
Anaesthesia System Avance

Avance Preoperative Checkout SW 8.X

Preoperative Checkout

2 Pages

GE Healthcare  Avance Preoperative checkout Refer to the User’s Reference manual for step-by-step instructions.  Every day before your first patient    Check that necessary emergency equipment is available and in good condition.     Check that pipeline gas supplies are connected and cylinders are installed.  Check that the equipment is not damaged and that components are correctly attached.  Check vaporizer installation: • Make sure that the top of each vaporizer is horizontal (not on crooked). • Make sure each vaporizer is locked and cannot be removed. • Make sure the alarms and indicators operate correctly (Tec 6 series vaporizer). • Make sure more than one vaporizer cannot be turned on at the same time. • Make sure that the vaporizers are adequately filled.    Check that the breathing circuit is correctly connected, not damaged, and the breathing system contains sufficient absorbent.      Turn the System switch to On.       Do a Machine Check in the Checkout menu.    Set the appropriate controls and alarm limits for the case.  Connect scavenging and verify operation. Calibrate the flow sensors. Do a Flow and Pressure calibration in the Calibration menu.  To check the vaporizers, do a Low P Leak check in the Checkout menu. Check that an adequate reserve O2 supply is available. Check that the ventilator functions correctly: • Connect a test lung to the patient Y. • Set the ventilator to VCV mode and the settings to TV at 400 ml, RR at 12, I:E at 1:2, Tpause at Off, PEEP at Off, and Pmax at 40. • Set the gas flow to the minimum settings. • Start a case. • Set the Bag/Vent switch to ventilator. • Fill the bellows using O2 flush. • Check that mechanical ventilation starts. Check that the bellows inflate and deflate. Check that the display shows the correct ventilator data. Check that there are no inappropriate alarms.
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