2 Pages

How to use the distal-end flushing adaptor MAJ-2319 for EVIS EXERA III Duodenovideoscope TJF-Q190V WARNING  This quick reference guide is a summary of the steps necessary to properly use your MAJ-2319. Follow the detailed steps instructed in the latest REPROCESSING MANUAL for TJF-Q190V  Attaching & detaching MAJ-2319 to the distal-end of the endoscope*  MAJ-2319  Attaching Green flushing port  1  White flushing port Opening  The instrument channel outlet of the distal end is opened opened. (the elevator control lever is in the opposite direction of the ā€œUā€ direction). direction)  2 Shaft Clip  Forceps elevator Instrument channel outlet  White cover  Hold the MAJ-2319. Then attach the clip of the green cover to the shaft of the white cover.  Green cover  3  4  5  Put the distal-end of the endoscope inside the green cover with the back side surface viewable.  Shut the white cover and the green cover with a snap.  Gently pull the endoscope to ensure that the distal-end stays within the MAJ-2319 and does not come out.  Detaching  Distal end  Open the white cover and the green cover to detach MAJ-2319 from the endoscope. Then separate the white cover and the green cover. * All process to be managed with all instruments immersed in the appropriate liquid
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File Name: OLYMPUS - QR 07.308 - EVIS EXERA III DUODENOVIDEOSCOP TJF-Q190V Distal-End Flushing Adaptor Guide - 2019-11 - V 1.0.pdf

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