PILOT TLS TABLET Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
2 Pages

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BEFORE STERILE DRAP PLACEMENT ELECTRODE POSITIONING • Black: on the lower right abdomen, • Green: on the lower left abdomen, • Red: on the right shoulder, • Yellow: connected to the sterile connector
TURNING ON THE DEVICE Check that the pilot module (C) is connected to the tablet (A) via the USB connection (B). 1 – Switch on the tablet by holding the on/off button for at least 10 sec. On the login page enter the password: pilot 2 – Launch pilot software using the icon on the desktop or on the taskbar. The LED on pilot module has to be green 1 . 3 – pilot software is opened, after a few seconds, a surface ECG appears 2 . A - Tablet with pilot software
P value (P height in mV) 5
B - USB connection
Patient data
Surface ECG 2
Record Pause Stop recording
Heart rate
AFIB mode Intracavitary or Piloting signal 3
pilot mode Sound
Catheter inserted length 6 Colour indicator 4
C - pilot module
ECG system description pilot
1 – Press on Patient icon
and enter patient data, then click on “Ok”.
pilot mode To follow catheter progression through QRS complex variation: - QRS is negative when catheter distal tip is far from SVC and colour indicator 4 is red, - QRS is positive when catheter distal tip is in SVC and colour indicator 4 is green.
Caution: if you don’t want to enter patient data, click on “No name”. If you don’t enter any patient data (on your own or using the “No name” function), you will not be able to record the procedure. Only freeze and print functions will be available. 2 – Before inserting the catheter, connect the sterile adaptor (vygocard® or combcard®) to the catheter and to the yellow derivation of the ECG cable.
Normal mode (pilot mode is off) To follow catheter tip positioning through P variation: - P is biphasic: colour indicator 4 is orange.
3 – YOU CAN START CATHETER INTRODUCTION. An intravascular or piloting signal has to appear on the lower window 3 .
• Piloting and intravascular signal - The lower window 3 shows: • intravascular signal for catheter tip positioning, • or piloting signal to avoid catheter going into the wrong direction. To switch to pilot mode, press on the pilot icon
pilot principle
EVOLUTION can be followed NB Pthanks to P VALUE VARIATION
, to come back to intracavitary signal, press again on
- To mark or unmark QRS complex, press once in the surface ECG window 2 , a vertical doted line will appear. - To mark or unmark P wave, press once in the piloting or intracavitary window 3 , an other vertical doted line will appear.
DATA SAVING - To freeze and unfreeze the signals, press on the freeze icon
- To print: (2 options) • F irst you press on freeze , then, if you have registered patient data, windows will appear, you will be able to enter internal and external catheter length (for Ports the system will only propose you to enter internal length) and finally press on print . If you didn’t entered any patient data, directly click on print. Note: If a printer is connected, the screenshot will be saved and printed, otherwise, it will only be saved in the patient folder.
• F irst you enter the catheter length by clicking under “cm” 6 and on print the trace running will be printed and saved.
.Or click on print directly
, and
- To record the procedure: use the “Record” button to start recording and the “Stop” button to finish it. If you want to pause the recording for a few seconds, use the “Pause” button: click on it to pause and click again to re-start the recording. - To review a saved procedure, click on the file icon , then select the appropriate patient file.You will have two options : •R eview saved screenshots by opening the file “Image”, •R eview recording procedures by opening the file “Data”.
- For AFIB patient: switch on the AFIB mode by clicking on the AFIB icon . - On the field 5 you can see that P became F (for fibrillation). The variation of the F value will help you to place the catheter distal tip at the correct position.
END OF THE PROCEDURE - To start a new procedure with a new patient, click on patient icon recording, press stop to start a new procedure with a new patient.
and then on “New patient” button. If you were