Teleflex Medical

ARROW(R) Midline with Chlorag+ard(R) Technology

Arrowg+ard Blue Advance® Midline Catheter Patient Information Booklet

8 Pages

Arrowg+ard Blue Advance® Midline Catheter Patient Information Booklet Introduction: Your doctor has requested that a Midline be inserted for your medical treatment. This booklet has been given to you to provide information about the Arrow® Midline. Use it in addition to the directions you have received from your healthcare provider. A midline is a small tube that is placed into a blood vessel in one of your arms and the tip is advanced to a position just below your shoulder. Medications or fluids can be given through the catheter for an illness that requires treatment over a period of time. A midline is an alternative to having repeated needle sticks or surgery to place another kind of intravenous (IV) device. The midline consists of a long, hollow tube (lumen) with one (or more) holes at the tip that lies within the body and a hub at the other end that is outside of the body on the arm surface (refer to Figure 1). Medications or fluids can be given through the hub continuously or injected periodically.  a  b  e  d c  Figure 1: a) Infusion Hub b) Extension Line c) Clamp d) Anchoring Hub e) Catheter Tube (Lumen)  Catheter Care and Maintenance: Dressings:  The insertion site and external portion of the midline should be covered with a protective dressing. The dressing will help to hold the catheter in place and keep the area clean and protected from germs. Because the catheter is small and pliable, the catheter body can be anchored in place by using stitches, sterile tape strips or a special anchoring device. The special anchoring device consists of a catheter clamp and a crescent-shaped adhesive strip. The strip is placed on the arm and the catheter clamp that has been applied to the catheter is snapped into place (refer to Figures 2 and 3). Another dressing, either gauze or a transparent sheet, is placed over the site as a final protective measure.  Figure 2  Figure 3  If you or a family member have been trained to redress your catheter, follow the directions given by your healthcare provider. Be sure to wash your hands prior to starting the procedure and use sterile technique as you have been instructed. As a safeguard, do not use sharp instruments such as scissors during the dressing change to avoid accidentally cutting your catheter. Inspect the insertion site regularly for any redness or drainage, and watch the catheter to make sure it does not move in or out further than when it was inserted. If the dressing becomes loose, make sure that it is changed. If your catheter is accidentally removed, immediately cover the site with an occlusive dressing and contact your healthcare provider. 1
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