CME McKinley

T and T34 Syringe Pumps

T34 Lock Off Load Prime Quick User Guide Feb 2014

Quick User Guide

2 Pages

Alert and alarm conditions When the ALERT activates:  1. The infusion continues 2. Three beeps are heard approximately every three/four minutes 3. A screen message alternates with the infusion running screen until the end alarm activates Alerts activate approximately 15-30 before end alarm  Ambulatory Syringe Pump  When the ALARM activates:  LOCK OFF (Load and Prime)  1. The infusion stops 2. The LED indicator light turns from green to red 3. The alarm sound continuously until either the pump is paused or the problem is rectified 4. A screen message indicates the alarm cause  Quick user guide  Feature recognition  Troubleshooting Screen Prompts  Only the STOP, START and INFO keys are accessible.  Disengage keypad lock if further access required.  Press YES to Resume, NO for New Syringe  The current programme has been interrupted and two options are available for programming  Press YES resumes the current programme. Press NO to delete the current programme (to allow a new programme to be set up).  Pump Stopped Press YES to Resume  The infusion has been stopped.  Press YES to Resume the infusion or press NO to continue stopped sate.  Alert: Programme is about to end/syringe is almost empty.  Prepare to change syringe or discontinue pump use.  Low Battery  Alert: Battery is almost depleted.  Prepare to change battery.  Pump Paused Too Long  Alarm: The pump has been stopped/paused for kore than 2 minutes without any key presses.  Either press YES to resume the infusion, press NO to continue pause for another two minutes or turn the power off.  Syringe Empty, Remove Syringe  Alarm: Current infusion programme has completed/syringe is empty.  Prepare to change syringe or discontinue pump use.  Alarm: Battery will fail imminently.  Change battery.  Syringe Displaced, Check Syringe  Alarm: One or more of the syringe detection sensors is not detecting.  Check the syringe and re-seat as necessary. Check screen messages for assistance.  Occlusion/Empty Syringe, Check Line  Alarm: Clamped line, occluded or kinked. Actuator has reached the minimum travel position.  Release the clamp, flush/replace the access device or clear the occlusion.  Keypad Locked  Barrel Clamp Arm and Sensor  Syringe Flange/ Collar Sensor  Actuator Plunger Sensor  Alerts and Alarms  End Battery  System Error. Press & Hold INFO for Details. If problem persists send pump for service.  Alarm: An internal system error has occurred.  ERROR Startup MotMov Fail If problem persists send pump for service.  Two examples of system failure screen messages are shown here, refer to the T34 service manual for a full list.  The user may be prompted to power off and restart, which may rectify the error. If error recurs: Take pump out of use. Press INFO to obtain error message, record error code and summary of fault and return pump to designated service centre.  INFO  YES/START NO/STOP Scroll UP/DOWN  Doc Ref: T34 QUG/Lock OFF L-P/v2/Sept 2014 – QUG04  Program Nearly Complete  Power on/off  Infusion light status indicator: -Green (running) - Red (stopped)  Actuator movement Forward (FF)/Back  CME Medical Device and Advanced User training is RCN accredited and Skills for Health Quality Marked The information contained in this guide is a summary only, based on default settings. Refer to Operating Manual for full operating instructions. Users must have undertaken training before operating this device. Screen information is representative only and some text wording/screen information may vary slightly with different software versions. You must refer to local policy and procedures for specific guidance on pump settings/set-up and use of accessories (e.g. cannula and administration lines). Always follow screen prompts. Before pressing keys to proceed, ensure selections made correspond with what is required.
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File Name: t34_lock_off_load_prime_quick_user_guide_feb_2014.pdf

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