
Medtronic Aquamantys Systems

Aquamantys 3 Quick Reference Guide Rev G

Quick Reference Guide

1 Page

Quick Reference Guide CAUTION: Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale, distribution, and use by or on the order of a physician. For listing of indications, contraindications, precautions, and warnings, please refer to the Aquamantys Pump Generator User Guide and the Aquamantys Bipolar Device Instructions For Use (IFU). For additional information, visit www.medtronic.com/advancedenergy or contact Medtronic Advanced Energy LLC Customer Service at 866.777.9400.  Device Connection  Operating Pump Generator  1. Connect device to unit  4. Turn power on  Only utilize Aquamantys® System compatible bipolar devices manufactured by Medtronic Advanced Energy LLC.  Verify self-test successfully completed.  2. Load pump segment 5. Activate priming sequence "Priming Underway" indicator will be illuminated until priming is complete.  a. Raise pump head  b. Load pump segment  Insure black barbed connector on pump segment is located toward the front of the unit as shown.  6. Select desired power setting Use lowest setting possible to achieve desired tissue effect.  c. Lower pump head  d. Verify proper alignment  7. Select saline flow rate Unit defaults to medium flow setting if no flow setting is selected.  3. Spike saline bag © Copyright 2011 Medtronic Advanced Energy LLC. All rights reserved. Aquamantys®, and the Aquamantys® logo are registered trademarks of Medtronic Advanced Energy LLC. 71-10-1081 Rev G
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