
Infusion Systems

Perfusor Space Syringe Pump Quick Reference Guidelines Sw F, G.H and J Sept 2014

Quick Reference Guidelines

14 Pages

Standby Mode:  Quick Reference Guidelines for Perfusor® Space  Perfusor® Space Syringe Pump - Quick Reference Guidelines  1. Stop the infusion by pressing . 2. Press once to access the Standby Function.  Clear button Parameter Setting Keys  3. Answer YES with arrow key to “Use standby?” • Standby will now be activated with previously used standby time.  4. To change the desired duration the pump goes into standby press  Scroll menus, change/enter values  Bolus button On/Off button  arrow key.  Ok button Syringe holder  To confirm settings  5. Use the directional keypad  to change the time or press  to clear and start from zero.  Start/Stop Space Connect button  6. Once desired time has been chosen press to confirm. • The pump will now start to count down the desired standby time. • Standby mode can be cancelled at any time by pressing  ! If the syringe is in-situ the pump cannot be switched off. Í  Standby is activated after pressing  To link the pump to space control/ barcode scanner  . Software F/G/H/J  for 3 seconds. BOLUS/  STANDBY MODE  Data Lock:  Quick Reference Guidelines for Perfusor® Space  1. From the Main Menu use the to scroll down to the Options Menu. 2. Once the Options Menu is highlighted press to access. 3. Use the  arrow keys to highlight Data Lock and press  4.  Use the and then press  Quick Reference Guidelines for Perfusor® Space  • Start from the Main Menu.  to access. 1. Press to open rate setting. 2. Select the correct rate using the directional keypad . 3. Press to commence infusion. • Moving arrows on the display plus a green operating light indicate the pump is infusing.  to set Data Lock at Level 1 or Level 2  .  LEVEL ONE will allow the user to start and stop the infusion, change the disposable, and turn the pump off. All other actions will require the code. LEVEL TWO will only allow the user to stop the infusion. All other actions require the code. ! Once activated any changes need to be made within 20 seconds. After this a key symbol Í  5. Activate Data Lock by using the directional keypad  Starting an infusion:  to input the 4 digit code:  appears on the screen. At this point any further changes to infusion parameters will require the code. 6. De-activate the Data Lock by following steps 1 to 5 and returning the Data Lock level to OFF.  Setting a Volume To Be Infused: 1. Follow steps 1 and 2 from above. 2. Press to return to Main Menu. 3. Use to highlight the VTBI setting, and press . 4. Select the correct VTBI using the directional keypad and press to confirm. 5. Press to commence infusion. ! Check the displayed value with the value intended. Start only if the values correspond  Í  PRESSURE SETTINGS/  STARTING THE  DATA LOCK  INFUSION  Quick Reference Guidelines for Perfusor® Space  Changing the syringe:  • Disconnect or clamp the line to the patient to avoid dosage errors during syringe change. • Never leave the pump unattended during syringe change. • Pump must be switched ON to perform syringe change. 1. Press to stop infusion. 2. Open and close syringe holder without turning to the right. ! If syringe is completely empty you will not be able to turn syringe holder until Í  the drive has withdrawn. 3. Answer YES with to “Perform syringe change?” • Drive unit moves backwards into starting position. 4. Open syringe holder and pump door; remove syringe. 5. Repeat “Load Syringe”. 6. Check set parameters in the main screen and press to recommence infusion.  ! Check the displayed value with the value intended. Í  Start only if the values correspond.  XX-SPIFUM-09-14  CHANGING RATES/ SYRINGE
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File Name: B.Braun Medical - XX-SIIFUM-09-14 - Perfusor Space Syringe Pump Quick Reference Guidelines Sw F, G.H and J Sept 2014 - 2014-09.pdf

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