Pump: Do not a empt to service (B) PC Board (behind the pump) - Electrical Circuits; Do not a empt to service (C) Ba ery - 12V DC nominal voltage (D) Ba ery door (E) Pump connec on to PC Board (F) Vacuum Barb and O-Ring
To Replace Ba ery Open ba ery door and remove the depleted ba ery. Install a new ba ery as shown. Make sure the contacts on the ba ery mate to the terminals on the chassis. Close the ba ery door and turn the unit on to verify performance.
Quickdraw - Model 2400 Series Rev. M (02/17)
Clearing The Airway Is Our #1 Priority
Maintenance Observe the following maintenance rou ne to ensure readiness at any me: 1. When the SSCOR aspirator is not in use, keep ba eries on con nuous charge. 2. Test the SSCOR aspirator at regular intervals; See page 6. 3. Make sure the SSCOR aspirator is always clean and ready for use. Note : No part requires lubrica on and lubricants should not be used. Sanita on As soon as possible a er use, the single use disposable canister, pa ent tubing and catheter should be discarded according to local / regional / na onal requirements for the disposal of hazardous waste materials. Clean using a mild detergent and if necessary disinfect with a mild disinfectant such as 10 to 1 bleach and rinse using clear water to remove any residue. NOTE: The hydrophobic filter in the canister helps to ensure that no moisture or par culate ma er reaches the inside of the device. In the unlikely event that fluids may have reached the vacuum pump, read the disinfec on sec on. Do not reuse any single use disposable parts; do not submerge the device into any liquid, this will void the warranty and cause the device to malfunc on. Disinfec on Use personal protec ve equipment such as gloves, a smock, and face and eye protec on when handling units that are suspected to be contaminated. Cau on: Disconnect the unit from any power source prior to cleaning the unit. When cleaning the interi- or of the chassis, disconnect the ba ery from the PC Board to prevent damaging the PC Board. Part Collec on Canister Pa ent Tubing HI-D® S ck Vacuum Pump PC Board Plas c Chassis
Cleaning and Disinfec ng Disposable item, re-use not permi ed. Use new canister for each pa ent. Disposable item, re-use not permi ed. Use new pa ent tubing for each pa ent. Disposable item, re-use not permi ed. Use new HI-D S ck for each pa ent. Wipe with damp cloth or disinfectant wipe. Steriliza on not permi ed. Vacuum pump should be replaced if contaminated Steriliza on not permi ed. PC Board should be replaced if contaminated Wipe with damp cloth or disinfectant wipe. Steriliza on not permi ed.
Disinfect the unit using a mild surface disinfectant, such as a 10:1 mixture of water and bleach. The unit is designed to suc on contaminated fluids, which should be removed from the system immediately a er use. In the unlikely event that fluids may have reached the vacuum pump, your engineering department will have to open the unit to check the condi on of the pump. When cleaning the interior of the chassis, disconnect the ba ery from the PC Board to prevent damaging the PC Board. The only foreseeable way fluids may reach the vacuum pump is that the filter in the canister has been compromised or bypassed. If the PC Board appears defec ve, return the unit to the factory for repair. Do not a empt to repair the PC Board. If the vacuum pump appears defec ve, return the unit to the factory for repair. Do not a empt to repair the vacuum pump. For technical assistance, call (800) 434-5211 or +1 (818) 504-4054. WARNING: To avoid any contaminants reaching the interior of the device, always remove the canister per the instruc ons in the sanita on sec on. Only use SSCOR, Inc. canisters affixed with hydrophobic filters. 9
Quickdraw - Model 2400 Series Rev. M (02/17)