
ABPM 6100 Hardware Manual Ver B

Hardware Manual

30 Pages

ABPM 6100 Hardware Manual  Table of contents 1.  OVERVIEW ...6  2.  ABPM 6100 MONITOR ...8 2.1 2.2  3.  Introduction...8 Operation...9 INTERFACE ...11  3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8  Preliminary Directive...11 Prior to Hook-up ...11 Sizing...11 Traditional Cuff Placement ...12 Sleeve Cuff Placement...12 Office Readings ...14 Regular Runs...14 Data ...15  4.  KEYSPAN USB TO SERIAL ADAPTER INSTALL...17  5.  MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING ...20  6.  CALIBRATION CHECK ...21  7.  SPECIFICATIONS...23  8.  TROUBLESHOOTING AND ERROR CODES ...25 8.1 8.2  9.  Error Codes ...25 Troubleshooting...26 GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATIONS...27  DIR 80012720 Ver. B  5 / 30
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