GE Healthcare

Vivid 7 Dimension and Vivid 7 PRO Users Manual Volume 1 Ver 7.x.x Aug 2007

Users Manual

670 Pages

Table of Contents  Table of Contents Table of Contents Introduction Attention... 1 Safety... 1 Interference caution ... 1 Indications for use ... 2 Contraindications ... 2 Manual contents ... 3 Finding information ... 3 Conventions used in this manual ... 4 Contact information ... 5 Software license acknowledgments ... 6  Chapter 1 Getting started Introduction... 8 Preparing the unit for use... 9 Site requirements... 9 Connecting the unit... 10 Switching On/Off... 16 Moving and transporting the unit ... 18 Wheels... 18 Moving the unit ... 20 Transporting the unit... 21 Reinstalling at a new location ... 21 Unit acclimation time... 22 System description ... 23 System overview... 23 Control panel ... 26 The Scanning screen... 39 Footswitch operation... 42 Connecting and disconnecting probes ... 43 Vivid 7 User's Manual FD092052-01  1
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File Size: 13.7 MB
File Name: GE Healthcare - Vivid 7 Dimension and Vivid 7 PRO Users Manual Volume 1 Ver 7.x.x Aug 2007 - 2007-08.pdf

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