Anaesthesia System Avance

S5 Avance Quick Reference Guide sw rev 2.X

Quick Reference Guide

21 Pages

S/5 Avance Quick Reference Guide Software Revision 2.X  Anesthesia System Overview Breathing System Components Display Controls Anesthesia System Display Using Menus Turning on the System Start Case, End Case Ventilator Setup Gas Setup Flow Sensor Calibration Preoperative Checkout Alarms and Troubleshooting  © 2003 Datex-Ohmeda, Inc.  All rights reserved Subject to change without notice Printed in USA 05 03 1009 0424 000 A English  3 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 20
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File Size: 559 KB
File Name: GE Healthcare - S5 Avance Quick Reference Guide sw rev 2.X.pdf

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