MONARK Sports & Medical
Ergomedic 828 E Analysis Software User Manual May 2009
User Manual
23 Pages

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Monark 828E Analysis Software User Manual 28.5.2009
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
1 Table of Contents 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS...2 2 INTRODUCTION...3 2.1 OVERVIEW...3 2.2 FEATURES...3 3 INSTALLATION...4 3.1 SYSTEM-REQUIREMENTS...4 3.2 INSTALLATION OF THE MONARK 828E SOFTWARE...4 3.3 USING MONARK 828E SOFTWARE IN WINDOWS VISTA...5 4 PROGRAM SETTINGS...6 5 MANAGING DATABASE...7 5.1 STRUCTURE OF THE DATABASE...7 5.2 DATABASE ON A SERVER...7 5.3 DATABASE OPTIONS...7 5.3.1 Database Synchronization...8 5.4 BROWSING THE DATABASE...8 5.4.1 Adding, Removing and Editing Groups ...9 5.4.2 Adding, Removing and Editing Persons...10 6 PREPARATION FOR TESTING...11 7 RUNNING TESTS...12 7.1 PREPARATIONS...12 7.1.1 Choosing the test protocol...12 7.1.2 Choosing the test parameters...12 7.2 ÅSTRAND...13 7.2.1 Overview of the test...13 7.2.2 Running the Åstrand test...14 7.3 WHO...15 7.3.1 Overview of the test...15 7.3.2 Running the WHO test...15 7.4 YMCA...16 7.4.1 Overview of the test...16 7.4.2 Running the YMCA test...16 7.5 MANUALLY ADDING TESTS...17 8 ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON OF TEST RESULTS...18 8.1 SINGLE TEST ANALYSIS...18 8.1.1 Åstrand...18 8.1.2 WHO...19 8.1.3 YMCA...20 8.2 COMPARISONS...20 8.2.1 Compare one person‘s tests...21 8.2.2 Compare within the group...22 9 TABLE OF FIGURES...23
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
2 Introduction 2.1 Overview The Monark 828E Software is an easy-to-use package, designed to work with following Monark Ergomedic machines: • •
Monark Ergomedic 818E Monark Ergomedic 828E
This User Manual describes Monark 828E Software 's powerful features and helps to use it in an efficient and productive way.
2.2 Features • • • • • • •
Three test protocols: Åstrand, YMCA and WHO Database for groups and persons Test results can be stored for later analysis and comparison Printable test reports Measurement units: SI/US Comparisons within an one person's tests Comparisons within a particular group
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
3 Installation 3.1 System-Requirements Monark 828E Software needs the following software and hardware. • • • • •
Microsoft Windows XP/Vista Screen resolution of 1024*768 Pentium III 1 GHz 256 Mb of RAM Printer is recommended, but not necessary
3.2 Installation of the Monark 828E Software Install the Monark 828E Software with following procedure: • • • •
Insert Monark Installations&Documents CD-ROM to the appropriate drive Guide program starts automatically Select Aerobic Test Software from the Installations Follow the instructions
In Windows Vista the installation needs to be run with administrator rights. If you plan to use the program in regular user account, you need to set file permissions for database and program directories.
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
3.3 Using Monark 828E Software in Windows Vista If you are running the Monark 828E Software with regular Vista user account, you need to have file read-write permissions to the database and to the program directory. The database directory is “C:Program FilesCommon FilesHurDB30”. The program directory is “C:Program FilesMonark”. Contact your system administrator in order to set the file permissions for your needs.
Figure 1: Right click on the folder and select properties
Figure 3: Select Users and allow file permissions
Figure 2: Select Security-tab and click Edit
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
Another issue with Vista is the User Access Control (UAC). If the UAC is turned on (by default it is on), then the directory handling is a bit more complicated. Database is normally located in the 'C:Program FilesCommon FilesHurDB30'-folder, but when using the UAC, the database location is instead 'C:UsersName_of_the_UserAppDataLocalVirtualStoreProgram FilesCommon FilesHurDB30'-folder. AppData-folder might be hidden, but it's still there. The virtual store method is good to know if you need to take a backup of the database.
4 Program Settings The Monark 828E Software has a number of settings, which need to be set in order for the program to work properly. Settings can be entered through the ‘settings’-window, which can be viewed by selecting 'File|Settings from the program's main menu. ‘Settings’-window is seen in Virhe: Viitteen lähdettä ei löydy.
Figure 4: Settings Window This window displays the settings information. Persons Settings tab contains the default person and supervisor information, Misc tab allows selection of measurement units and HR calculation option used in the program. Information entered in the User Settings tab will be shown in printed reports.
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
5 Managing Database 5.1 Structure of the Database The database behind the Monark 828E Software consists of groups, persons and tests. This structure helps to organize persons and tests logically, just like the files are organized to subdirectories on the hard drive. Starting from Monark 828E Analysis Software version 3.0.0, the database engine has been changed.
5.2 Database on a Server The database of the Monark 828E Analysis Software works as a local database, but the database can be placed on a server, where multiple users can access it. This works only in Local Area Network. The database is stored in one file (by default 'hur.s3db', no database drivers are needed. The default location for the database is 'C:Program FilesCommon FilesHurDB30'. Copy the file from there to an accessible folder on the server. Read/write permissions are needed for that folder. Then locate the database from the server by selecting 'File|Database|Change' from the program's main menu and browsing to the database file on the server.
5.3 Database Options Selecting 'File|Database' from the program's main menu, different database related operations can be selected. 'Change'- option allows to browse and change the database. Note that a new database will be created if a non existing file is selected. With 'Synchronize Database'- option, the user can select another database and import from it, export into it or synchronize current database with it. The user can import an older database by selecting 'Import old Paradox database'- option and locating the old database (used before software version 3.0.0). Note that if the database was used with a very old Monark 818E Analysis Software version, not all database related information were that time available (for example PWC, Manual or Custom tests). Information that is accessible will be imported. If the import fails due to a considerably old version, then first try to update the software to latest version before the version 3.0.0. If that fails, please contact the Monark software support.
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
5.3.1 Database Synchronization In some cases users might want to merge their database with another user's database. This can be done with database synchronization. Select 'File|Database|Synchronize Database' from the program's main menu. First select the target database and then the operation. There are three options to choose: Synchronize – Both databases will be merged, Export – Data will be taken to the target database and Import – Data will be taken from target database.
Figure 5: Synchronize Databases window
5.4 Browsing the Database The groups and persons are listed on the left side of the main window. Contents of the current selected item are listed on the right side view. For example, if you select the group from the left view, then that group's persons will be listed on the right side view.
Figure 6: Main window
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
5.4.1 Adding, Removing and Editing Groups A new group can be added to the database by clicking the Add Group button. A dialog, where information about the new group can be entered, will appear. Information about a certain group can be viewed or edited by selecting the group from the tree view and clicking the Edit Group button. A dialog with group's information will appear. Group information can now be edited.
Figure 7: Group information A group can be removed from the database by selecting the group from the tree view and clicking the Remove button. Please note that a group, which contains persons, cannot be removed. To remove the group, remove first all the persons in it, as explained later.
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
5.4.2 Adding, Removing and Editing Persons A new person can be added to a certain group by selecting the group from the tree view and clicking the Add Person button. A dialog, where information about the new person can be entered, will appear (Figure 8). Information about a certain person can be viewed or edited by selecting the person from the tree view and clicking the Edit Person button. A dialog with person's information will appear. Person information can now be edited.
Figure 8: Person Information A person can be removed from the database by selecting the person from the tree view and clicking the Remove button. Please note that a person who has tests in the database cannot be removed. In order to remove a person from the database, all of his/her tests need to be removed first (see chapter 7 Running tests).
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
6 Preparation for Testing The versatility of the 818E/828E Ergometer enables it to be utilized in a variety of testing environments. The precision and reproducibility of measurement made with the ergometer in conjunction with the ease of testing allow it to be employed in clinical exercise stress facilities, corporate fitness programs and health clubs. The backgrounds of both the individual being tested and those administering the test can be vastly different in these widely varying testing situations. In general, whether in a clinical laboratory or a health club, the subject may be exercised quite strenuously, depending on workloads that have been selected. As a precaution, it may be advisable that prior to beginning an exercise protocol each subject consults with a physician. Before testing, the operator should review the entire protocol operation with the subject, explaining the work, which will be required, and the duration of the procedure. A system of communicating fatigue, chest pain or other abnormal physical response to the exercise should be discussed. For a detailed instruction of how to use the Monark 818E/828E Ergometer, consult your Monark 828E user’s manual.
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
7 Running tests 7.1 Preparations 7.1.1 Choosing the test protocol From the main menu click the ’Test’ menu item and choose the appropriate test protocol from the list, or click one of the test protocol buttons in the toolbar. The test protocol can also be selected with a shortcut key: • • •
F5 – Åstrand F6 – WHO F7 – YMCA
7.1.2 Choosing the test parameters After choosing the person from the database and selecting the test protocol, a ‘Test Pre-Settings’Window is displayed as seen in Figure 9. The preferred pedaling speed, which must be maintained throughout the test.
The steady state heart rate zone is only applicable for the Åstrand test protocol.
If Metronome is on, a visible flashing pacer appears in the lower right area of the testing form and a short audible signal is given to help the subject maintain the pace. (the chosen pedaling speed)
Figure 9: Test pre-settings
Certain calculations performed at the analysis phase depend on the weight information of the subject - at a given time. Since this information can differ between the tests, it is recommended that any changes in the subject’s weight are updated to the database prior the testing procedure.
To continue to the actual testing phase click the Continue >> button. Selecting the cancel button will result in returning to the main screen of the program.
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
7.2 Åstrand 7.2.1 Overview of the test The Åstrand protocol is designed to determine maximal oxygen consumption by exercising the subject at a submaximal workload and measuring the steady state heart rate. The workload, in conjunction with the resultant heart rate, is compared to the predicted relationship, adjusted for age and sex and maximal oxygen consumption is computed. The protocol defines nine workloads at which the subject may be evaluated. The workloads for male subjects span from 300 kpm/min to 1500 kpm/min in 150 kpm/min steps. The workloads for females cover the area of 300 kpm/min to 900 kpm/min in 75 kpm/min steps. The workload selection is performed manually during the first two minutes of the test. The workload should be difficult enough to maintain a steady heart rate of at least 120 bpm. If too high workload is chosen, the subject may not be able to complete the minimum of six minutes necessary to reach steady state conditions. The protocol has been designed to test individuals with a normal mechanical efficiency during steady state; very high workloads can only be performed aerobically by individuals with a very high work capacity. During the workload selection interval (the first two minutes), the workload should be increased until the heart rate varies no more than 4bpm and is consistently greater than 120bpm. At the end of the fifth minute, the heart rate is recorded. If, by the end of the next minute, the heart rate is within 4 bpm or 5 bpm (the chosen value in pre-settings window), the protocol is finished. If not, the test continues until the heart rate has been within the selected boundaries for one minute. Note: If the heart rate is erratic or the workload is improperly adjusted for steady state exercise, the test will fail to complete! (The test can always be aborted by hitting the Abort button) Note: The final heart rate must be within the indicated boundaries, otherwise “ERROR:HR LOW/ HI” will result. The heart rate boundaries are shown in the upper left corner of the Åstrand test form.
Figure 10: Heart Rate Boundaries – MALE
Figure 11: Heart Rate Boundaries – FEMALE
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
7.2.2 Running the Åstrand test Instruct the subject about the protocol and adjust the chest belt for reliable pulse. After the subject has pedaled for a while and feels comfortable with the bike, hit the Start button. During the next three minutes the correct workload must be defined before the actual test can begin. Remember that the heart rate must be consistently greater than 120bpm and approximately within the selected steady state boundaries (4 or 5 bpm). During the test, constant advice is provided through the information memo at the lower mid-section of the test form. After the first two minutes, and each minute thereafter, the heart rate value reading from the sensor must be entered. There is a 20 second time gap beginning from the even minute to do this. This strict timeline is considered necessary, becouse it enforces the proper and constant monitoring of the subject’s performance. Note also that an audible remainder signal is given (through the computer speaker, if available) at fifteen seconds before the heart rate input time.
The heart rate values are entered using the edit box over the heart rate grid.
Figure 12: Clock
Figure 13: Test Variables Grid
The test will be finished when the conditions specified in the 7.2.1 Overview of the test are met. After a successful finish a Test Information Window will be presented. Enter the name of the person who was supervising the test and any additional info that might have affected to the outcome of the test. (Any pains, temporary illnesses, and so on). The test can be analyzed immediately by clicking the Analyze test button on a test form.
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
7.3 WHO 7.3.1 Overview of the test This protocol is recommended by World Health Organization, because it is considered reliable and accurate, and it is in widespread use in many health clubs and physiological research centers throughout the world. The test uses branching multiple workloads, and takes into account the executor’s age, weight and sex. This means that the workload is adjusted at each level to correspond those values that the WHO has recommended. Note: If you consider subject’s level of condition (fitness level) to be under the average at his/her age group, a lower end values of those shown should be used.
7.3.2 Running the WHO test The basic measures in the WHO test follow those of the Åstrand’s. Instruct the subject about the protocol and adjust the chest belt for reliable pulse. After the subject has pedaled for a while and feels comfortable with the bike, hit the Start button. The test information window shown in the upper left area of the test form will show the recommended workload range for the current person being tested. Follow the instructions given in the instructions memo, and guide the subject through the three stages of the WHO protocol.
Before the test is started, the recommended workload ranges for the current person being tested are fetched from the database. Select a suitable workload in watts for the subject by using the workload edit box above the test variables grid.
Note that the corresponding pendulum force in kp:s is shown above the workload selection box.
Figure Ranges
After a successful finish a Test Information Window will be presented. Enter the name of the person who was supervising the test and any additional info that might have affected to the outcome of the test. (Any pains, temporary illnesses, and so on). The test can be analyzed immediately by clicking the Analyze test button on a test form.
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
7.4 YMCA 7.4.1 Overview of the test The YMCA protocol is based on the “Y’s Way to Physical Fitness” bicycle test. The design is a submaximal test, using branching multiple workloads in which the next workload is determined by the steady state heart rate elicited by the previous level. Every three minutes the workload is advanced until the subject has completed three levels requiring a total of nine minutes. If the subject has an abnormally high heart rate response to the initial workload (110 bpm or more), the test is terminated at the end of second level. If the operator senses that the subject is experiencing difficulty completing the third level of the protocol, the test can be concluded before the third level is finished. If the test is aborted prior the end of the second level, no VO2 max calculation can be done.
7.4.2 Running the YMCA test The basic measures in the YMCA test follow those of the Åsrand’s. Instruct the subject about the protocol and adjust the chest belt for reliable pulse. After the subject has pedaled for a while and feels comfortable with the bike, hit the Start button. The Workload tree shown in the upper left area of the test form will change according to the progress of the test. Follow the instructions given in the instruction memo, and guide the subject through the three stages of the YMCA protocol. The uppermost value in the Workload tree indicates the current workload value. The heart rate value at the end of the current level will determine the workload used in the next level
Figure 15: YMCA Workload Tree
The following workload value, at the upcoming level, is shown in the lower branches of the workload tree.
After a successful finish a Test Information Window will be presented. Enter the name of the person who was supervising the test and any additional info that might have affected to the outcome of the test. (Any pains, temporary illnesses, and so on). The test can be analyzed immediately by clicking the Analyze test button on a test form. Note: If it is seen that the test can not be fully carried through, but must instead be concluded before the end of the third level (as stated in the 7.4.1 Overview of the test) it can be done by clicking the Stop Before 3rd Level button. This button is not enabled before the heart rate value at the end of the second stage is entered. If the test is aborted prior the end of the second level, no VO2 max calculation can be done, and test information will not be entered into the database.
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
7.5 Manually adding tests Åstrand, WHO and YMCA tests can be added manually to database when appropriate data is provided. Program will save such a test and will allow further analyze the same as the test was done using the software. In order to add test manually select the person whose test is about to be saved to database and then from the main menu: ‘Test|Add Manually…’.
Figure 16: Add Test Manually Switching between tabs in Test’s Specific data determinates which type of test is to be saved to database. Clicking on Add Test button results in adding test data to the database. Note: Program tries online to calculate and classify a test, however in a case when data is not valid according to the specific protocol, these values as well as whole test make no sense.
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
8 Analysis and comparison of test results 8.1 Single test analysis After you have selected the type of test, the ‘Test Analyze-Window appears. All types of tests have a number of items in common: -
The General Information tab sheet displays information about the person and the date and time when the test was performed. The Analyze of the test tab sheet displays the graphical representation about the progress of the test and the calculated VO2 Max values. Test report can be printed The information about the test can be added to windows clipboard and then pasted to any spreadsheet program for further statistical analysis.
8.1.1 Åstrand The following information is shown in the Analyze of the test tab sheet: • • • • •
Test workload [kpm/min] Accepted heart rate [bpm] Test time [min] Maximal O2 uptake [l/min] Maximal O2 uptake [ml/kg/min]
Heart Rate Curve
Figure 17: Åstrand Graph
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
8.1.2 WHO The following information is shown in the Analyze of the test tab sheet: • • • •
Test workload for each test level [kpm/min] Heart rate for each test level [bpm] Maximal O2 uptake [l/min] Maximal O2 uptake [ml/kg/min]
Max Heart Rate
Heart Rate Line
Measurement points
Figure 18: WHO Graph
Max workload
Monark 828E Analysis Software 3.0
8.1.3 YMCA The following information is shown in the Analyze of the test tab sheet: • • • •
Test workload for each test level [kpm/min] Heart rate for each test level [bpm] Maximal O2 uptake [l/min] Maximal O2 uptake [ml/kg/min]
Max Heart Rate Heart Rate Line
Max workload Measurement points
Figure 19: YMCA Graph
8.2 Comparisons All accepted Åstrand, YMCA, WHO and PWC test results of specified group or person can be compared. Select the group or person first, click the 'Compare'-button on the main toolbar and select the protocol for comparison from the dropdown menu.
Figure 20: Select to Compare