
Hill-Rom Progressa Beds

Progressa & TotalCare Optimum Surface Performance Guide


3 Pages

Caregiver Information: Achieving optimum surface performance from the Hill-Rom Progressa™ and TotalCare™ Bed Systems. The Hill-Rom Progressa and TotalCare Bed Systems have been designed to: x x x  Reduce risk of or treat Pulmonary or other complications associated with immobility Treat or Reduce risk of Pressure Injuries Use where medical benefits may be derived from either Continuous Lateral Rotation Therapy ( CLRT) or Percussion/Vibration Therapy  There are three primary surfaces:  .  Prevention – Foam with non-powered air cylinders Dynamic Therapy – Continuous Low Pressure air therapy surface with MicroClimate Management® (MCM) Pulmonary (also known as SpO2RT with TotalCare) –Dynamic Therapy Surface, with the addition of Rotation, Percussion and Vibration, and Opti-Rest features. All three surfaces are not a substitute for good nursing practices. The surfaces should be used in conjunction with thorough assessment and protocol. In accordance with NPUAP/EPUAP/PPPIA Prevention & Treatment of Pressure Injuries¹, consideration should be given to the individual’s: • Tissue tolerance • Level of activity and mobility • General medical condition • Overall treatment objectives • Skin condition • Comfort Frequent assessment of the individual’s skin condition is necessary to identify the early signs of pressure damage and, as such, their tolerance of the planned repositioning schedule. If changes in skin condition should occur, the repositioning care plan needs to be re-evaluated.¹ Consideration of nutritional status and continence should also be assessed regularly. The reduction of pressure and shear at the heel is an important point of interest in clinical practice. The posterior prominence of the heel sustains intense pressure, even when a pressure redistribution surface is used. ¹ Ideally, heels should be free of all pressure - a state sometimes called ‘floating heels’.¹ Pressure Injuries in sub-dermal tissues under bony prominences very likely occur approximately between the first hour and 4-6 hours after sustained loading. ² The traditional 2-hourly repositioning regime may provide a useful starting point from which frequency can be adjusted. ³  www.hill-rom.com ©2016 Hill‑Rom Services, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Doc. No: 5EN125825-01, 13 April 2016
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