Medtronic Aquamantys Systems

Aquamantys 3 User Guide Rev E

User Guide

60 Pages

Table of Contents Foreword...3 Table of Contents...4 List of Tables & Figures...4 Section 1: Introduction...5 Section 2: Controls, Indicators, Receptacles, and User Interface... 11 Section 3: Patient and Operating Room Safety...18 Section 4: Before Surgery...20 Section 5: During Surgery...25 Section 6: After Surgery...27 Section 7: Troubleshooting...29 Section 8: Responding to Error Codes...33 Section 9: Obtaining Maintenance and Repair Services...34 Appendix A: Technical Specifications...36 Appendix B: Periodic Safety and Output Accuracy Testing...48 Appendix C: Glossary...56 Appendix D: Warranty...57  List of Tables & Figures Table 1 – Symbols...17 Table 2 – Troubleshooting...29 Table 3 – List of Error Codes...33 Table 4 – Maximum Power and Rated Load...36 Table 5 – Input Power...37 Table 6 – RF Output...43 Table 7 – RF Power Range Settings...43 Table 8 – Power Cords...47 Table 9 – Accessories...47 Table 10 – Approved Neutral Electrodes...47 Table A-1 – Electromagnetic Emissions...39 Table A-2 – Electromagnetic Immunity...40 Table A-3 – Recommended Separation Distances...42 Figure 1 – Front Panel... 11 Figure 2 – Rear Panel...12 Figure A-1 – Saline Flow Rate vs. Bipolar Power Setting...44 Figure A-2 – Bipolar Output Voltage vs. Power Setting (at Rated Load)...44 Figure A-3 – Bipolar Output Power vs. Load Resistance...45 Figure A-4 – Bipolar Output Power vs. Power Setting (at Rated Load)...45 Figure A-5 – Monopolar Output Voltage vs. Power Setting (at Rated Load)...45 Figure A-6 – Monopolar Output Power vs. Load Resistance...46 Figure A-7 – Monopolar Output Power vs. Power Setting (at Rated Load)...46 4
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