Thermacare REF TC3003 Operating Manual

Operating Manual

132 Pages

Table of Contents Table of Contents Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0  Description Page Safety Precautions ... 2 Introduction ... 4 Operator Control Panel ... 5 Operating Instructions ... 6 Routine Maintenance ... 7 Troubleshooting ... 8 Quilts / Training / Warranty / Returns ... 8 Specifications ... 9  Illustrations Figure 1 2 3 4 5  Description Page Convective Warming System ... 4 Power Unit Mounting ... 4 Pole Mounting Height Limit ... 4 Operator Control Panel ... 5 Attaching Hose to Quilt ... 6  Tables Table 1  Description Page Setting the Prescribed Temperature ... 6  1
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File Name: GAYMAR - Thermacare REF TC3003 Operating Manual.pdf

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