Dräger Medical

ICU Ventilators

Savina 300 / Classic / Select Disassembly Assembly Guide


3 Pages

Dräger Savina® 300  D-12295-2016  D-12306-2016  D-64714-2012  Dräger Savina® 300/Classic/Select Disassembly/Assembly  Dräger Savina® 300 Classic Dräger Savina® 300 Select  Disassembly/Assembly Flow Sensor Open the flap by lifting the lower edge upwards.  Close the flap.  Pull the flow sensor as far as it will go to the left.  Push the flow sensor to the right into the socket.  Remove the flow sensor from the socket.  Fit the flow sensor into the socket.  Disassembly/Assembly Expiratory Valve  Turn the locking ring as far as possible to the right until it clicks into place.  Remove the diaphragm.  Fit the diaphragm onto the edge of the expiratory valve housing.  Remove the expiratory valve from the fitting.  Turn the locking ring as far as possible to the left, push the expiratory valve into the fitting. Remove and empty the water trap container.  Fit the water trap container.  Pull the sensor sleeve from the expiratory valve.  Fit the flow sensor sleeve on the expiratory valve.  91 06 025 | 19.10-3 | KB | LL | Subject to modifications | © 2019 Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA  Turn the locking ring as far as possible to the left.
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File Name: Dräger Medical - 91 06 025 - Savina 300 - Classic - Select Disassembly Assembly Guide - 2019-03.pdf

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