MONARK Sports & Medical

Ergomedic 828 E Analysis Software User Manual May 2009

User Manual

23 Pages

Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0  1 Table of Contents 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS...2 2 INTRODUCTION...3 2.1 OVERVIEW...3 2.2 FEATURES...3 3 INSTALLATION...4 3.1 SYSTEM-REQUIREMENTS...4 3.2 INSTALLATION OF THE MONARK 828E SOFTWARE...4 3.3 USING MONARK 828E SOFTWARE IN WINDOWS VISTA...5 4 PROGRAM SETTINGS...6 5 MANAGING DATABASE...7 5.1 STRUCTURE OF THE DATABASE...7 5.2 DATABASE ON A SERVER...7 5.3 DATABASE OPTIONS...7 5.3.1 Database Synchronization...8 5.4 BROWSING THE DATABASE...8 5.4.1 Adding, Removing and Editing Groups ...9 5.4.2 Adding, Removing and Editing Persons...10 6 PREPARATION FOR TESTING...11 7 RUNNING TESTS...12 7.1 PREPARATIONS...12 7.1.1 Choosing the test protocol...12 7.1.2 Choosing the test parameters...12 7.2 ÅSTRAND...13 7.2.1 Overview of the test...13 7.2.2 Running the Åstrand test...14 7.3 WHO...15 7.3.1 Overview of the test...15 7.3.2 Running the WHO test...15 7.4 YMCA...16 7.4.1 Overview of the test...16 7.4.2 Running the YMCA test...16 7.5 MANUALLY ADDING TESTS...17 8 ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON OF TEST RESULTS...18 8.1 SINGLE TEST ANALYSIS...18 8.1.1 Åstrand...18 8.1.2 WHO...19 8.1.3 YMCA...20 8.2 COMPARISONS...20 8.2.1 Compare one person‘s tests...21 8.2.2 Compare within the group...22 9 TABLE OF FIGURES...23  2
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File Name: MONARK Sports & Medical - Ergomedic 828 E Analysis Software User Manual May 2009 - 2009-05.pdf

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