Boehringer Wound Systems

Engenex Instructions for Use and Clinical Guidelines Rev E

Instructions for Use and Clinical Guidelines

88 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS EngenexTM Quick Start Guide ... i-ii Wound Care Quick Reference Guide ... iii-iv Product Description and Ordering Information Resource Guide ... v-vi Disclaimer and Warranty ... 1-2 Introduction ... 5-6 Product Overview ... 7-8 EngenexTM Safety Information ... 9-16 Prescribing EngenexTM...9 Indications for Use ...9 Contraindications for Use ...9 Warnings, Cautions and Potential Adverse Reactions ... 9-13 Transitioning Into a Home Healthcare Environment with EngenexTM ...13 Suggested Nutritional Monitoring ...14 Additional Considerations ... 15-16 General Dressing Guidelines ... 17-24 Device Labeling...17 Preparing the Wound Bed ...18 Preparing the Wound-FloTM Therapy Unit for Use ...19 Pressure Settings with the EngenexTM System ...19 Applying the Dressing ... 20-21 Replacing Disposable Components ... 22-23 Changing the Wound Dressing ...22 Removing the Canister ...23 Monitoring Between Dressing Changes ...24 Additional Information ... 25-31 Consumables ... 25-26 Wound-FloTM Therapy Unit ... 27-31 Wound Specific Dressing Techniques ... 32-35 Tunneling or Sinus Tracts ... 32-33 Bridging Wounds ... 33-34 Small Wounds ...35 Multiple Wounds...35 Clinical Guidelines... 36-58 Overview ...36 Abdominal Compartment Syndrome/Complex Open Abdominal Wounds ... 37-40 Acute/Traumatic Wounds/Burns (1st, 2nd) ... 41-42 Chronic Wounds...43 Dehisced Surgical Incisions ... 44-45 Flaps and Grafts...46 Infected Wounds ... 47-48 Orthopedic Appliances... 49-50 Tunnel Wounds and Sinus Tracts ...51 Ulcers ... 52-58  3
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