CERAMO Reusable Aortic Punches Assembly Instructions

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FEHLING INSTRUMENTS  1 M 09 1-11/14  ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS  CERAMO® Reusable Aortic Punches The instrument consists of two components. Prior to application check the proper mounting of the components and function of instrument. This check is performed by closing and opening the punch outside the patient.  1  Disassembly  After each surgical application the punch has to be disassembled and cleaned. For cleaning of the instruments please observe instructions for use G086. FEHLING reusable aortic punches are manufactured according to DIN EN ISO 13485 and Directive 93/42 EEC for medical devices. Disassemble as follows: a) Lift proximal end of slider out of shaft by about 5 mm and keep it that way. b) Press thumb into finger cavity and push slider towards and over distal end of shaft (shearing head) until guiding peg of slider can be removed easily out of guiding groove of shaft.  2  Assembly  Reassemble as follows: a) Put flat side of each component towards each other. b) Insert guiding peg of slider into guiding groove of shaft (guiding groove has an enlarged opening at its distal end). c) Press thumb into finger cavity and push slider parallel to shaft until guiding peg reaches proximal end of guiding groove. d) Put down slit at distal end of slider over retainer at proximal end of shaft. Finally check for proper function of instrument. Lubrication improves function and prolongs service life. Now the punch is ready for sterilisation and reuse.  FEHLING Hanauer Landstr. 7A · 63791 Karlstein/Germany · www.fehling-instruments.de  INSTRUMENTS  +49 (0) 61 88 – 95 74.40 ·  +49 (0) 61 88 – 95 74.45 ·  info@fehling-instruments.de
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File Name: FEHLING INSTRUMENTS - M 09 - CERAMO Reusable Aortic Punches Assembly Instructions - 2014-11 - Rev 1.pdf

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