
Anaesthesia Machines

Zeus Range Reprocessing and Preparation of Devices Guide Aug 2015


80 Pages

|3  Table of contents 1 Laws, standards and guidelines  8  2 Preparation methods for reusable medical products 		2.1 Classification of medical products 		2.2 Surface disinfection (for uncritical medical products) 		2.3 Manual disinfection 		2.4 Mechanical cleaning and thermal disinfection 		2.5 Sterilisation using validated sterilisation methods  9 9 10 11 11 11  3 Anaesthesia Workstations  		3.1 Fabius family 		3.2 Perseus A500 		3.3 Primus family 		3.4 Zeus IE  13 13 21 27 33  4 Intensive care ventilators  		4.1 Evita family / Savina 300 		4.2 Carina  39 39 45  5 Neonatal workplace  49  6 Oxylog family  57  7 Patient monitoring  61  8 Workplace infrastructure  67  9 Further ward equipment  73  10 Accessories list  78
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File Name: Dräger Medical - Zeus Range Reprocessing and Preparation of Devices Guide Aug 2015 - 2015-08.pdf

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