
Argon Gas Delivery Unit II Reference Card

Reference Card

2 Pages

Description of Controls, Indicators, and Receptacles Overpressure Indicator - illuminates and an intermittent alarm sounds as the peritoneal cavity pressure approaches the overpressure setpoint; remains illuminated and a continuous alarm sounds when the peritoneal cavity pressure meets or exceeds the setpoint. Peritoneal Pressure Display when the pressure is below 1 mmHg.  Gas Flow Range Selector Low Gas Flow Indicator 1  Tank Indicator, Tank 1  2  Tank Indicator, Tank 2  1  Tank Select Button, Tank 1  2  Tank Select Button, Tank 2 % Argon in Tank 1 or Tank 2  Overpressure Setpoint Display Overpressure Control Knob Handset Tubing or Peritoneal Pressure Tubing Obstruction Indicator - illuminates and an alarm sounds when a gas tubing obstruction occurs. The Gas Flow indicator or the Overpressure Gas Line Purge Button Gas On Indicator  Valleylab™ Argon Gas Delivery Unit II System  Low Pressure Alarm, Tank 1 or illuminates when the tank pressure is below 10% of full tank brief alarm sounds when all available tanks are low.  unit.  supplies power to the  Peritoneal Pressure Tubing Receptacle  Gas Line Receptacle  Refer to the Valleylab Argon Gas Delivery Unit II User’s Guide for further information including warnings and cautions. 1 Prepare the Argon Gas Delivery Unit II for use (refer to the illustration to the right). 2 Prepare the Valleylab Argon Handset for surgery (refer to the illustrations below). 3 Turn on the Argon Gas Delivery Unit II. • Press the power switch to the on position. • If the handset was replaced, press the Gas Line Purge button. 4 Select the electrosurgical generator power settings. • Turn on the electrosurgical generator. • Set the generator power levels.  ESU Interface Cable  Argon Gas Delivery Unit II  5 6  7  8 Gas Flow Indicator  Force FX™ Electrosurgical Generator  adjust the overpressure setting using the Overpressure Control knob. Valleylab Argon Handset • Press the •  button.  Force FX™ Electrosurgical Generator  generator (or if applicable  RF Input Receptacle Flow Rate Display Flow Control Knob  Handset Receptacle  Standard Gas Flow Indicator  Covidien llc, 15 Hampshire Street, MA 02408 USA.  Made in USA Printed in USA. © 2011 Covidien. 1012525  Argon Gas Delivery Unit II
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