Natus Medical Incorporated

Natus XLTEK Neurology

NeuroWorks User Guide Rev K Ver 7.1 Dec 2011

User Guide

422 Pages

NeuroWorks User Guide  Table of Contents  Table of Contents  Chapter 1: Introduction ... 1 Brief Discussion of the Clinical and Non-Clinical Testing... 12 Subject Population and Test Dataset ... 13 Dataset Description ... 13 Statistical Analysis for Seizure Detection Algorithm ... 14 Results of Seizure Detection Algorithm - Summary ... 14 Statistical Analysis for Spike Detection Algorithm ... 15 Results of Spike Detection Algorithm - Summary... 16 Recommended User Performed Maintenance... 26 Monitor and CPU ... 26 Connectors ... 26 Headbox and Cable... 27 Electrodes and Accessories ... 27  Chapter 2: Starting a Study ... 31 Creating a New Patient Record... 33 Starting a New Study ... 34 Study Information Box... 36 Headbox Option... 39 Patient Tab... 40 Medication Information Tab... 42 Technologist's Report Tab ... 43 Physician's Report Tab ... 44 Touchscreen Operation Mode... 46  Chapter 3: System Tools ... 49 Channel Test... 51 Running a Channel Test... 51 Test Signal Control and Toolbar ... 52 Available Test Settings ... 53  i
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File Name: XLTEK - NeuroWorks User Guide Rev K Ver 7.1 Dec 2011 - 2011-12.pdf

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