AORTIC PUNCHES with T-handle Assembly Instructions

3 Pages

1  FEHLING  M 25  INSTRUMENTS  2-05/13  ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS  AORTIC PUNCHES with T-handle Important note before starting the disassembly: It cannot be excluded that components of the aortic punch will uncontrolled break down into their component parts during some of the disassembly steps. That is why it has to be made sure that the disassembly is done as close to the worktop as possible so that those parts do not fall too deep. In addition, the worktop should be designed such that no component parts can drop off.  1 Disassembly Fig. 1  2 1 5  4  3  1: proximal locating screw 2: handle locating screw 3: punching tool enclosure 4: enclosure bush 5: punching tool Fig. 2: Turn the proximal locating screw counterclockwise and withdraw it from the punching tool enclosure together with the return spring attached to it.  Fig. 2  Fig. 3: Remove the return spring from the locating screw. Fig. 3  Fig. 4a: Turn the handle locating screw counterclockwise until it can be removed from the handle guide rod. ATTENTION: after the nut was removed the handle breaks down into its four component parts (see fig. 4b).  Fig. 4a  Fig. 4b  Fig. 5: Pull the enclosure bush off the punching tool enclosure.  Fig. 5  Fig. 6: Withdraw the punching tool from the punching tool enclosure.  Fig. 6
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File Name: FEHLING INSTRUMENTS - M 25 - AORTIC PUNCHES with T-handle Assembly Instructions - 2013-05 - Rev 2.pdf

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